So you're thinking about trying ozone... NOTE: The following information is not to be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or recommendation. Consult your physician. So you're thinking about trying ozone therapy! It is important to know what you are getting yourself into. Ozone is not a silver bullet. It is a part of a whole lifestyle change that you must undergo in order for it to be successful. As a start, it is imperative that you do some homework on both Ozone and Oxygen Therapies. A great starting point is Ed McCabe's book called Oxygen Therapies. It is available from most health food stores at a cost of about $18.00. Other good reading is the Aids Control Diet by Mark Konlee and Keep Hope Alive. This book centres around "Immune Compromised People." It discusses many of the non-traditional approaches including ozone. It is available from Keep Hope Alive at P.O. Box 27041, West Allis, WI, 53227 or 414-548-4344. The cost is $19.95 US dollars. There are also many articles available such as "The Origin of Cancer Cells" by Dr. Otto Warburg at science/medical libraries. A very good source of information and products is the Family News. They publish a free newsletter which is available by calling 1-800-284-6263. Their mailing address is 9845 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, FL., 33138 You should speak to people that use ozone as a therapy. Does it work for them? What protocols do they follow? If it didn't work for them, ask how exactly they did it, for how long, and if they made any lifestyle changes. You should also approach your doctor and see what he/she thinks about it. Remember that many doctors haven't heard about it. Refer them to doctors that understand the concept and/or use ozone therapy. Ozone is a part of a whole lifestyle change. If you don't think that you can commit yourself to change, then don't consider ozone. Change requires time, effort and patience. It is not something that will come and go in a matter of months. As the oxygen supply in the cities slowly diminish, more and more people will get sick. You have to safeguard yourself from getting sicker by oxygenating your body. You cannot get well in just a few weeks. Once you have done your homework, it's time to think about an approach. You must first examine your way of life. What types of food do you eat? Do you smoke and drink? Are you taking any types of drugs, either prescription or non-prescription? Have you had chemotherapy? These are all factors that you must consider before anything else. The body is 2/3 water. How dirty this water is depends on how you have lead your life. The more junk food you've eaten; the more that you've smoked and drank; the more drugs you've put in your body; the dirtier the water in your body. The dirtier the water, the longer it will take ozone to do it's job. You're going to have to make some changes. The healthier you eat, the better off you are going to be. You should consider switching to a vegetarian diet, or at least eliminating some meat from your diet. Most of the meat products that are available are full of toxins. In order to meet the demand of our growing population, farmers have turned to drugs to quicken the growing process. Meat is also difficult for the human body to digest. Some red meats will fester in your digestive system for days on end. Juicing is a great way to fill the body with needed materials for proper health. You must watch which fruits and vegetables you purchase though. Except for locally grown organic fruits and vegetables, pesticides are use to control bugs. Even organic products shipped in from the United States must be sprayed before entering Canada. Make sure you wash all fruits and vegetables prior to eating/juicing them. A 3% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide and pure water is great for this purpose. Aloe vera is an excellent source of nutrients. If you smoke and drink, you should stop. If you are a non- prescription drug user, you should stop. You should examine which prescribed drugs you are on as well. If you are taking AZT or DDI, this will not be compatible with the ozone process. The ozone will spend it's time getting rid of the drugs, rather than making you better. Antibiotics are also bad for your system. Over a period of time, they depress the immune system. You will find that the ozone itself will act as an antibiotic, while enhancing your immune system. You must also stop burning the candle at both ends. The body needs it's proper rest periods. If you're not prepared to institute these changes, then don't attempt ozone. What water do you drink and bathe in? Both should be as pure as possible. It is suggested that you drink ozonated water, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water processed through a reverse osmosis unit. You should attach a shower filter to eliminate chlorine from your shower/bathing water. The skin will absorb up to 8 times as much chlorine in a shower or bath as you get from drinking water daily. You may want to try 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide as an inexpensive start to oxygenating your body. This will not be an easy task. As your dose increases, you may find that your stomach will become upset. This is normal. (For dosage schedule, refer to Ed McCabe's book Oxygen Therapies.) Bathing in H202 is an easier way to do it, using up to 2 pints of H202 35% Food Grade per tub full, soaking for 30 minutes. This is a great starting point, but for more serious diseases, it will not be the only thing that will bring you back to good health. Oral drinking products such as Oxy Toddy and Super Oxy should also be considered. If you have decided Ozone is the way to go, there are some things you should think about. An average set-up will cost you about $3,000. This includes the price of an ozone generator, an oxygen regulator, and the rental of an oxygen tank. There are different types of ozone generators on the market. The best method uses a glass tube. This prevents any types of toxins from being emitted into the ozone during the electrical process. Some are made with either aluminium or stainless steel tubes which are not considered as pure as glass. Other types of generators available on the market are: ultraviolet tubes (which degrade quickly over time, are costly to replace, and don't put off the concentrations needed for medical uses), corona discharge (which have a limited lifetime due to arcing and heat production), aluminium/ceramic wafer (which can outgas aluminium particles). The dual dio-electric units are an also very good, but are very expensive. Inquire about warranty before you purchase your unit. After the initial outlay, you can expect to go through about $30 worth of oxygen per month. For IV injections, you must use bottled medical grade oxygen only. For other treatments such as rectal insufflations, you can get away with using an oxygen concentrator, but they are expensive. The more serious the disease, the more aggressively you have to approach ozone therapy. There are many accepted ways to introduce ozone into the body. Some of these include: drinking ozonated water; ozone body bagging; breathing ozone bubbled through olive oil; rectal insufflations; direct IV injection into a vein; and autohemotherapy. For the first few months, you have to be able to set aside time for yourself and ozone. As said before, ozone therapy is not a silver bullet. It is a lot of work and dedication. At first, you can expect to spend at least a couple of hours a day doing ozone. If you decide to attempt direct IV injections, how do you plan to facilitate this? Do you have someone qualified to do this for you, or are you going to attempt to do this to yourself? Self-injection is not easy, and requires practice. It will take you at least a week to perfect this. You can also expect to have bruised arms before getting it right. You must also consider that you may be doing an injection twice a day for several weeks. Direct IV ozone must be given very slowly, and the patient must be laying down in a prone position. You must also be prepared to perform some sort of colonic (enema) process to clean your colon. As the body detoxifies, you must ensure that your colon is kept clean and free of the toxins. If you are considering rectal insufflations, you must clean yourself out (using an colonic/enema) prior to using the ozone, each and every time. For some, this is not a pleasant thought, but a necessity in ozone therapy. A series of colonics with a trained therapist is advised before you begin. Do not expect to feel good for awhile. As ozone starts to do it's job, you may experience one or more of the following: unusual fatigue; fever; night sweats; diarrhea; nausea. Ozone will generally force toxins out of the body the way they were put in. The more toxic your body is, the stronger these reactions will be. This initial detoxification process could last for several weeks to several months. Do not despair, you will feel better eventually. You can expect to see results, but only if you're committed to the cause. It will not be easy, but you will see results. After the initial detoxification, you will have to go on a maintenance program. This will also be dependent on the individual person. Ozone will always be apart of your new life, but it will be that of a healthy life.