Transmitted: 94-12-05 00:40:03 EST (free0003)Subj: Rockwell Chipset Comm Drivers Date: February 16, 1995 From: NW Arwen File: NWCOMM.ZIP (14621 bytes) DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 6526 AUTHOR: NW Lancer NEEDS: Windows 3.1*, WAOL, Unzipping Program Keywords: Rockwell Chipset,comm drivers TYPE: Freely Distributed AMERICA ONLINE INC AOL DID NOT WRITE, AND SHALL NOT WARRANT, SUPPORT, OR ENDORSE THIS PROGRAM. THE RECIPIENT /USER OF SUCH MATERIAL DOES SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. AMERICA ONLINE INC. ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBLITY OR LIABILITY WHATSOEVER. ***Your modem must be on COM1 or COM2*** This is the NW Comm Driver Set for the Rockwell Chipset Problem. This set of drivers will enable those members running under Windows, and using WAOL, to access the online games Neverwinter Nights, Rabbit Jack's Casino and Masterword, if their modem contains a Rockwell Chipset. There are 3 files in the NWComm.Zip : 1) NWComm.Drv - Comm.Drv Replacement 2) NWVcd.386 - Virtual Comm Driver Replacement 3) Install.Txt - Installation Instructions The Install.Txt file will give you step by step instructions on the installation of the replacement drivers.