Helium by Jeff Hathorn Helium is the second element on the periodic table. It has two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons. Its atomic number is two and its atomic mass is about four. Helium is lighter than air (which has helium in it) so it makes balloons float. Helium is used to pressurize rockets. Helium: "You couldn't even get off the ground" Rocket: "Get off my back! It's too much pressure!" Helium also makes people talk weird when inhaled. I will now attempt to describe how helium accomplishes this in my mind. I think that the helium surrounds the larynx, or organ used in speech, and tightens the vocal cord. This would have the same effect as gradually tightening a rubber band and plucking it. This is not as interesting as the after affect of talking like your favorite Disney character. Helium is used in weddings, oops, welding. It is put on metals to protect them from oxygen. Helium is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. I would assume that it is textureless, and soundless but I might be wrong. Helium, on the periodic table, is after hydrogen and before lithium and it was discovered in 1895 by Sir William Ramsay in Great Britian. (Hey guys, look what I found!) Helium is my favorite element next to gold, silver, mercury, hydrogen, oxygen, plutonium, and neon. If you don't have a favorite element, collect them all.