Canadian Medical Research Mystery DOD Positive Ozone / HIV Results Ignored C. 1994 by Ed McCabe, nvestigative Reporter, and author of the bestseller "Oxygen Therapies" Non-Profit Reproduction Encouraged Commercial Reproduction Encouraged With permission please. The story of a mystery within the modern Canadian Medical Establishment. A proven safe and effective treatment for alleviating AIDS symptoms is being hidden from view. Summary: Various Canadian government and military and commercial representatives got together in 1989-1990 to allegedly test the safety and effectiveness of "ozone therapy" in the treatment of AIDS. Two small pilot studies were undertaken. This resulted in the 1991 Publication: The use of ozone-treated blood in the therapy of HIV infection and immune disease - a small pilot study (phase 1 was 10 patients, phase 2 was 14 patients) of medical ozone's safety and efficacy. "AIDS" 5:981-984. G. Garber, D Cameron, N Hawley-Foss, D Greenway and M. Shannon(1). The methods used were antiquated, and the device quality control was non-existent by any objective standard, and the actual published conclusions were exactly opposite to the conclusions written up by one of the chief investigators. This is a study the rare detractors of medical ozone like to quote, to falsely try and promote a viewpoint that it doesn't work. I say falsely, because we know for a fact that such detractors parade the false published version of this study out instantly, while hundreds of positive medical ozone references held in their possession remain strangely ignored. Hundreds of references were sent to one of them, the U.S. FDA, and they have admitted having them - in writing, yet they never mention them. Modern Medical Ozone therapy consists of taking three combined very active atoms of pure oxygen (ozone) and surrounding all the anaerobic (can't live in oxygen) primitive cell bacteria, viruses, funguses and parasites with it. This active form of pure oxygen makes it impossible for the quickly oxidized microbes to live, and ozone is also harmless to normal healthy human cells when used correctly. All the secondary infections, and possibly even the prime infection either go away, or enter a level of remission concurrent with the procedures and methods applied, including the pre-treatment health of the patient. When applied properly, meaning using correct procedures, delivery methods, concentrations, volumes, and durations, ozone is extremely safe and effective, according to published animal and human studies over the past one hundred years (2,3,4). In an early (early for North American research), Canadian establishment attempt to see if there is any validity to the overwhelmingly positive reports on medical ozone coming out of Europe, and, to see if it was safe, an outdated and poorly executed ozone protocol was used in a "small pilot" study by researchers inexperienced in the use of ozone therapies. Outdated because the method chosen was deemed painful and ineffective in 1938(5), and inexperienced, because they had never used ozone before. Modern medical ozone application has a few significant procedures that classically trained scientists outside the field know nothing about, since the many ozone therapy procedures are not taught in North American and Canadian medical schools. These investigators incorrectly chose the delivery method of minor autohemotherapy as their starting point. This was a backwards decision when we consider that ozone has been in use by thousands of European physicians for over 50 years, and far better methods are currently in use worldwide. The minor autohemotherapy method (min AH) they chose involved withdrawing a small amount of blood, mixing ozone into it - to kill the viruses, and then re-injecting the dead viruses - this is the immunization theory. Minor autohemotherapy is a poor cousin to major autohemotherapy, which is itself now giving ground to even more successful modern delivery methods. The most modern of the successful ozone therapies skip this unneeded dead virus inoculation step, and directly flood the blood, lymph, and cells with virus destroying pure medical ozone gas. This is done in a variety of ways, IV, dialysis type recirculatory systems, ear, vaginal, penile, and rectal insufflation, sauna bags and devices, breathing ozonated air, and drinking ozonated water. Our bodies soak it right up harmlessly because we evolved in an oxygen environment. Starting in the late 1800's up to the present, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions use some of these methods daily. The small pilot trial we are discussing was sponsored by the Ottawa General Hospital Infectious Disease Division, the Canadian Department of Health and Welfare, the Canadian Federal Center For AIDS, the Canadian Department Of National Defence, and The Meuller Medical Company of Canada, now Vas-O-Gen. My analysis: If you compare the protocols used in this study with the known to be more effective modern ozone methods, and then also compare the internal letters of the investigators reporting their documented findings against the final published version of the study, it immediately becomes apparent that the published study was, if not fraudulent, then close to it. How can I make such an accusation? Let's look closely at the facts. Of prime importance is the fact that the very design of the study was so out of touch with current known worldwide private ozone medical practices that it should never be labeled "ozone therapy." It is a travesty to call it anything other than a poor distant cousin to modern ozone therapy. However, on the plus side, one fact stands out on the very first page (981) of this study published in "Aids."1 The authors plainly state: "Preliminary work has suggested that ozone does inactivate HIV in vitro." Then they also state that they proved ozone does indeed kill HIV-1. They withdrew 10cc's of blood, and interfaced 3 mcg/ml3 of ozone with it, and the ozone destroyed all the HIV-1 viruses, and didn't hurt the blood. "The resulting inoculation presents a killed virus antigen preparation." These statements alone prove ozone deserves further study! Let's examine the materials and methods used. Here's a comparison of the outdated protocols employed in the study and modern medical ozone delivery methods: 1990 antiquated (MinAH) Standard private medical Canadian study ozone protocol ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- -Treat outside body. -Inject directly into the vein, or constant recirculation. -Withdraw 10cc's of blood. -Inject/recirculate up to 500ccs, or whole blood supply. -Treat with 3 mcg/ml3 -Minimum of 27 to 42 mcg/ml3 concentration. concentration. -Ozone was heated. -Ozone never heated. Heat destroys ozone. -Injected into huge gluteus -Always infused into maximus muscle. veins/arteries. -Injected only three times -Best applied once or twice per week. per day. Also Ignored results. The published document ignored the results of Phase 1A wherein 3 of the few patients who had any immune system left - each with CD4 T-cells above 200 - had their counts go from 220-230 up to 500. The patients gained weight, and reported feeling great. Instead, the published document stated: "no difference was seen between placebo and ozone treated patients." Reason: I learned from a personal interview with the ozone generator manufacturer's technician that in Phase 1B, the second half of the study, either the ozone generator mysteriously "broke," or someone deliberately sabotaged it, because The ozone generator was producing very little or no ozone! and when the Meuller medical technician dutifully reported this to the investigators, he and this fact were ignored, and the study was written up without reflecting the facts! Incorrect dosage schedules and volumes. Phase 1A and Phase 1B treated only 10cc's of patient blood on only three times a week treatment days. Wrong procedure. This is fine to make an inoculation, but inoculations only work on people whose immune system are fully functional, certainly innoculations are not applicable to a study of AIDS patients and their compromised immune systems with only 50 to 500 T cell count ranges. Ozone is used to sterilize municipal drinking water all over the world. How are you going to clean up the microbe infested waters that the human patients are made up of, by putting only 10cc's (less than a teaspoon) of barely touched with ozone blood into a muscle - and only three times a week? Compare this choice of minor autohemotherapy (MinAH), with its only thrice weekly injections against the obvious objective of getting rid of this disease by cleaning all the viruses, bacteria, funguses, and parasites out of the 100 POUNDS+- of water that the human body consists of. The injected small amount of oxygen/ozone is used up when the oxygen tries to oxidize the existing and incoming pollution and microbes. The total cleansing objective is challenged daily by the added burden of leaving 2 1/3rd days of normal daily living between treatments. This skipping treatment days allows the environmental and dietary toxic intake load to continually tend to undo this miniscule attempt at the cleaning process. There is no way you could ever hope to "keep up" with this method by cleaning faster than the body absorbs new toxic burdens, especially under the stress of a disease like AIDS and its constant bacterial and viral replications! 10cc's of minor autohemotherapy is to be considered only a drop in the pond of the diseased body waters. Incorrect concentrations. The tiny 10cc's of withdrawn patient blood was treated with an equally tiny 3 microgram per cubic millimeter by weight, ozone concentration (assuming a functioning ozone generator). Private clinics using ozone know that a minimum of 27 to 42 mcg/ml3 concentration is necessary for maximum viral kill with a minimum of hemolysis (Standard acceptable levels of normal cell damage). This study used only a drop in the pond of acceptable concentrations. Wrong delivery method. The tiny amount of blood with the (possibly intermittent or non-existent) tiny concentration of ozone was introduced into the body by injecting it into a large muscle. No-one who really knows how to use ozone has employed this method since 1938, when Dr. Paul Aubourg used it in his study in two Paris hospitals. He proved that although other methods of the application of ozone, like rectal insufflation, gave excellent effectiveness, the intramuscular injection method was "painful and ineffective." (5) The actual data does not match the published conclusions. Even more suspect than the above errors is a detailed comparison between the actual investigators' internal inter-office correspondence, and the final published document. Let's look at excerpts from a letter by Captain Michael Shannon, now Commodore Shannon of the Canadian Department of National Defence (the Canadian military forces) written to Dr. D.W. Boucher on January 24, 1990. Note: A copy of the letter to Dr. Boucher and the accompanying data was stamped CONFIDENTIAL and handed / leaked to me at a health show in a plain brown envelope by an interested party who said, "You don't know where you got this." The party was outraged at the following duplicity, but too self-protective to directly challenge "the system." Actually, there was no need of all the cloak and dagger stuff, because a copy of the exact same letter - not marked confidential - had previously been published by Barry Bruder in his work "Ozone Therapeutics, A Current Compendium" in August of 1993. M.E. Shannon CD,MA,MSC,MD one of the principal investigators wrote the following in his final report and recommendations to the superior official representing the government funding, Dr. D.W. Boucher, of the Bureau of Biologics, Health Protection Branch, Health and Welfare, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Canada, on January 24th, 1990: "Ozone Therapy In AIDS/Project #231 Summary of Findings." Dr. Shannon: This trial yielded... "encouraging results" "There has been no clinical, biochemical or immunological evidence of adverse/toxicological effects." "An improved sense of well being characterized the clinical responses of all patients..." "...several patients reported a return of appetite and concomitant weight gain." "4 patients suffering from arthralgic pain reported a significant amelioration of symptoms." 3 out of 4 "reporting complete relief of what was well documented to have been a chronic condition." "The lack of bruising at the site of injection was somewhat surprising." "Three patients showed a significant positive response..." in their CD4 measures. "There were no detrimental effects on absolute CD4 counts for any of the patients." "One patient showed a 52% reduction in the initial P24 antigen levels with a corresponding increase in absolute CD4 count." The earlier Sept to October 1989 series of investigations by Dr. M.O. Shaughnessy at the Virology Division of the Bureau of Laboratories and Research Services "clearly support the contention that the technology has potent virucidal (virus inactivating) effects." "It would appear that this form of therapy constitutes a potent means of inactivating HIV-1 in contaminated blood supplies, and may also provide a means for patient specific "autovaccination" in selected cases." ("Selected cases" meaning those with enough of an immune system left so that an innoculation will make the immune system respond.) "These results are considered well beyond the error limits for the particular assays, and indicative of potential therapeutic benefits which should be further investigated." "As reported in earlier correspondence, (1988/89 Ottawa General/NDMC) several cases of long standing sciatica and one case of severe facial pain secondary to an invasive naso-pharyngeal carcinoma responded dramatically to this form of therapy." "As the understanding of ozone biochemistry increases and potential toxicological concerns dissipate, analgesic applications of this therapy should be pursued." "Since a subgroup responded, consideration should be given to the need for extended follow-up, and administration of a "booster cycle" to commence as soon as possible." DR. SHANNON'S RECOMMENDATIONS AFTER COMPILING THE TRIAL DATA "The results of this Phase I clinical trial are sufficiently encouraging that the research team at the Ottawa General Hospital would like to pursue an extension to the subject trial as outlined..." "The potential benefits of this inexpensive, safe, and possibly efficacious treatment for the rapidly growing HIV-1 pandemic warrants further attention. Your assistance in this regard is respectfully solicited." THE ACTUAL WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED PAPER Remember, these two following statements are being quoted and passed around by government agencies as "proof" that ozone "doesn't work." 1. "In summary, these small pilot studies have shown that the Meuller Ozon-O-Med ozone therapy protocol appeared to have no detectable beneficial effect."(?,!) (Emphasis mine.) 2. "Our work does not, therefore, support the continued use of this technique in patients with HIV associated immune disease."(?,!) (Emphasis mine.) Even with all the problems this study had, they never said "ozone doesn't work," only that the delivery method didn't work! So, if someone or some agency tries to use this study as proof that ozone doesn't work, they are blatently guilty of deception. Although 5 investigators were listed as principals on the published paper, exactly who were the actual final paper-writing authors? From Dr. Shannon's communication to The Bureau of Biologics: "Be advised that Dr.'s Garber and Cameron (Ottawa General Hospital) have formally submitted an abstract related to this trial to the International Conference on AIDS presentation this June." It is also extremely interesting to further note that Dr. Shannon was never given a review copy to sign off on before the paper was published. In other words, although his name appears upon the published version, he was denied any input into the final version of what was said. What forces would promulgate this obvious perversion of truth? One source I interviewed, an enthusiast for Canadian ozone research, stated that he understood "the word on the street" to be that Dr. Garber was looking forward to proudly announcing the positive results at the upcoming big AIDS conference, but when the second phase didn't produce as good results as the first phase, he became crestfallen and couldn't make the announcement. He turned his back on the project. Of course, the non-existant daily quality checking of the ozone generator was his responsibility. So then he either had to go on record admitting that the trial he was responsible for was flawed, or alternatively, make the claim ozone is worthless. History shows the decision that was made. There is another aspect that I attribute to no one person, but I believe it must be considered as a possible shadowy, yet powerfull, influence. Although it is shocking to any sane person to consider this scenario, we must also ask ourselves ask who would financially loose the most if AIDS and a host of other diseases, like cancer, etc., were to actually be improved, cured, or at least treated back to a level of remission? Hint. You wouldn't need huge AIDS specialized government oversight agencies, and their supervisors, huge sums of private or federal research funds, billions of dollars in drug sales yearly, or healthcare workers, or hospitals, or grassroots AIDS groups, and their directors, and their funding. That is, of course, unless all these people and institutions were willing to clean up their lives, stop "going along", and be directed into POSITIVE life affirming employment and enterprises. Was this influence at work when Dr. Shannon was seeking labs to possibly continue the research, yet was told "All the labs are booked up for years on other work."(8) Who would have enough money to tie up all the labs and lock ozone out? Why wouldn't Captain, now Commodore, Shannon come forward and publicly withdraw his support of the study? Who can blame him, we all know what happens to military "whistleblowers." Even though he hasn't spoken out, he remains absolutely pro ozone to this day.(8) Why would the investigators, and all the connected agencies, ignore, and continue today to ignore, the notification of the broken machine? Perhaps to have spent or taken the money to do such an expensive study, and being known as a "respected department," or "respected investigator" with a reputation to protect, and above all a need to continue the funding, maybe it is just too hard to admit your people, or you, personally, didn't do an expensive study correctly by completing such a basic daily task as quality checking the ozone producing machine. Let us hope that more nefarious forces were not in play. And finally, Why would the published data suddenly and mysteriously change its obviously positive data into a negative published summation? Unfortunately, the stench from this rotting carcass now infests my country as well. The U.S. FDA uses this same study as a reference, and seriously oversteps the truth and their boundaries to make the unjustified, and way too broad pronouncement that, based upon this Canadian report, "Ozone therapy does not enhance parameters of immune activation nor does it diminish measurable p24 antigen in HIV-infected individuals." From an actual FDA letter to one of our elected U.S. representatives, Congressman Sherwood Boehlert. Remember, the false published paper clearly never says that ozone doesn't work, but that only the particular delivery system of minor autohemotherapy, as used, incorrectly, and with its broken generator, doesn't work. Quell suprise! I agree wholeheartedly that the protocols, as used here, are terribly ineffectual when compared to normal medical ozone therapies as practiced daily worldwide by thousands. Especially if you try it with a faulty generator. Even with this handicap, the plain facts remain that the investigators used a comparatively ineffectual ozone delivery method, an antiquated protocol, and a possibly broken generator, to create only a killed virus antigen preparation, and then injected too little of this mixture in the wrong place. Even these inadequate methods yielded such surprisingly positive results (when given time to do their work in a few of the patients whose immune systems were still functioning) that these amazing results had to be hidden from the public. So, in summary, a protocol that any serious practitioner would laugh at was used, their conclusions were based upon false data - if the machine was broken, and their fraudulent conclusions were written in total disregard for human suffering, not caring how far back ozone research would be set, or how many lives were at stake. The tragedy of allowing such abberant summations to be published, and to allow such pronouncements to be made based upon the mysterious summations, is that this errant information is repeated by supposedly impartial agency officials to our elected representatives and to news reporters, while these very agencies ignore the thousands of studies that show ozone does work(3,4.) This downright intellectual dishonesty is used to politically justify barring further real research into ozone in North America that would immediately prove we have something ready right now to eliminate suffering and save lives. We know this is true, because ozone has been in use for 100 years by thousands of physicians. (2,3,4,5,6,7) The miscarriage of justice and perversion of facts here is so overwhelmingly evident that I don't know what more to say, but I will say this: Exactly what factors came into play in the minds of the authors, the "reputable scientists" that we have trustingly given the care of ourselves and our loved ones to, when they obfuscated the truth needed by the sick and dying, so as to further delay the introduction of ozone medical therapies in the U.S. and Canada? Why would any sane person deny a very badly needed therapy to the sufferers of disease? May God have mercy on their Souls, for they know not what they do when men trade their honor for convenience. Where are the positive thinking Canadians attempting to go from here? Quoting Commodore Shannon:(8) "Allister Clayton, the Director of the Federal Center for AIDS went to bat for our funding." "The book is not closed on the efficacy of ozone therapy for the treatment of AIDS." "We need more funding." "There is a role for ozone in medicine." In March/April of 1995 Medizone International from New York will be announcing the results (which logically would be successful) of their preliminary 300 patient HIV/Hepatitis ozone trials going on in Italy under the auspices of several universities and The Italian Medical Ozone Society. In March/April 1995, Cornell University is expected to announce the results of their ongoing ozone blood safety and sterilization trials. References: 1. The Use of Ozone-Treated Blood in the Therapy of HIV Infection and Immune Disease: A Pilot Study of Safety and Efficacy. AIDS 1991, 5:981-984 2. Safety - January 1980, The German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy commissioned Marie Theresa Jacobs and Prof. Dr. Dr. Hergetbegan from the University Kilnikum Giessen and the Institute for Medical Statistics and Documentation of Giessen University to begin an inquiry entitled "Adverse Effects and Typical Complications In Ozone Therapy." 2,815 questionnaires were sent out to all western German ozone therapists known by the Medical Society for Ozone Therapy (AGO, Arztliche Gesellschaft fur Ozontherapie). 884 went to physicians and 1931 to therapists. They collected 1,044 replies, or 37% of the total. The replies that were returned stated 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Zacob's dissertation quoting this in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany. 3. "Ozone Vs. AIDS, The history and suppression of ozone therapy in the United States as of May 1994" Energy Publications 305/759-8710 (Referencing 120+ ozone medical references). 4. Get a computer with a modem, and get on the Internet, and write an "email" message to On the first line of the message, put the word "Subscribe" if you wish to be on the computer mailing list ozone discussion group. To download the index and several of my articles and have access a total of over 100 ozone medical references, email a request to and on the first line put get filename.ext (i.e.: get oxylist.txt). Worldwide Web users web to: Or call 305/759-8710 to order the proof. 5. "Medical Ozone: Production, Dosage, and Methods of Clinical Application". Parisian Medical Bulletin - Bul Med Paris 52 or 42:745-749, 6. 1885 Florida Medical Association published "Ozone" by Charles J. Kenworthy, M. D., M.R.S.V. from Jacksonville Florida. Dr. Kenworthy was bubbling ozone through blood to sterilize it. This proves that ozone was in regular medical usage in the U.S. before 1885, and therefore predates the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. 7. 1993 Sept 2, World premier of Canadian 1/2 hour video "Ozone and The Politics of Medicine" by Geoff Rogers and Riener Diedrau at the International Ozone Association meeting, San Francisco California. Dr. Horst Kief from Germany states there are over 8,000 doctors using ozone in Germany and Austria alone today. 8. Cmdr. Shannon personal interview with Ed McCabe 12/19/94.