From the "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine" Video. Threshold Film Inc. August 1993 Captain Mike Shannon M.D. Director Medical Operations Canadian National Defence Speaking on the video: "I was shocked to discover that people traveled to various clinics in Germany from virtually all over the world paying between two and three thousand dollars cash on the table American for six treatments - incredible." "Here I'm faced with a range of potential clinical applications, a huge number of people are using it, a patient base that's worldwide paying big money for something - there's got to be something in this. What is it?" "We certainly demonstrated that Ozone was capable of deactivating the virus, but to our surprise, right out at the absolute limits of concentration, so ten to the power of six virus particles per cc, we still deactivated everything. So very, very marked demonstration or profound demonstration of the potential as an anti-viral agent here, and of course we're dealing not with concentrations that are toxic to the human, but in fact, concentrations of ozone that have been used in Germany in clinics for the last 30 years with thousands of patients, without any evidence of any harm." Inadvertently, we discovered that this particular type of therapy has an incredible effect, a very, very profound effect in terms of managing pain. I mean it had a very potent analgesic effect. And secondly, we were able to discover that blood that's ozonized actually triggers off the production of interlukin two (sorry, spelling may not be correct), one of the immune regulators. So here we were sitting on a very simplistic technology that had promise of literally blowing the lid off of certainly North American medicine, or North American pharmaceutics anyways." "When these people stand up and say that this is what they found, in all likelihood, the pillars of the establishment will start to shake a little bit anyways. It may still be perceived as slightly off the wall and maybe they should go back and check their data again, but chances are they're going to catch the interest and imagination of a few anyways who will replicate it and it will start to unfold." From the "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine" Video. Threshold Film Inc. August 1993 Dr. Michael Carpendale Chief of Rehabilitative Medicine Veterans Administration Hospital San Francisco From the video: Michael Carpendale has conducted scientific research with ozone for 22 years. In 1988, he co-authored startling new evidence presented at the AIDS conference in Stockholm. "We worked on the AIDS virus to try and see how quickly we could inactivate this and at the same time compare it to what effect that had on a healthy white blood cell, and we found that we could produce an enormous inactivation of the virus, reducing it from a million verions down to no viruses at all at say 4 micrograms of ozone and twice that dose had no adverse effect on the healthy white blood cell." In the FDA, drug companies have representatives on nearly all the committees. If there's something that may be very effective and may under sell the average drug company, of course their not going to be very pleased if that gets developed. It might be very difficult for them to compete with that, and ozone is obviously inexpensive to produce, it's very potent, and if it works...if it works as half as well as the Germans claim it is, we should...everyone should be using it." From the "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine" Video. Threshold Film Inc. August 1993 Dr. Robert Atkins M.D. Atkins Centre for Complementary Medicine New York From the video: "Well, I had an ozone generator, and we used it on all our AIDS patients, just about all our cancer patients, and we used it on the yeast patients which was really the largest group. Generally we gave it intravenously, but what's called autohemotherapy, where we pull the blood out, mix the blood with ozone, and in a few minutes gave ozonated blood back to the patient. We found that our cancer protocol, which includes ozone, was effective and was keeping people alive, and without ever having to require pain medicine, without loosing weight, without any sign of deterioration. And then when we lost our ozone machine, the patients began to go down hill. The FDA saw to it that our manufacturer had to take away the business end of the machine, so we no longer had an effective ozone generating machine. That's where we are right now currently. I'm right now trying to figure out how to get around that cause I believe, that my patients, need ozone. The process of putting things through the FDA is so expensive that no small company has a chance. Any small company that wants to put something through the FDA would have to be bought up by a large conglomerate in the pharmaceutical industry. And this, I think, is true in ozone as well. There just wasn't enough money to fight the FDA."