WRITER'S GUIDELINES ===================================================================== <<(*=-- DREAM FORGE --=*)>> MAGAZINE <<((*=-- The electronic for your mind! --=*))>> ===================================================================== (formerly RANDOM ACCESS HUMOR and RUNE'S RAG) DREAM FORGE Dream Forge, Inc., 6400 Baltimore National Pike, #201 Baltimore, MD 21228-3915 BBS: (410) 255-6229 (data to 28800 bps) Publisher: Dave Bealer Managing Editor: Rick Arnold dbealer@dreamforge.com 75537.1415@compuserve.com WRITER'S GUIDELINES for DREAM FORGE e-magazine: forge, v.t.; from L. fabricari, to make, construct; from _faber_, a workman, artisan. 2. to make by or as by this method; to form; to shape; to produce. syn. make; hammer; invent. Monthly e-magazine for a thinking and literate readership, 95% freelance written. Will work with new and underpublished writers. Publishes ms average of 1-2 months after acceptance. Takes first serial rights, will accept one time rights on reprints. Pays approximately 30 days after publication. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. "Looking for stories with a positive message, even if the message is hidden deep within the fabric of the work." Preferred length 1,000 to 2,000 words, fiction 2,000 to 4,500. Writer's guidelines for #10 SASE or download as DF_GUIDE.TXT. Sample e-copy and guidelines on dos disk for $2.00 with SAS(M)ailer. METHOD OF SUBMISSION: Send your ASCII ms by data Modem to: DREAM FORGE BBS, (410) 437-3463 to Sysop; file attach to FIDO address 1:261/1129; WRITERS BIZ (412) 588-7863 to Sysop; f/a to FIDO 1:2601/522; or INTERNET to: dbealer@dreamforge.com, or Via mail on a DOS disk: uncompressed, pure ASCII, with two copies of the ms on the disk, e.g. MYSTUFF1.DBC, MYSTUFF2.DBC. Where mystuff1 is the file name and .DBC the extension consisting of your initials. Include a short Bio with your submission, e.g. ALLANPOE.BIO; 5 TO 10 lines with a 70 column maximum. If you're submitting on paper, it had best be short, very good, and expect a much longer processing time. Important: Include an e-mail contact address, or BBS number for e-mail along with your home phone (contact hours), and postal address. All manuscripts will be considered disposable, unless you provide RETURN mailer and sufficient postage. NONFICTION: Humor, satire, essays, reviews, Op-ed, and political commentary from 1000-4000 words. Pays $10-$100, plus profit sharing. FICTION: Short stories most any genre from 1000-6000 words, longer works will be serialized; accepts humorous short-shorts under 1,000. Pays $10-$100, plus profit sharing. POETRY: Any style and length will pay: $2-$20, plus profit sharing. DREAM FORGE shares profits with authors; where 10% of profits, from specific revenues, are paid on a pro-rated basis as a bonus to the authors from the issue in which the authors' work appears. Details of the profit sharing are contained in the authors' contract. ********************* If you are an overly successful author, you may decline payment, and your funds will be donated to targeted non-profit agencies which DREAM FORGE, Inc. supports: Reading Is Fundamental, Laubach Literacy International, and Literacy Volunteers of America. *** ===================================================================== "There's no fiction as imaginative as that seen on the nightly news." * DREAM FORGE is a trademark of Dream Forge, Inc. ===================================================================== {DF Document: WRITERS.TXT} Other DF documents available: info@dreamforge.com DREAM FORGE Subscription Info odfd@dreamforge.com Info for prospective Official DREAM FORGE Distributors order@dreamforge.com Personal Subscription Order Form olorder@dreamforge.com Online Display Subscription Order Form odfdfrm@dreamforge.com ODFD Application Form