============================================================================= Title : 3 Strikes and your OUT. Wad file for DOOM2 Author : George Matyk Email Address : ISCH2 on A.O.L. Description : Well, this is another Wad file for Doom2. It has no theme, just KICK BUTT! This file is another attempt at making a good level for DOOM2: Hell on earth. It is full of monsters, (somehow I keep on using the same ones), alot of power ups, (I still keep using the same ones), and I hope lots of weapons and ammo, (I got through it fine, but, I know were everything is). (Just 1 hint; When you get to the exit room, 1 of the exit signs opens the exit door). Additional Credits : Id Software - Those GREAT creators of DOOM! WADED ver. 1.42 by Matthew Ayers ============================================================================= * Play Information * Map 01 : Map01 Single Player : Yea, I still only play this way. Cooperative 2-4 Player : It should work. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Not set up for it, but, I think it will work. Difficulty Settings : Same as the regular game. New Sounds : I'm still working on that. New Graphics : Standard Doom2 Stuff. Demos Replaced : None (I don't think). * Construction * Base : I Delivered this baby myself. Build Time : 3 Cases of beer & a carton of cigarettes. Editor(s) Used : WADED ver. 1.42 Known Bugs : None Unknown Bugs : If they are unknown,how would I know? (you tell me) * Copyright / Permissions * I made the thing, but, if anyone can make it better, GO DO IT! (But please credit me with the original). This is NOT a product of ID Software, so you ain't gonna get no help from them. P.S. I want to thank all the people who sent me Email about my other wad file. (I hope I answered your questions). If you like it, let me know. ENJOY