SLUMMIT (Students' Literary Underground Multi-media Magazine & Interactive Teacher), an electronic litarary arts magazine, features student, teacher, and guest artists and asks each reader to respond to at least one artist or the editors via e-mail at or or via CompuServe at 72142,2555 or via snail mail to SLUMMIT, Attention: Thurmond, Westbury High School, Houston, TX 77035. To install SLUMMIT on your "C" drive, unzip in any directory of your "C" drive and type "setup.bat". SLUMMIT contains "wav" files of literary readings and original music that may be run on any "wav" compatible PC software. Future issues of SLUMMIT will contain "gif" files of original student art. As SLUMMIT evolves, more features will be added to its main program, "Slummit.exe", including a sound player and graphic viewer. Future issues of SLUMMIT may be obtained by sending e-mail or snail mail to any of the addresses above. Submissions to SLUMMIT are encouraged and submission guidelines are delineated in the the program Slummit.exe. SLUMMIT is produced by students of Westbury High School in Houston, Texas.