=============================================================== Title : RIDER03.WAD Author : Ryan Feltrin Email Address : 9307923J@levels.unisa.edu.au Description : My latest PWAD. I spent a LOT of time writing and altering this level, to make sure it's "Optimized for Maximum enjoyment" (man that sounds corny). Misc Game Info : The hardest thing about this level is getting BFG. To do this, you must warp through the teleporter corresponding to the one next to the door that keeps shutting when you walk up to it. Then just step down and through the the doorway. I'll leave the rest to you to figure out. ps. I LOVE the BFG room! Additional Credits to : The Beta-Tester of Beta-Testers, Raji! Thnx dude! ID Software. Ben Morris, author of DCK. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map Level # : Map 04 Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. My only PWAD with 4 player capability. COOL! Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : What base? Only phonies use other peoples WADs Build Time : Spread over a week of doing not much else ;-) Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2 Known Bugs : Uh uh, no way! I hate buggy levels! I really do! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels, if they have a spare PC to donate !! Have FUN! úJRú