INTRODUCTION TO FREE NUTRITION WIZARD/QUICK-TEST +++ WELCOME TO NUTRITION WIZARD/QT ++ Where to Find Information This document (file MANUAL.TXT) will get you started: Installation information How to start Nutrition Wizard/QT How to use the help system Basic instructions The remaining documentation for Nutrition Wizard/QT is available via the Nutrition Wizard/QT help system while you use the program. Also supplied with this program are the following text files: BROCHURE.TXT -- Exciting information about Nutrition Wizard Deluxe QUICK.TXT -- Quick summaries of how to use Nutrition Wizard/QT If you want or need more detailed printed information, we suggest you upgrade to the complete Nutrition Wizard package which includes many more features and capabilities plus a 200 page nutrition, health and user guide. ++ What is Nutrition Wizard/QT? Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test is a free introduction to the ease and value of computer-assisted nutrition-improvement using the Nutrition Wizard family of products. It is a simplified version of full-featured Nutrition Wizard Deluxe. You can obtain Nutrition Wizard Deluxe (version 2.5) for only $29.95. See the information file BROCHURE.TXT or the section in the Information menu of Nutrition Wizard/QT. ++ What Is Nutrition Wizard? Eating right is essential to good health. A good diet makes you healthier, feel better and live longer. Many, perhaps most, health problems, including heart disease and cancer, are diet-related. Experts believe a good diet can add four years to your lifespan. Unfortunately, most of us still don't eat very well. For example, nearly all of us eat way too much fat, making us susceptible to heart disease. Fewer than 1/2 of U.S. women get enough calcium making them targets for brittle bones. Lack of fiber is linked to colon cancer. The list is almost endless. Nutrition Wizard makes watching what you eat easy, enlightening and fun. It's the high-quality nutrition improvement software that provides long-lasting health insurance for you and your entire family. It helps you and your entire family eat better, easily. Nutrition Wizard lets you improve your eating patterns at your own pace, without having to understand nutrition, read a food label or figure out food groups. Nutrition Wizard makes it easy to find out the nutrition in the food you eat: 1. Tell Nutrition Wizard what you ate by selecting food items from a menu. An entire meal takes less than a minute. 2. Nutrition Wizard immediately shows the nutrition on the screen in plain English and in an easy-to-read "gas gauge" form. 3. Get a complete report including a personal evaluation and comments. The report appears on the screen instantly. Press another key to print it. You don't have to know anything about nutrition to use Nutrition Wizard. It quietly watches sources of calories (such as fats and protein), cholesterol and fiber for you. But rather than forcing you to swim through a sea of numbers, the Wizard simply tells you where you need improvement and how to accomplish it. If you are weight-conscious, Nutrition Wizard also counts calories for you. But Nutrition Wizard is far more than a calorie-counting program. It emphasizes eating WELL. Good eating habits are a key to permanent weight loss. Nutrition Wizard will teach you to reduce the empty calories and junk in your diet. ++ An Important Note about Using Nutrition Wizard/QT Nutrition Wizard/QT does not give medical advice. Nutrition Wizard/QT should be used only by healthy individuals seeking assistance in improving their diets. It interprets data on the basis of the personal information and meal information you provide. The basis for the interpretations are U.S. government recommendations for nutrient levels appropriate for healthy persons and its assessments of the nutrients contained in individual foods. We have made every effort to insure the accuracy of the information supplied by this program. But ultimately, you and your doctor must determine if this information is appropriate for you. Good health is the most important thing you can own. Discuss any new nutrition program with your doctor first. In particular, do not make radical changes in your diet without professional guidance. We urge you to eat a variety of good foods and stay in the mainstream of the most thoroughly researched nutrition recommendations. Be wary of wild, unsubstantiated claims and nutrition quacks. Some can be harmful. Pleasant and healthful dining! ++ Copyright Notice Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test is free software -- you can give it to your friends. However, Nutrition Wizard/QT software and its documentation are copyrighted and subject to both United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. If you wish to distribute the program to anyone, see the requirements for this at the end of this document. +++ HOW TO INSTALL NUTRITION WIZARD/QT Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test has TWO full installation programs: * If you NEVER use Microsoft Windows, use INSTALL.EXE. * Otherwise, we suggest you use SETUP.EXE. This is a program that runs in Microsoft Windows. To install Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test do either one of the following: * In DOS, type A:\INSTALL (or B:\INSTALL) on the command line. * In Windows, using either the Program Manager or the File Manager, select RUN from the FILE menu. Type A:\SETUP (or B:\SETUP) and select the OK button. Both installation programs tell you what to do. If you do not want to use an installation program, you can manually copy Nutrition Wizard files to the disk drive and directory of your choice. If desired, you can then run the program MAKEGRP from Windows to create a Nutrition Wizard program group and program icon for you. +++ HOW TO START NUTRITION WIZARD/QT To start Nutrition Wizard/QT from Windows, simply double-click on the Nutrition Wizard icon. To start the program from DOS, specify the disk drive and path to Nutrition Wizard/QT on the command line. Examples: A:\NWQT C:\NUWIZARD\NWQT NWQT {if NWQT.EXE is in the current, logged-in directory} If you used either installation program to copy the program files, you can also start Nutrition Wizard/QT another way. First make sure that you have logged-in the root directory of the disk drive on which you have Nutrition Wizard installed. You will do something like C: CD \ Then type NWQT +++ HELP ON THE HELP SYSTEM The Nutrition Wizard/QT help system provides information on Basics Commands Dialog boxes While using Nutrition Wizard/QT, press F1 at any time to see help concerning the active window, menu item or dialog box. Press ALT+H to get help on the basics of using Nutrition Wizard/QT. To view a different portion of help text use the up and down arrow keys to change the text viewed by one line. Or press PAGE-UP or PAGE-DOWN to move the view by a full window of text. Press ESC to make the help window disappear. Most help screens have highlighted items that lead to additional help. Use the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys to move from one highlighted item to another. Press ENTER to see help on the highlighted item. Using a mouse, click on an item to highlight it and double-click to activate it. Press ALT+F1 to see a previously-viewed help screen. Nutrition Wizard/QT remembers a series of up to 20 topics. Press CTRL+F1 to obtain a quick summary of how to enter information in Nutrition Wizard/QT dialog boxes. +++ GETTING STARTED To use the main menu system, do one of the following: * Press the F10 key. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select the desired menu item or press one of the highlighted shortcut letters for the desired item. Then press the ENTER key. * Hold down the ALT key and press the highlighted first letter of the menu. For example, the Personal menu is selected by pressing ALT+P. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select the desired submenu item or press the highlighted shortcut letter for the desired item. * If you have a mouse, move the mouse cursor to the desired menu item and click the mouse button. To dismiss the menu system press the ESC key or move the mouse cursor to a spot not on a menu item and click the mouse button. To obtain help on a feature of Nutrition Wizard/QT, press F1. Press ESC to make the help screen disappear. ++ You Will Do Three Basic Things with Nutrition Wizard/QT There are three major activities you will perform as a Nutrition Wizard/QT user: 1. First, you give the program some personal information (Personal Profile dialog). You do this only once. 2. Use the food menu in the meal screen to tell Nutrition Wizard/QT what you eat. The Nutrition window gives an easy-to-use summary of your nutrition and tells you how you are doing. 3. Whenever you want, you can create a full report. A report includes an evaluation of your nutrition. ++ Help Topics for New Users Here are some topics of interest to new Nutrition Wizard/QT users on the Nutrition Wizard help system. You can reach them by entering ALT+H G. * Display screen basics -- information on the basic pieces of the Nutrition Wizard/QT display screen. * Personal Profile dialog -- As part of becoming a new user, Nutrition Wizard/QT displays this dialog to let you tell the program about yourself. This only needs to be done once. * Meal screen -- This is the screen you use most of the time. * Food menu -- You select items from the food menu in a meal screen to tell Nutrition Wizard/QT what you have eaten. * Food Amount dialog -- Use this dialog to tell Nutrition Wizard/QT how much you have eaten of each food. * Meal Item window -- As you select food items, they form a list here. * Nutrition window -- The total nutrition for the foods you eat appears here. It shows either the nutrition for a meal or the whole day. * View Report screen -- Once you make a report, you view it in one of these. * Major screens (activities) -- This is a summary of all the major screens (activities) in Nutrition Wizard/QT. +++ DISPLAY SCREEN BASICS This section provides information on the pieces of the Nutrition Wizard/QT Jr. display screen. They are all described in the help system (ALT+H D). Parts of the screen you always see: Main menu system (menu bar) Program information line Status line Parts of the screen you sometimes see: Frame or title bar Window Dialog box Food menu File viewer Scroll bar Major screens (activities) Label Information panel Parts of a window or dialog box that let you enter information: Command button Input line List box Option buttons Check box +++ MAJOR SCREENS Two types of activities use the entire central screen area in Nutrition Wizard/QT: Meal screen View Report screen Some points about these screen activities: * Each screen is made of one or more frameless windows (windows with only a title at the top). * The Meal screen is the one you see most. * The View Report screen does not have a Food Menu window. * Nutrition Wizard/QT uses dialog boxes to obtain other information from you. Only one window in a screen is active and highlighted at a time. There are three ways to move BETWEEN windows in a major screen: * Click somewhere on the desired window using a mouse. * Press TAB repeatedly until the desired window and item are highlighted. * Press the F6 key or ALT+W N (Window|Next from the main menu) until the desired window is highlighted. Sometimes a window has more than one object -- perhaps an input line and command buttons. To move between objects WITHIN a window * Press the TAB or SHIFT+TAB key or * Click somewhere on the desired control object using a mouse once the window is active. A window with several controls behaves just like a dialog box except you cannot dismiss it. +++ YOU ENTER DATA USING DIALOG BOXES A dialog box is a framed, pop-up window containing a collection of objects such as input lines, check boxes or command buttons you use to enter data. Dialog boxes have three basic purposes: * Many Nutrition Wizard/QT commands cause a dialog box to appear in order to allow you to enter or view information. * Sometimes Nutrition Wizard/QT itself causes a dialog box to appear. For example, when you try to exit the program and you have meal information that has not yet been saved, it automatically provides a dialog box asking if you want to save the information. * A dialog box containing a system message (an error notice or warning) may appear. You can only read what it says. You then tell it to disappear. When a dialog box is active, the surrounding screen elements, including the main menu system, do not operate. You can, however, obtain help by pressing F1. Unlike the windows that make up major screen activities, a dialog box window is a temporary object. It disappears whenever you tell it to disappear. To use a dialog box, enter information into the various objects in any order. The two major navigation keys are * TAB -- Moves to the next item, usually down or to the right. Pressing TAB at the last item selects the first item. * SHIFT+TAB -- Moves to the previous item. Pressing SHIFT+TAB at the first item selects the last item. When you are finished and satisfied with the dialog, press the OK command button (or press the ENTER key). To dismiss the dialog box without using any changes you entered, select the Cancel command button (or press the ESC key). Nearly all dialog boxes have two standard command buttons: * OK -- Activating this button means that you are finished with this dialog box and want Nutrition Wizard/QT to use its contents. All OK buttons use the ENTER key as the shortcut. * Cancel -- This button means that you are finished with this dialog box but you do not want Nutrition Wizard/QT to use its contents. This is the "I changed my mind" button. All Cancel buttons use the ESC key as the shortcut. Using a mouse to click on the small box in the upper left corner of the frame is also the same as Cancel. +++ WHEN YOU CAN'T FIND THE PRECISE FOOD, PICK SOMETHING SIMILAR We carefully chose the foods in the Nutrition Wizard food menu to provide the most often eaten foods without overwhelming you with choices. Sometimes you won't find the exact food, particularly with mixed dishes. When this happens, do one of two things: * Choose a similar food. * If the food is a mixture of ingredients, select the major ingredients. !!! Remember, the foods and amounts you select in Nutrition Wizard are always only approximations. Don't worry about getting foods and amounts precisely correct. You can't do it anyway. The guesses balance out and in the end you still get a good picture of your eating habits. +++ DISTRIBUTION RULES AND FILE LIST As stated earlier, Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test is free software. However, both the software and its documentation are copyrighted and subject to United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. If you distribute this program you are permitted to charge a nominal copying/shipping/handling fee of up to $6. Anyone distributing the program (free or not) must distribute an entire set of unmodified files: INSTALL.EXE INSTALL.INF SETUP.EXE SETUP.INF MAKEGRP.EXE MAKEBAT.EXE NWQT.EXE NW.HLP NW.DB1 NW.DB4 NWQT.PIF NWQT.ICO NWQT.BA$ 2NWQT.BA$ README.BAT VIEWFILE.EXE MANUAL.TXT QUICK.TXT BROCHURE.TXT FILE_ID.DIZ Copyright 1995 QPlus Inc. Nutrition Wizard and QPlus are trademarks of QPlus Inc.