Thanks for downloading this set of Doom graphics. I hope you find something you like. All the pre-made sky wads replace the first sky texture in Doom 1 or 2. They can be loaded to view just like any other wad, ( DOOM2 -FILE SKY2M.WAD for example ) or they can be combined with a level editor like DEU or DEU2. See the documentation provided with the editor for more info on how to do that. These sky textures are original, and are total freeware, so do what you like. A mention of me in your new level docs would be nice though. ;) Sky2m.wad is my favorite. Some of these turned out better than others, so take a look at them all before deciding. The .wads with "2" in the title are for Doom 2. (duh!) I'd like to hear from you if you use one of these, and I'd like to try the level if you made it for Doom 2, so upload it to Software Creations. Drop a message to John Krutke on Software Creations BBS (internet address Or on my own bbs: Vital Signs 414-426-8740 28.8 v.34 24hrs