Belongings by Angela Lemond Whom do I belong to? Am I yours? Are you mine? Daughter. Sister. Friend. Enemy. Child. Woman. We are going at it again. This time in my college dorm room. My pretty perfect room with the flowered bedspread, dried flower arrangements, sorority pin, and mauve carpet. I must have the mauve carpet to bring out the color in the bed cover. "What do you think of my room? Nice, huh?" "It's okay." We start off all right. Strange really, you called unexpectedly to tell me that you wanted to come visit. You've been in college three years. Me only one. You never asked to come up before. "You want to come for a visit? Sure! We'll have a blast! I'm so glad you called. I miss you." Well, day one went okay. Perhaps that is because you slept most of the day. "You want to go to class with me?" "No, I'm tired." "Should I skip? We could go do something together." "No." I told everyone you were coming, all my friends. Do you want to meet my sister? My sister's here. My older sister came up for a visit. You're gonna love her! For some reason you didn't like my friends much. I think you said that they weren't your "kind of people". Somehow I thought you would like them more. So they aren't as sophisticated as you crowd, l bet they are my friends--they are all I've got up here." "So, what do you guys do up here all day with no men? You must sit and eat all day. That's what you do. I've never seen so many fat women in all my life! Doesn't the sun ever come out? Everyone up here needs a tan. you've been working out haven't you? ...You're taking dance classes every day? You shouldn't exercise so much. I've told you before you always look so bulky when you exercise. You're too short for all that. It really makes you look fat." Woman? No, child. I guess I'm still a child. Your child in a way, how did that happen? How did I become your child? I keep thinking of that picture of the two of us. You are only two years old; I a six months. We're at a park. You are sitting down with your legs spread. there's a little fat thing plopped between your legs. I t looks like a fat little Indian wrapped in a big multi-colored blanket. I'm told that it is me. everyone says, "Look at Michelle holding her babydoll." Maybe you always have been the mommy. So many times I have resented that. I felt like I had two mothers to answer to. first there was you, and then Mom. Why is it you first? Maybe you resented it too. I'm 15 years old. I'm going to the Bearkadette Ball. I'm on the drill team. They say that I've got the highest kicks on the line. For some very good reason that I have since forgotten I decide to get drunk with my girl friends on the telephone party line. I'm home alone. l you ran out to pick up my flowers. I seem to be rather incapacitated when you return. you dress me and comb my hair. you take time to make up my face. I look like a Barbie doll--a Black Barbie doll. I never thanked you for that. Thank you. You try to pull me together. "See if you can walk. If you can make it down the hall without falling I'll hear you sneak past Dad." So, like I said we got through day one. You slept a lot. Day two wasn't as good. HE called. "He's my friend. What is he doing calling you?" "Michelle, I really think I like this guy. He's special. We've gotten to be very close. Can't you understand? Please don't do this." Well, you know the rest. We scream. You tell me that I've never been a good sister or a friend. I believe you. You tell me that you hate me and can never forgive me for all the things that I've done to you. I believe you. I cry. I leave the room and stay with a friend that night. you pack all night and leave at 5 a.m. the next morning. My friends think we're strange. The people in the dorm whisper about the two crazy sisters. "I always thought she was normal." "But look how they acted. And they let everyone hear! I always heard they were a real emotional kind of people." "Yeah, they're so overly sensitive." You never did come up for another weekend visit. We never really resolved the real issues. You got married and became a mom; I went on with my life and found someone else. We both lost touch with him. We found that he wasn't as important as we once thought. What were the real issues? I secretly wonder if you still hate me. Whom do I belong to? Am I yours? Daughter. Sister. Friend. Enemy. Child. Woman.