ASK MR OXYGEN Questions about oxygen's use in the treatment of disease that were commonly put to Ed McCabe - the author of "Oxygen Therapies," and undisputed leading journalist specializing in uncovering the truth about oxygen therapies for the benefit of humanity - complete with the answers given in his syndicated column for the past three years. Further info, publications, tapes, subscriptions, and past issues are available from "The Family News" 9845 N.E. Second Ave. Miami Shores, FL 33138. United States of America. Telephone: 305/759-8710 Copyrighted 1991, 1992, 1993, & 1994 By Ed McCabe. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LIMITED COMPUTER BBS READING ONLY USE IS GRANTED TO ANYONE. SELLING THIS INFORMATION, ALTERING IT IN ANY WAY OR ANY COMMERCIAL USAGE OF IT OR USING IT AS SALES LITERATURE FOR ANY PRODUCTS IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. SPECIAL NOTICE: SINCE MY "ASK MR OXYGEN" WRITINGS ARE HEREBY GOING ONTO A COMPUTER FORMAT, I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE IF ANYONE ALTERS THE INFORMATION AFTER IT LEAVES MY PRESENCE. SO BE SURE AND DOUBLE CHECK ANY SENSITIVE OR POTENTIALLY HARMFUL INFORMATION WITH COMPETENTLY TRAINED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS. OF COURSE ONLY PROFESSIONALS SKILLED IN THE OXIDATIVE MODALITIES, SINCE THE UNTRAINED PROFESSIONALS WON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, AND A SAD FEW LET EGO RATHER THAN COMPASSION RULE AND THEREFORE ACT LIKE GOD AND DISMISS IT. OVER 7,000 MD'S IN EUROPE ARE USING OZONE THERAPY AS YOU READ THIS, BUT NORTH AMERICAN DOCTORS ARE WOEFULLY UNINFORMED. - Ed McCabe "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker, investigative journalist, expert, and author of many books, tapes and videos since the best selling book "Oxygen Therapies" came out in 1988. Absolutely nothing herein is medical advice, or even intended to be medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, people, products, and methods being used worldwide. ***************************************************************** FIRST COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN! August 1990 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker, media representative, and expert author of the bestselling book "Oxygen Therapies." Copyright 1990 by Ed McCabe. Q. Mr. Oxygen, what are typical nitrous oxide levels emitted from the average ozone air purifier? A. Air ozonators are not medical devices. Therefore they don't use bottled medical grade oxygen as the influent gas, they use room air. Room air is about 80% nitrogen, and when the only 20% (or less !) oxygen content of room air is turned into ozone by the ozone generator, usually the heat of the reaction makes some of the nitrogen combine with some of the oxygen to form trace amounts of nitrous oxides (NO). If the nitrous oxides hit moisture (in the air, in your lungs) it might turn into trace amounts of nitric acid. This is why the medical profession only uses bottled pure oxygen. This acid effect from improper usages in too high concentrations contributes to allowing detractors to claim ozone is harmful. Natural ozone, at natural levels, produced by emulating nature has never been toxic to lung tissue. Current available literature shows nitric oxides sampled from the output of the worst offenders ("hot spark" type generators) to be about 3.3%, and the rest ozone. Source: Analytical Testing Lab, Los Angeles, CA. Almost every home ozonator sold today uses considerably less "dirty" generation methods than this worst case scenario. Q. At what level should I set my ozone air purifier? A. In decades of practical applications, many thousands of users have used ozone air purifiers properly. They set the output level of their machines just below the point where they can smell the ozone, and under these conditions, no one has experienced any problems. Some set it higher. Q. What connection does air ozone have with detoxification? A. Toxic people, and if you live on this toxic soup planet I am including you in this, have been reported to start detoxifying in the presence of ozone. If the level entering the body through the lungs is too high, the dead bacteria, viruses, and oxidized toxic poisons leaving the body will plug up the channels of elimination making the chest feel tight, or perhaps making the nasal passages and mucous membranes swell up slightly. Q. Can breathing ozone hurt me? A. We all agree that water is good, but get enough & we speak of drowning. Same for ozone. You are breathing it right now. It is part of nature. Extreme levels of ozone make you feel you are suffocating, because the lungs swell to protect the internal organs by not transferring the gasses inside. Conscious people turn the machine down or off long before that level is reached. Normal people who accidentally breathe extreme levels of ozone recover in a short time without permanent damage in all but the most severe cases. The "window of effectiveness" is all important and must be respected. Q. Which air ozonator should I buy? A. Any one of them is acceptable to me. If you see nitrous compounds as something to be avoided, one manufacturer states that their line of electronically specialized ozone air purifiers produces no nitric compounds. All the other manufacturers have been selling products for years without anyone ever complaining about harmful effects - as long as their products were used correctly. Remember, the real problems occur when anything other than a pure oxygen/ozone mixture is used for medical injection, infusion, or insufflation. That, and deliberate disinformation articles knocking our friend ozone is the only real reason why you hear warnings about nitric compounds. I spoke of it in my book so people would "get" that ozone could falsely be made to look bad by quoting some study showing animals damaged by extremely high concentrations of ozone produced from "dirty" generators using nitrous containing air. Q. What is pulmonary edema? Can it occur in the colons of people who frequently use ozone rectal insufflation? A. In the previous discussion we looked at two considerations: The swelling of mucous membranes during a situation where someone is forced to detoxify too rapidly, and exposure to extreme levels of ozone for prolonged periods causing swelling within the air passages. This swelling is called pulmonary (lung) edema (swelling). Pulmonary edema only occurs in the lungs, but edema or swelling in a colon undergoing humidified pure ozone/oxygen gas insufflation doesn't seem to be a problem for the following reasons. 1.) Colon cells are a totally different type of cell than lung cells. They are tougher, and made to transfer a wider range of compounds - liquids and solids - than refined lung tissue which strictly handles gas exchanges. 2.) Pure water and oxygen/ozone mixtures are the only components that doctors ever use in rectal insufflation, so it is not possible that nitric compounds or nitric acids could be formed, since there is no strong heat source in the colon. 3.) Rectal insufflation is over in 4 minutes. It is usually 30 seconds to one minute in application with 3 minutes "holding it in" time, and by then all the gas has gone into the bloodstream. No one ever advocates breathing ozone for medical purposes, in unnaturally high concentrations. Historical literature, such as a turn of the century book on the use of the Violet Ray Generator, shows us that around 1920, ozone was commonly "washed" (bubbled) through mixtures of aromatic oils, like pinus and eucalyptus for example, and then inhaled deeply for medicinal purposes. It was used on such afflictions as colds and sinusitis or for general detoxification. By combining ozone with natural essential oils, the lung irritating effect was removed. Q. For general everyday use what is the optimum concentration or window of effectiveness for medicinal ozone/oxygen gas mixtures? A. Ozone is one of the most powerful sterilizers, bactericides and virucides we know of. Not enough ozone and nothing happens. Just the right amount is shown by plenty of studies to destroy bacteria, viruses, toxins, and old, dead, weak, feeble, diseased, and dying cells that can't protect themselves the same way healthy cells can. Too much ozone, and you start oxidizing healthy cells. The "window of effectiveness" is all important. Externally (skin ulcers, burns, wounds, etc.) ozone is commonly used in higher concentrations than internally. External applications range from 40 to 100 micrograms per milliliter. Internally, as in IV infusions or rectal insufflation, according to Dr. Carpendale at the VA Hospital in San Francisco, and the famous German ozone doctors Rilling and Viebahn, the average "window" appears to be approximately 25 to 35 micrograms of pure ozone per milliliter of total gas. The rest is pure oxygen. This translates to approximately 2 or 3% ozone and 98 or 97% pure oxygen. In application, most users set their machines to produce 27 ug/ml. Many researchers state that 27 ug/ml produces the maximum viral kill and the lowest amount of irritation to healthy cells. See "Oxygen Therapies - A New Way Of Approaching Disease" for further discussions and references. Call 800/284-6261 to order. ***************************************************************** SECOND COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 7/26/91 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker,investigative journalist, expert, and author of the bestselling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely a public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1991 by Ed McCabe. Dear readers, please be advised that I am undertaking an informal, organic, street/clinical SPECIFIC survey of people with AIDS who use or have used ozone in some form to treat the disease. If you are, or know of such a person, please write describing your experiences. Everyone who has had ANY OTHER disease, and used some form of oxygen therapies to treat it, is invited to please write and tell us. Thank you, as our efforts at documentation will be very useful to those who need convincing. Q. Is medical ozone therapy legal? A. It is everyplace else, but it is still untested in the U.S. courts. Mind you, the people I have interviewed who have been told that the disease they have will soon kill them don't care very much about any official pronouncements. If they are sure a therapy will work, they find a way and use it anyway. It is a shame that in this day and age the U.S. health community lags so far behind their international colleagues. The following is my opinion, and not meant as legal advice. Medical ozone is legally used in clinics worldwide on a daily basis. In Germany 644 therapists were surveyed, and The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Jacob's dissertation quoting this in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany. They reported 384,775 patients had received 5,579,238 ozone treatments. The side effect rate was only .0007%, incredibly far, far, lower than U.S. drug therapy wherein each year approximately 140,000 people die from prescription drugs. That's two and a half times more Americans than were killed in Vietnam! In the U.S., the use of ozone as medicine predates the FDA itself, and therefore ozone can enjoy "grandfathered" legal status, exempt from government interference. I know doctors here who to this day have used it for over 40 years on a daily basis. Everyday natural substances like water, air, and nature's ozone are beyond the reach of governmental regulation which only deals with drugs, or machines that claim to cure something. However, since bureaucracies will always tend to try and extend their jurisdiction over everything in our private lives, you're in for a fight if you try to assert these rights you have. Unfortunately, regulatory agencies and other U.S. health professionals have been repeatedly lied to with the "ozone is worthless" gambit by agents of those who fund political campaigns and bogus studies to keep ozone out - because it will negatively impact their drug sales. Well meaning FDA agents consequently erroneously think they are doing a good thing for sick people when they attack medical ozone. Politics mixed with medicine means expense and suffering. For example, the FDA printed in the Federal Register that ozone is a "toxic gas with no known medical uses." Printing this statement is either a blatant attempt at suppression of truth from the highest levels, or one of the poorest research jobs ever done. I suppose if I closed my eyes and ears to over 50 years of safe and effective medical use on hundreds of thousands of humans with thousands of medical references and clinical studies in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and the U.S., I would be able to claim ignorance about it too. What all this means, is that in the U.S., ozone is ultimately legal, but practically speaking, you will be told it isn't, until someone with enough brains, nerve, and lots of money fights for it in the federal and state courts and wins. Ozone is in the middle of a political struggle for its very life. It needs your help. Honest doctors and patients of conscience will either continue sneaking around using ozone quietly, suffering the indignity of having uneducated people falsely calling their methods "worthless, unorthodox, and unproven," or having their machines occasionally confiscated, or hopefully they will muster the collective will and the monetary resources to fight for ozone openly in court and in the press, using all the historical and clinical documentation that can be dug up, because it surely does exist. Q. Should I drink Hydrogen Peroxide? A. Far be it from me to ever tell anyone to do anything. We all have to make our own life choices after careful consideration of the facts. I do not want to violate your right of self determination. Hydrogen peroxide is so natural that it is produced by every cell in your body (except for the lining of your blood vessels), and then your body has four enzymes in it specifically there to digest the peroxide it just made, liberating the singlet oxygens where they are needed to kill disease. It is the first line of defense in your immune system, being manufactured by the lymphocytes to kill germs and viruses. But we can't make it without getting enough oxygen from our air, water, and food, and the earth is running out of unbound oxygen due to pollution and greedy slashing of the rainforests. Over the past one hundred years many thousands of people have at one time or another tried drinking different forms of much purer and EXTREMELY DILUTE peroxide to cure what ails them. It is listed in the 1888 AMA journal as getting rid of "cancer of the womb, scarlet fever, and diphtheria." It was written up in The Lancet, the British medical journal, by British doctors (Oliver, et al.) as eliminating rampant influenzal death in Indian Ghurkas. I have read a multitude of reports on it written over the past 100 years, and heard verbal testimony from thousands of users over the past 5 years. Hundreds of doctors in the US and Mexico have used it clinically on many thousands of patients over the past seven years. It either worked great on hundreds of ailments, or at the very least didn't hurt anything - AS LONG AS THE EXACTING PROTOCOLS WERE FOLLOWED. The vast majority reported it really helped them. When health professionals speak of hydrogen peroxide, or oxygen water, they are NOT speaking of the grocery/drugstore 3%! The common 3% has poisons like heavy metals, phenols, and quinones in it to preserve it, and it is approved for external use only. Commercially, the pure forms are getting harder and harder to buy, due to scarcity at the wholesaler levels, as manufacturers pull back on availability for mostly political reasons. I have found that for my own personal use, the easiest, best tasting, and most convenient way I can imbibe it is in the form of products like Oxy Toddy or Dr. Donsbach's SuperOxy Plus flavored mixtures. Q. Can the tissue PO2 level be raised through bathing in water with hydrogen peroxide or ozone in it? A. PO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen, a method of measuring of how much oxygen is in the body. The skin absorbs anything you put on it, or put it in, and every one of your cells is not only made to absorb oxygen, but must have it. Think of the square feet of available surface contact area on your whole body, and how that directly links to your bloodstream which carries oxygen to all the inner organs and cells. I recently talked to some researchers, one was an MD, who were curious about this very question, so they did some experimenting. They borrowed an oximeter (measures PO2) from the local hospital. Several volunteers got into an enclosure with ozonated water circulating all around their skin surfaces. The Oximeter showed a rise in the whole body tissue oxygen saturation of 300 to 400% in about one half hour, and the PO2 stayed up there for a few days! Water is important for carrying oxygen into and through the body. The volunteers felt wonderful. There is a new inexpensive device that just emerged in the marketplace, the "Cleanbath" bath and spa water ozonator and purifier. It is quite a breakthrough in oxygenated bathing. The Cleanbath saturates bath and/or spa water with ozone, and removes any impurities that could be absorbed into your skin. Everyone knows ozone can do that, but here's the breakthrough: In the confined spaces of a bathroom ozone might concentrate to the point where it could irritate the mucous membranes of some people. This device does not allow this to happen. Although the water is saturated with ozone, the ozone is prevented from escaping the water. All the advantages, and none of the disadvantages. The Cleanbath ozone generator head section is detachable, and makes a nice little inexpensive ozone source for other applications as well, like kitchen drinking water purification. Q. We've heard you have been very busy with lecturing, video, and writing. What have you been doing lately? A. As the author of "Oxygen Therapies." I have been on over 300 radio and TV stations and given over 60 lectures advising people that ozone, peroxide drinks, Homozon, stabilized oxygen products, and other oxygen therapies are being used worldwide by doctors to eliminate or improve many diseases including Cancer, AIDS, and you name it. I reached this personal conclusion after interviewing thousands of patients, and hundreds of doctors, and visiting many clinics in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand. I spend my money and energy trying to educate people solely for humanitarian reasons. I am not getting rich, I am in debt. The general public is still unaware of oxygen therapies, and therefore, so called "experts" - who have had no training or clinical experience at all in any oxidative modality - still get away with proclaiming things like "ozone is worthless." This means that it is left to us, the common people, to get the real truth out. The FDA and AMA continue to somehow ignore 50 years of blatantly non-toxic clinical use of ozone to successfully treat over 30 diseases in Europe, so we must gather the proof of it's efficacy ourselves, without any staff, or government or big money grants, by using volunteer efforts and individual contributions. To achieve my aim of truth telling, I am writing 3 books and producing an Oxygen Therapies Video. I recently went to Florida and California where I videotaped about a dozen people definitely crediting ozone for complete cancer cures, and one AIDS cure (PCR negative). These previously-headed-for-death people hardly think that ozone is "worthless," and many expressed anger and frustration at the policies of a large south Florida daily newspaper. The paper keeps writing article after article saying ozone is worthless, so the people who had cured their cancers with ozone showed up in the reporter's office one by one and said "Why not write the truth of my cancer cure? Here's my proof." His reply? He told them he was "not interested," and ignored them. Is this honest journalism? Should people buy that paper? As far as publication dates go, no, I do not know exactly when my new works will be out, because everyone keeps convincing me to lecture or be on TV somewhere, so stay tuned to "The Family News" for availability announcements. Large and small contributions will be gratefully accepted to help finance these expensive projects. Keep those questions coming in. Thanks, and Happy Oxygen! ***************************************************************** THIRD COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 1/1/92 " Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker,investigative journalist, expert, and author of the bestselling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1992 by Ed McCabe. 1. Should I speak to my doctor about oxygen therapies? Absolutely! We need to have a lot more "oxygen" dialogue going on among lay persons and professionals. In general, there is nothing to be gained by hiding information about oxygen therapies, only more announcements to be made as the reports of total healings continue to pile up. If your doctor has not lost his/her human compassion, he will listen to you with an open heart IF you have studied my book and all the other evidence, and can cite references with confidence. However, if your physician or other health care provider has an ego that outpaces their title of healer, you may be in for a rough go of it. The problem is always that, unlike their European counterparts, US physicians are taught nothing about any oxidative modality during med school or their clinical training. Some physicians close their eyes to our healthcare system being just as rife with political corruption and human frailties as any other billion dollar business, and wrongly assume that if THEY didn't hear of a treatment before the lay person, it must not be effective. The majority medical profession is losing big money as more healthcare consumers become knowledgeable about alternatives that actually work and go elsewhere to get them. Out of ego, ignorance or just plain "to knock off the competition," actual war is being waged by the establishment under the banner of "protecting the public." This includes SWAT team raids on the clinics of ozone using AIDS and cancer curing MD's. The general public never hears anything except "quacks busted," and even cheers that their father figure has "protected" them again. I have interviewed hundreds of oxygen therapy using practitioners in many countries, and the doctors who have used it properly never give it up. They all state it works. They never leave it, unless forced to. Let's remember the words of Justice J. Jackson who said in "Brinegar v. U.S. at 180-181 (1949)" - "Who will protect us from our protectors?" In the U.S., oxygen therapies find themselves in a position comparable to Psychiatry, Chiropractic, and the necessity that a surgeon wash his hands before surgery. They were all once considered "quackery." Although fully documented, oxygen therapies in the U.S. are presently used by only a minority - and therefore subject to all of the injustices classically endured by any minority. If you have the right physician, he won't become irrational if you try and discuss oxygen therapies calmly and intelligently with him, and if he really is in the business of wanting above all to help his patients, he will probably ask for more information. If you're unlucky, and your physician cares more about his ego than actually finding out how to heal his patient, and he does go over the edge, he may actually go so far as to get court orders against your right to choose! So proceed slowly and intelligently with your mission of educating him. And I do hope you choose to accept this mission. 2. Why is 35% Food Grade H2O2 getting so hard to find? I have seen this scenario over and over. People who sell it are almost always people who once had an illness, followed the established protocols exactly, and oxygenated themselves slowly and properly with diluted solutions of H2O2, and consequently reported that whatever was wrong with them went away. Excited by the possibility of a simple and effective way to help their fellow man to be rid of unnecessary suffering, with missionary zeal they start buying the food grade 35% from the local chemical supply house and then start distributing it. Their distribution volume grows as more people hear of it, start taking it, and consequently get well. They move into wholesaling and retail sales, but in their enthusiasm they get careless and start making what they consider to be truthful printed or verbal "claims" for it - which the authorities call "labeling" - and soon the SWAT team swoops down, having been sent by the competitive product Lords. The sheriff drags the well meaning zealots (usually fixed income grandmothers) out of bed in the middle of the night, dressed in their bedclothes, slaps them in leg irons, and off to jail they go, surrounded by unmanacled crack pushers. Meanwhile their homes are ransacked, and the litigation drags on for months, draining their meager bank accounts. All from trying to help their fellow man to a better life. Higher concentrations of peroxide without poisonous stabilizers are volitle, they swell up the bottles and outgass the oxygen. For these reasons they are hard to ship, incur liability, and the people handling it are constantly having their fingers turn white and sting, as it attacks the calluses, dead cells, and bacteria on their hands. Manufacturers and distributors don't want to incur the legal liability of uneducated people ingesting these unstabilized high concentrations without being under a doctor's care, so they pull it back from distribution. Although all these problems can be easily solved, for these and the above reasons it is getting harder and harder to find 35% peroxide. Fortunately, the aloe/peroxide stabilized blends have been commonly sold by mail order for years, and now come in a variety of flavors. They are pleasant tasting, store well, ship easily, and when taken in sufficient quantity, for a sufficient length of time, their users that I interviewed have reported the same benefits. 3. Can you give us an AIDS/ozone update? Gladly, here is some new ammunition in your war on ignorance. This short partial chronology is excerpted from my new audio tape "Breaking The Silence:" Please buy it. This information needs wide dissemination, and book and tape sales keep us going. 1988 Ed McCabe's "Oxygen Therapies" book details 5 AIDS patients returned to health by ozone therapy in Germany by Dr. Preuss ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1989 Medizone still being refused ozone/AIDS human testing permission despite 50 years of safe and effective use on hundreds of thousands in Germany. Medizone stock price still under a dollar. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1990 March 11 HIV infected blood was converted from HIV+ to HIV- in less than 16 seconds in vitro by inventor Basil Wainwright who commissioned Biotest Labs, Miami, Fl to test his recirculatory patient/blood/ozone closed loop "Polyatomic Apheresis" technology on blood from an AIDS patient. A Mr. James Pauls Sr. (HIV+) was treated, at a low flow recirculation rate of 50 to 70 milliliters per minute, in only eight treatments a 220% improvement in his T/4 cell response was achieved. FDA and Florida officials move in and the study is aborted midstream, and Wainwright jailed, being charged with "Practicing medicine without a license," and "Fraud." FDA claims ozone has "no known medical applications." Strangely, police specifically look only for and seize all technical papers in raid of Wainwright home, instead of evidence of crimes he was charged with. High flow rate (350-450 milliliters of blood per min.) recirculatory equipment was in the final stages of development at the time of the raid. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1990 Michael Carpendale M.D. & Joel Freeberg M.D., Veteran's Administration Hospital, San Francisco, UC Medical School San Francisco, Bay Medical Research Foundation, San Francisco. Privately published medical paper: "Ozone Inactivates HIV At Noncytotoxic Concentrations "HIV p24 was reduced in all treated cultures compared to controls." ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Oct. 1st JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY: MD's Wells, Latino, Galvachin, Poiesz finally published in U.S. medical journal. "Inactivation Of HIV Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro" In a major breakthrough for U.S. medical thinking, "Blood," a well respected establishment peer reviewed U.S. medical journal of hematology, published the research of Dr. Bernard Poiesz from Syracuse State University New York Research Hospital. They performed 15 replications of an ozone study that interfaced ozone with HIV infected factor 8 blood. The ozone completely removed the HIV virus from the blood, yet was non toxic to the normal healthy blood components. If ozone works so effectively (97 to 100% kill) on the most virulent recombinant virus known to man, how much more effective is it in the treatment of ALL the other lesser viruses, thereby negating the need for all the allopathic vaccines and antibiotics for polio, measles, chicken pox, mumps, swine flu, colds, legionnaire's disease, etc.? Think about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Oct. Jim Caplan at CAPMED in Philadelphia sends all 150 top U.S. AIDS researchers copies of the Journal of Hematology report showing that ozone, when used as a viricide, eliminated HIV. He invites questions or responses. Not one response was received from any of these "top" researchers who use tax money to "find a cure." ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Dr. Robert Mayer (using ozone in his medical practice since the forties) has late stage AIDS patients in his research center clinical study who only have a count of 5 T cells. Normal is 600- 1500+. Although they have a count of only 5 T cells, they are completely healthy. In a hope indicating development, the local FDA office told Dr. Mayer to go ahead and use ozone, as long as he only makes it himself in his own office. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Movie and rock stars heroically donate, collectively and individually, millions of dollars to various places to "find a cure." Money disappears into The System, is never seen again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Sept issue of The National Health Federation's "Health Freedom News" prints an article calling for a Congressional investigation of the FDA. "The beneficiaries of these FDA policies are the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmacists, physicians, hospitals - and morticians - not the public... There is conclusive evidence that more than 150 top FDA officials own shares of pharmaceutical- company stock... the skewed policies of the FDA are heavily influenced by that fact." ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 U.S. MD in southern state comes forward with clinical ozone/hyperbaric therapy results. Testing verified at major hospital and independent labs. 248 HIV POSITIVE patients were brought to HIV NEGATIVE, each within 60 Days. Swat team invades his house and office, including threatening his family at gunpoint, in order to seize his ozone machine, patient records and computer. He is brought up on charges of "Using an unapproved medical device" (his medical ozone generator). The MD gives up medicine, & turns to farming. His former patients fear going public. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Summer US big national talk show host is interviewing audience members and appearing concerned about AIDS. A man stands up & says he went to Germany and got ozone treatments and feels great. The big name host quickly took back the mike and said "Yeah, but I heard that doesn't work," whereupon the man quickly took back the mike and said "I don't care what they say, I'm going back for more!" The audience broke out in a spontaneous burst of applause for him. The host quickly changed the subject. Mistrust of authority is growing. Meanwhile, the AMA hires "image consultants" to repair the sagging image and lost revenues of allopathic (drug oriented) medicine. Start showing cutsey ads on TV saying "Care about the environment." Industry analyst says on national TV, "I don't care about their image, they better start using therapies that work." ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 2 US MD's come forward with clinical combination ozone/DMSO results. 9 patients brought from HIV POSITIVE to HIV NEGATIVE - each within 30 days. Neither doctor will allow details or their names to be used due to fear of reprisals. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 New York physician comes forward with clinical ozone results. Staff member brought from HIV POSITIVE to HIV NEGATIVE. T-cells go from 700 down to 150 as ozone kills off diseased cells, and then back up to 11,000 as the body replaces them with fresh, new, healthy cells. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Dec "Prime Time Live" has first US TV network segment mentioning medical ozone use - in this case by a by Dr. Roka in Switzerland. Even though the AIDS patient who was interviewed had only started using the treatment two weeks previously, he gave a glowing report on ozone therapy saying he "Hasn't felt this good in a long time... and was going to call his mother and tell her!" The network ended the segment with a supposed "expert" US doctor, - an "expert" with no clinical training or experience in any oxidative modality - who by implication assured all the viewers that any ozone users would become "demented." No mention is made in the program that the TV networks have interlocking directorates with companies selling competing products (drugs), and therefore have vested interests in seeing ozone discredited. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 Dec 16 Barron's - a major established weekly financial magazine - prints the usual media pronouncements: "10 Years since the first AIDS cases were discovered, the disease continues to spread inexorably, and medical science seems no closer to a cure or a preventative." and, "(in the next 8-9 years)... the number of people testing positive for the virus will mount to 40 million, up (364%) from 11 million now." and, "AIDS has become the second leading cause of death for men between the ages of 25-44" and, "These grim totals are significantly understated" and, "The Department of Health And Human Services states the cost of care this year for HIV positive patients is $5.8 billion, and will double in two years." and, "available treatments have only marginally extended the lives of most patients, and some of the more effective drugs are marred by significant toxicities of their own...AZT is highly toxic...FDA approved DDI October 1991. DDI side effects are 'occasionally fatal' pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy... sometimes the patient can't walk." and, "solutions are years away ... up to 25 years away." Here's where the statistics get interesting. Barron's continues: "Tax supported NIH - National Institute of Health's AIDS research budget rises to 851 million dollars, up from zero 10 years ago. As of August 1991, the manufacturer of AZT took in $315 million dollars on sales of it." Present Thousands of German/European MD's are getting rid of AIDS and many other diseases in thousands of patients with the continuing use of various ozone therapies. Reports come in that many get AIDS but don't want to give up a partying lifestyle. They get treated, become healthy, and they are so unconcerned about the disease and confident about ozone that they re-infect themselves again through continuing unsafe sexual activity. No appreciable side effects surface in the treatments. Almost all diseases respond favorably. Over 5,000 medical ozone machines presently in use by as many doctors. ---------------------------------------------------------------- END 1991 126,000 Americans have officially died of AIDS. By the end of 1991, author Ed McCabe had spent the last three years working many 17 hour days trying to get ozone off the back streets and into the mainstream so there wouldn't have to be all this unnecessary suffering, expense, and lingering death. To date he has completed over 550 Radio/TV/Speaking appearances, and sold - by word of mouth, without a major publisher's help - over 40,000 copies of his print-the-unfinished-work-in-progress "Oxygen Therapies" book. Major publishers so far refuse to print the revised edition, strangely claiming "It's not in the public debate." Excuse me? 126,000 deaths are not worthy of public debate? ? ? ---------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENT $Millions of dollars, $Billions of dollars. If you saw the movie "JFK" you know how it works. These big companies, labs, doctors, their families, the towns they shop, operate, and pay taxes in, the radio, TV and newspapers they advertise in, would any of these people want all this new windfall boom industry money to suddenly go away if a solution is actually announced and implemented? Even if delay means the eventual death of 2/3rds of our population? If humanity continues to choose short term greed or unquestioning reliance upon authority figures as a lifestyle, I'm afraid the answer will continue to be "No, let's ignore the death around us and bury our heads in the sand so I can keep my nice car." BUT, if humanity as a whole wakes up and takes responsibility for itself soon, we just might save ourselves. I see the awakening coming from the direction of the littlest of the "little guys," those who never spoke up before, but who are now starting to realize that they are being conned by the system, and all it takes for evil to win is to have good men and women like themselves continue to do nothing. The AIDS disease is spreading like wildfire throughout the lower socioeconomic classes. These are the people who work for minimum wage and package and serve the nation's food supply. The virus lives outside the body UP TO SEVEN DAYS. All the executives ignoring the problem, and all the tax money supported researchers ignoring ozone, and all the phoney experts discrediting ozone, they all have to eat. And eat they shall, of the bitter harvest of their own making. The harvest of inaction. Of trying to make a few more dollars off the dying because the sickness hasn't struck their own family yet. Of not helping their less fortunate brothers and sisters when they should have, and of not taking responsibility for their own lives. Their sins are coming into their homes to visit and live with them. Then where will they drive their shiny new car every day? First to the AIDS ward, and then to the cemetery. When what's left of the public realizes they have been lied to every step of the way, and that their family didn't have to die slow tortuous deaths, they're gonna be pissed. Already people with AIDS are sleeping around on purpose trying to "get even" at random. If you have any humanity left in you, you will stop being afraid of speaking up, turn off that TV, eliminate the action robbing substance abuse, and take up this crusade to implement medical ozone right now. 4. Ed, What's new with you? I locked myself in this winter to find time to produce two new audio tapes which are now available through "The Family News" as of this issue. First is "An Introduction to Oxygen Therapies: Is This The Answer To Colds, Flu, AIDS, Cancer, & Most All Disease?" a publicly and privately recorded overview of our favorite oxygen subject detailing the causes of all disease, and all the oxygen therapies that are available. Those of you helping to spread the message should consider buying a quantity - discounts available, or even a case to pass out. This tape is a great introduction for people too busy to read my book. Secondly, I have a new tape geared for the active among us, and for those facing death who want proof, yet are not quite sure if medical ozone is real. This tape is a full chronological history and update on the significant milestones in the medical use of ozone, especially in treating AIDS and cancer. This ozone tape is called "Breaking The Silence." Buy lots of them so I can keep going. An introductory video, the new ozone book, the revision of the intro book, and more surprises will be available soon. In Conclusion: It hasn't been easy over the years tracking down and documenting fragments of scattered rumors, trying to calm highly creative independent thinking experts feuding among themselves, fighting for respect and decent billing at health expos, fighting for airtime and speaking engagements, trying to help mold a positive public and industry consciousness, paying the huge phone and travel expenses, sleeping on floors and in strange motels, being away from home, enduring the "glamour" of bad food, cramped seats, jet fuel and cigarette stink while carrying heavy luggage and books through rental car and airport terminals, being insulted on TV, and even arriving at all at the point where we are today, in debt, and without any financial support. But, I keep going because so many people have gone out of their way to walk up to me, look me in the eye, and thank me from the bottom of their heart, and I knew they meant it. I keep going because people like Johnny T, the editor of "The Family News" and I know what we know, all the way inside. We don't dare stop. To let the suffering continue without trying to turn it would be to die at Soul level. I know oxygen therapies worked for me and thousands I've met, and even though the unenlightened mass consciousness fights change at every turn, these therapies will become a major means of survival for the human race. Large and small contributions will be gratefully accepted to help finance these expensive projects. Keep those questions coming in. Thanks, and Happy Oxygen! ***************************************************************** FOURTH COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 7/16/92 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker,investigative journalist, expert, and author of the bestselling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1992 by Ed McCabe. Q. 1. "What makes stabilized oxygen work?" A. The so called "stabilized oxygen" products are actually salts of oxygen diluted in water. These safe as directed, yet potent oxidizers, sometimes contain various proprietary additives to enhance their effectiveness. They are essentially a formulation mixing a solution of mildly buffered sodium chlorite with deionized water. These products are weakly buffered to an alkaline Ph of around 12%, but unlike highly buffered drain cleaners or other strong alkaline solutions, they immediately loose their alkalinity upon contact with any substance that is of a lower Ph. Bacteria, viruses, the acid mantle of human skin, and the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs all react to immediately render their alkalinity harmless to humans. They are generally colorless and odorless, but a drop rubbed between the fingertips will drop the Ph and release the characteristic chlorine dioxide odor. Many people mistake this odor for the smell of bleach, but it isn't. If the wrong analytical tests are performed on these solutions, they will give a false positive for the presence of household bleach. Oxidative chemistry is an exacting science, and only specialists in the field are knowledgeable enough to select the correct test procedures to analyze these substances, NaClO2 & NaClO3. Sold in concentrate form and always diluted before use, they are called "Stabilized Oxygen" by most people, but this is technically a misnomer, since this implies somehow oxygen has been turned liquid and bottled up, which it isn't. These formulations work by releasing some molecular oxygen, chlorite ions, and trace amounts of sodium and chlorine dioxide into the blood plasma. All this happens when the ingested diluted stabilized oxygen hits the stomach acid, becomes highly unstable, and breaks down immediately. Once the ClO species are in the body, they create natural enzyme/chlorite combinations that supply the immune and energy production enzymes with some basic chemicals they need to function. Modern living has robbed us of an adequate supply of these chemicals. The newest version of these compounds is "double buffered." Most are buffered only to survive the acid environment of the stomach. The new one is double buffered with a proprietary formulation to also release oxygen into the alkaline environment of the small and large intestine. Each of the buffering systems allows the incorporation of significant amounts of oxygen bearing electrolytes, therefore the manufacturer states that they "can almost double the amount of oxygen bearing electrolytes they can put into the system and be assured it will reach the colon and produce it in the alkaline environment. Apart from all the science, I have interviewed hundreds of people who, due to their use of these products, have reported increased functions and energy, and disease remissions that even included interior cancers being reabsorbed into the body, and external cancers falling off when internal and external application was applied for a long enough period of time in a high enough dosage." Athletes and even animals are showing wonderful results. Watch for my new book on this subject. Q. 2. "How do you feel about oxygen bathing?" A. GREAT! It is one of the safest and best ways to get more oxygen into the body. Your skin is the largest organ of absorption and excretion you have. Anything you soak it in will be taken up and circulated through the system, so many put their bod in either diluted hydrogen peroxide, or in ozone gas circulating in a bag. A friend of mine uses his spa to hold water and peroxide at a level of around 100 parts per million peroxide, and bubbles ozone through it besides. He buys a "car boy" container of food grade 35% peroxide (Dupont's "Perone" for example) from the local chemical distributor and adds it as needed. For good measure he also bubbles ozone through the water. Some people just ozonate their baths, while medically, I know some AIDS patients getting good results by taking 3 rectal insufflations per day and in between that, getting into an ozone "bag" twice a day. They take a hot shower to "open the pores" (actually dilate the capillaries) and still wet, get their body into an airtight bag that closes around the neck and covers them completely, except for the head, since you can't breathe concentrated ozone. The bag is continuously filled with high concentration medical ozone, and they soak in the ozone bag for 1/2 hour. Doctors are putting up to one gallon of 35% peroxide into a bathtub full of water for AIDS patients to soak in twice a day. I believe the external bodily application of oxygen products, perhaps combined with water and frequency machines, is a whole untapped vista of possibility. Q. 3. "We heard you testified before the NIH (National Institute of Health) Office of Unconventional Medicine. What happened?" A.: Lots of excitement from people who never heard of this. They all want data. Plenty of data exists, but Doctors are too afraid of the FDA to testify. A sad state of affairs. Here's what I said to the panel members: Presented 6/18/92 @ NIH Bethesda, Maryland MEDICAL OZONE THERAPIES: 50 YEARS OF OVERLOOKING A PROVEN ANSWER FOR DISEASES LIKE CANCER AND NOW AIDS TESTIMONY: Oxygen Therapies have been in use medically for over 100 years. The basis of the therapies is quite simple: Ultimately toxicity collects within the body over time. This buildup of toxicity can have physical, emotional, and behavioral co-factors which must also be addressed. The buildup of toxicity within the body invites the proliferation of anaerobic disease causing microorganisms. Oxygen therapies are used to flood the body with active forms of oxygen. When the body becomes safely saturated with these special forms of oxygen, it reaches a state of purity wherein the disease microorganisms are killed, and the underlying toxicity is oxidized and eliminated. The patient's immune system must then be rebuilt with vitamin, mineral, and if needed, behavioral modification and other therapies. In this way diseases like AIDS, cancer and multiple sclerosis are being eliminated or at least controlled. Ozone therapy is one of the oxygen therapies. Over 5,000 medical ozone generators have been sold in Europe and are presently in use by as many doctors worldwide. Specific concentrations and volumes of ozone gas made from pure oxygen are readily applied to the body through intravenous infusions without any harm, usually during a minimum standard treatment schedule of 42 days in a row. The ozone breaks down into various oxygen subspecies which contact anaerobic viruses, microbes, or diseased cells and oxidize them while leaving the normal healthy cells alone. The standard 42 day minimum treatment requirement is being challenged by recent developments, notably in the field of ozone equipment and other protocol refinements. Ozone therapy was used medically by Nikola Tesla in 1900. It has been in continual use for over 50 years in the U.S., but due to our legal pressures, ozone is presently only widely used in Europe. When the proper protocols are followed, ozone has been proven highly effective in the treatment - and possibly the elimination - of over 40 common diseases. There are about 300 doctors in the U.S. daily using some form of oxygen therapies today. Ozone therapies are among the safest therapies ever used. One European study of over 5.5 million treatments showed a side effect rate of .0007%, probably among the lowest of any therapy known. Side effects like fever and weakness are minor and temporary. M.D.'s characterize ozone as "blatantly non-toxic." I have kept in continual contact with 6 U.S. MD's who, independent of each other, have collectively reported bringing over 300 AIDS patients to HIV negative status, including complete eradication of any secondary disease factors such as energy loss, weight loss, diarrhea, etc. I have also interviewed many AIDS patients who have been getting ozone therapy on their own, and all those who followed good protocols reported an immediate increase in energy, weight gain, and T cell stabilization or increase in a few weeks. The most notable of the ozone physicians to date is Dr. James Boyce, who brought 237 AIDS patients to health, each within 30 days. His results were verified by major independent lab testing before and after. Like most doctors in our country who have bravely tried to help their patients with ozone therapy, Dr. Boyce has subsequently been attacked by several government agencies trying to put him out of business. Therefore, he cannot appear here today due to the advice of his attorneys. However, he has expressed a desire to work with the committee in the future. While our country reels from the impact of AIDS, this physician, who has the best documented track record in the country of treating and perhaps even eliminating AIDS, now spends his days farming instead of practicing the medicine he was so proficient at. Another typical modern case is that of Dr. John Pittman from Raleigh, North Carolina. He started using ozone in 1991 with excellent results, but had his research project cut short when local physicians who never heard of ozone - and didn't bother to find out anything about it - turned him into the state medical board which asked him to stop using ozone, since it is not FDA approved. Dr. Pittman is also hopeful of continuing his research. The Medizone company of New York, which holds a patent on blood ozonation, has continually been on file with the FDA asking for permission to begin ozone trials on AIDS patients since 1986. For six years in a row, the FDA has told them to "go back and do even more flawless ozone animal studies." This is in spite of the fact that ozone therapy has been used safely on humans for over 50 years. Safety of application or effectiveness is not questionable among the physicians who have personally used ozone daily for 30 years on humans. Medizone and others are ready to begin strictly designed and monitored human trials. And, like many U.S. physicians I have interviewed, would have commenced clinical trials six years ago - if not for the FDA preventing it. The biggest problem is that in 1976 the FDA declared ozone a "toxic gas with no medical uses" via publication in the Federal Register. I have written that: "Printing this statement in a publication paid for with our taxes is either a blatant attempt at suppression of truth from the highest levels, or one of the poorest research jobs ever done. It obviously favors competitive drug therapies, and ignores well over 50 years of safe and effective medical use on hundreds of thousands of humans - backed up with medical references and clinical studies in Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and the U.S." Although legally, ozone is believed by some to be "grandfathered" since its use in U.S. medicine predates the existence of the FDA itself, no one has tested this position in court. So the FDA - and the state medical agencies and boards that take their lead from the FDA - are actively persecuting any physician using ozone. Under these prevailing "siege" type conditions I could get none of the U.S. doctors who have achieved great successes with ozone therapy to come here today. When asked to appear, the doctors all reacted in fear of the government, fear of the loss of their licenses, and fear of being raided and cleaned out by SWAT teams in the same way that Dr. Jonathan Wright was treated most recently. Upon inquiry, I commonly heard: "I'm not ready to appear." "Don't mention my name!" "The doctor already fled the country." "I'm scared to death they'll take away my license." On the bright side, if immunity from state, and federal, and agency, and medical board prosecution could be assured, these humanitarian doctors would gladly make available their knowledge for the public good. I stand ready to do the same, and submit to you the attached chronological history of U.S. medical ozone therapy to date. Conclusion due to the many interviews I have conducted: It is my opinion that the AIDS problem has been solved. If we can get ozone doctors both immunity from prosecution and funding for clinical trials, within 90 days the only thing left to do would be to implement the existing solution. 4. Q. What is new on the ozone AIDS scene?. A. Too many AIDS patients think just getting a few ozone shots solves the problem. The doctors actually getting complete and lasting results (HIV negative, etc.), not just stabilization, have all used combination therapies with minerals, good food, vitamins, counseling, etc. I am in constant communication with many doctors who are secretly doing clinical studies to get together even more data for the skeptics. Ozone is on the move, and now is the time. Get involved! 5. Q. "Where are you speaking lately?" A. Well, I just spoke at the NIH as you know, and I also addressed The Foundation For The Advancement Of Medicine - Dr. Robert Atkins' group in NY (The new video of this is available from The Family News). On August 29th & 30th, I'll be at the NHF in Chicago. Sept 5th and 6th, the Cancer Control Society in Pasadena, and Sept 12th & 13th, the Whole Life Expo in Los Angeles. October 10th is the Wellness Expo in Philadelphia. November starts me in New Zealand, and then to The Body Mind and Spirit Festival and other venues including radio & TV in Australia. January looks like England. In short, where there is a need, I respond as best I can. Happy Oxygen! ***************************************************************** FIFTH COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 4/1/93 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker,investigative journalist, expert, and author of the bestselling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1993 by Ed McCabe. Q. 1. "What interviews have you done with stabilized oxygen users?" A. I have probably interviewed close to a thousand users to date. Almost all report an immediate increase in energy. Those with diseases reported improvement in the majority of cases, and some cases were remarkable in their rapid positive response. On radio talk shows I spoke with many who had emphysema and found great relief. I've got video of a stroke patient lifting his arm over his head, after being told he would never be able to do it. I've got video of interviews with olympic athletes using it break previous records. I've even seen old dogs about to be "put down" upon the advice of a veterinarian who started getting daily drops and after a few weeks loose their limps and start running around like puppies. You see, all of life needs oxygen, and none of us or our animals has enough of it. When the missing oxygen is supplied, the body functions finally get enough. As Dr. Berg (double PhD in this subject) said, these products enable the body to produce hydrogen peroxide easily, and in quantity within our own cells. This is peroxide that the body should have been making for the ATP and immune systems but couldn't for a lack of oxygen. Because of the stabilized oxygen products' easy availability and greater stability they can be carried around easier, and the lack of offensive taste like straight peroxide has, stabilized oxygen is replacing straight H2O2 in many homes as the daily oxygen supplement. The flavored peroxide brands which taste good and remain stable are also replacing the raw peroxide as the consumer market matures. Q. 2. "What has happened on the ozone scene in general?" A. I'll just give you the recent updates to the ozone chronology as of 4/1/93. 1992 Jan Dr. George Freibott reconstructs and then operates the first prototype Nikola Tesla "Teslair" Octazone generator at 8:42 PM on January 9th. The machine runs on either 12vdc or 110 ac. This event marks the restoration of lost technologies. Now in production. 1992 May Basil Wainright released from jail on parole. Starts building Polyatomic Apheresis units for clinical trials. Designs PAI ozone to interface with blood at 2 1/2 psi in relation to blood flowing down a dimpled staircase. 1992 May 8th Associated Press: Dr. Wayne Jonas, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Testifies before the North Carolina legislative panel. "Requiring that current medical practices be based on solid scientific evidence is building our house on a rock. Requiring that such practices be 'prevailing' is building that house on sand. What is prevailing in medical practice shifts with the wind of opinion and the tide of profit." 1992 Sept - Dec. Dr. Michael Ingraham Nassau, Bahamas finished a three month study of the Polyatomic unit treating 20 AIDS patients. 7 turned p24 negative 1992 World Health Organization announces 11 to 12 million are now infected with HIV. CDC says 206 thousand have AIDS, 140 thousand have died from it. AIDS is the second leading cause of death for men 25 to 44 years of age. 1992 Nov. Dr. Michael Ingraham in his Bahamian clinic, using the Polyatomic Apheresis equipment reports an AIDS patient going p24 negative. 1992 Nov Ed McCabe has been on over 850 radio, TV and speaking platforms educating about ozone. He spends a month in New Zealand and Australia lecturing, doing radio interviews, and educating doctors about ozone. 30 doctors in Australia start using it. 1992 Dec. 277 Haitians imprisoned in HIV concentration camp. Guantanamo Naval Base's Camp Bulkeley in Cuba is their home at a cost of $55 million. 1992 Dec. Aids Patient Care Magazine publishes in Vol 6 No. 6 "Point Of View: A Case For Ozone Therapy" by Ed McCabe, a reprint of Mr. McCabe's testimony before the NIH Office of Unconventional Medicine. 1992 FDA announces the RU-486 abortion pill could be approved for sale in the US based upon existing clinical trials in Europe which "may well be sufficient to permit an adequate review" of the drug by the federal agency, according to Carol R, Scheman deputy FDA commissioner for external affairs. Rep. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; "With this letter, the FDA is clearing a path for quick approval, and is removing the regulatory roadblocks to permitting this drug into the United States." Comment: Funny that no one at the FDA can read German and study the over 6,000 clinical papers from 50 years of use giving millions of dosages of ozone to humans in Germany alone, to "remove the regulatory roadblocks." Equally interesting is that heart bypass operations were never approved by the FDA yet are common. 1993 Jan 3rd Seattle Times The pharmaceutical industry earns $55 billion a year, and is the most profitable business in America. Drug companies increase prices without fear, protected from competition. The General Accounting Office ran into a wall of silence when it undertook a study of drug price inflation. The Office OF Technology Assessment said drug companies "have demonstrated a willingness to actively resist providing access to congressional agencies..." The sales reps are everywhere. The typical U.S. doctor sees two or three a week. The influence begins the moment a medical or pharmacy student starts school and receives a free stethoscope, free subscriptions, travel expenses to visit drug companies, or a graduation present, all compliments of a drug manufacturer. Kenneth Feather, head of surveillance and enforcement for the Food & Drug Administrations's drug marketing division, added: "It's probably shocking to people who don't know, to find out the almost total control that the pharmaceutical industry has about the flow of medical information." $13,000 per doctor per year is spent to influence the medical treatments you get. Senate hearings: Medical education is determined by what the marketing department wants, not what the doctors need. Drug companies spend $31 million a year to lobby lawmakers. 1993 Jan 9th Ed McCabe, during a lecture to the Human Ecology Action League in room 218 of the Hunter School of Health Sciences in New York City, presents to the media and those assembled 4 patients, three who were AIDS patients, and one cancer patient who had ozone therapy. One AIDS patient was PCR negative, two were p24 and Western Blot negative, and the cancer patient had watched a tumor the size of a "kiwi fruit" (5.5cm mass) disappear from her liver. All cases had complete before and after medical documentation. Mr. Carl Vollmer paid all expenses for two of the AIDS patients to be treated in Mexico so we could start getting solid data for critics to see. He was arrested in NYC for stating ozone could turn people HIV negative. 1993 Jan 13, 4 days after Ed McCabe presents reversed AIDS cases to NYC public... Mr. Carl Vollmer is the man who never took a dime from anyone for treatments, but as a humanitarian, out of his own pocket, paid for the two AIDS patients to be housed, fed, and treated for sixty days. Mr Vollmer suddenly has 4 of the NYC Attorney General Police descend upon his office. Wearing bulletproof vests they stayed six and one half hours seizing documents, files, addresses, letters, contacts, investments, bank records, and videotapes. They seized everything having to do with the clinic in Mexico, completely shutting it down in the middle of their trying to get the data the NIH is asking for, and thus preventing it from surfacing. 1993 Jan Raymond Zufer, patient in El Paso clinical study was stage 4 terminal cancer. Took 2 Polyatomic treatments and condition reversed. 1993 Feb 6 Joe McCord at the Webb-Waring Institute for Biomedical Research in Denver shows the HIV virus suppresses the body's production of Super Oxide Dismutase, the enzyme "that keeps cells healthy, and keeps the HIV virus in check." Comment: SOD makes hydrogen peroxide in the body, which releases singlet oxygen, which kills viruses. 1993 Feb Brad Anderson, self treating 11 year AIDS patient using a combination of ozone, Homozone, and other oxidative and natural protocols appears on CBS TV's "48 Hours" AIDS program and declares "I'm going to live forever! 1993 Feb Dr. Robert Atkins, an ozone using physician with hundreds of patients is the target of a complaint to New York state authorities by Dr. Paul Gennis who stated "I can't imagine what benefit ozone would have. It sounds like quackery to me." 1993 Feb, Dr. Jacob Swilling treating cancer and degenerative disease at his Mexican clinic with Polyatomic equipment reports "continuing success." 1993 Feb 25th on the strength of Ed McCabe's lectures last February in Australia, 20 AIDS patients and three cancer patients travel from Australia to Cebu City in the Philippines to start treatment on the Polyatomic Apheresis equipment. The clinic's organizer, Mr. Bob Graham is hounded by Australia's "Current Affair" TV program accusing him of running a scam before the clinical trials even start. The trials start anyway. Mr. Graham mortgages his house to fund the trials, but the money runs out halfway through. The clinic has three Filipino doctors and one American doctor. All patients following protocols reporting dramatic improvements in their health and feeling of well being. 1993 Mar, Dr. Jacob Swilling continuing to have success with the Polyatomic Apheresis equipment in his Mexican clinic has the FDA visit his California office. 1993 Mar, Constant pressure from Australian media and US competitive interests ("Mr. Mayor, everyone knows ozone is absolutely a scam, and do you really want foreign AIDS patients in your city spreading the disease around to your citizens?") forces Mayor of Cebu City to send police with machine guns into clinic to arrest everyone, including Sue Ann Taylor, independent U.S. network television journalist who was there videotaping the study. Her tapes are stolen. All passports are taken, all people are deported. Again, clinical trial halted in its tracks before data could be collected. Australian media ablaze with nightly reports of the "scam" clinic, newspapers headline completely false stories about "Ozone room of death," due to a terminal patient's passing away upon arrival. Very little mention in the media of actual patients who were treated the longest - some were in the chair for up to 8 hours - who all are doing much better. Local Cebu City villagers demonstrate on behalf of patients right to have a clinic. Some Australian news outlets start doing balanced reports and say "They use it in Europe, why not test it here?" Comment: Pick any hospital that treats AIDS patients, ask the administration how many patients died in their hospital in the last thirty days. Do we see armed police going into these hospitals and arresting everyone? Comment: Media: "Ozone doesn't work." Doctors: "Can you prove it doesn't work?" Media: "Well, we've seen no data." Doctors: "Don't you think that's because you haven't looked for any data, and keep pressuring and arresting anyone trying to collect and give you the data?" 1993 Mar 15th Dr. Frank Shallenberger, of Nevada, using a Polyatomic chair for about six months and getting great results with AIDS patients states if he "could get a patient to volunteer to be treated for 8 hours in the chair, he is convinced he could be turned PCR negative." Clinic is raided by the FDA. FDA seized the 2 Polyatomic set- ups so no more AIDS patients can be treated by him. Despite the fact that he had great documented results. 1993 Dr. Benjamin Lau at Loma Linda CA University continues ongoing successful in vitro polyatomic blood studies proving the polyatomic method could purify whole donor blood. FDA raids him, but declares him "squeaky clean" because he isn't using it on people. Dr. Lau says the results are "very promising. 1993 Dr. Medical Center has achieved 100% viral kill in over 40 degenerative diseases using polyatomic apheresis equipment during ongoing studies. " 1993 Mr. Basil Wainright now out on parole, who never went to trial, yet was imprisoned for 2 years because he dared to tell people what the German Doctors know as fact, that ozone could successfully treat disease, leaves the state and returns after getting a state parole travel pass. Feds drag him out of bed at 7AM and announce he violated his Federal parole by leaving the state without obtaining a Federal pass. No one ever told him he was even under Federal parole, or that he needed a pass. He is thrown back into Federal prison, halting all further expansion of the Polyatomic Apheresis concept. 1993 Orange County Register: One in six children born in New York City are HIV positive. The World Health Organization predicts one-third of the World's population will get AIDS. Q. 3. How can some people turn sero negative (HIV negative) and then go back positive after having a course of ozone therapy? A. Easy. They didn't get ozone strong enough or deep enough or long enough. To explain, here's a copy of my address to the International Bio-oxidative Medicine Foundation's fourth annual meeting in Reston, Virginia, April 1993: "MECHANICS OF O3 IN MEDICINE" Ever hear this one? "I know someone who 'got ozone.' They said it doesn't work." Or, "I gave them the shot of ozone, but they still died anyway." Why doesn't ozone work in every case? Why do some AIDS patients using ozone turn HIV negative for a little while, then go back to positive? Why? Because even among all the ozone doctors only a few rare souls understand the back-away- and-look-at-the-whole-thing concept. The concept is simple: The human body is 66% water. In a 150 pound man there would be 100 pounds of water. It divides up like this: Percentage of water making up tissues, organs, fluids and bone in the human body. Brain 75% Heart 75% Lungs 86% Muscle 75% Liver 85% Kidney 83% Bone 22% Blood 83% Saliva 95% Perspiration 95% Some are conditioned to think of ozone as "another drug." It would be useful to take a minute and forget the idea of putting a little drug in the body to bring about changes, and instead look at our task of cleaning up 100 pounds of water as if you were not a doctor, but as an engineer approaching a mechanical problem. Away from the human body, how would you physically completely detoxify and completely purify 100 pounds of dirty, disease laden water? You would micro-bubble a lot of strong ozone through it for a long time while running it through filters. This would rid our 100 pounds of water of any bacteria, viruses, funguses, pathogens, and any other toxic contamination. Take your thoughts back to the human body. How are you going to completely purify 100 pounds of body water? By putting 10cc's of low concentration ozone in a muscle? Of course not. That may bring about minor blood chemistry changes, but complete purification? No. You must flood the body with singlet oxygen long enough to purify it, and at a rate slow enough so that the filters (organs of elimination) won't clog. The only way to achieve optimum purification or healing using ozone. Our 150 pound man with 100 pounds of water has approximately 12 pints of blood in him. His blood is 83% water, so in our case therefore, about 10 pounds of water. Even if you completely purify the bloodstream, you are only purifying 10% of the dirty water problem. The blood circulates through the body 12 to twenty times per minute, but what about the lymph? Here's what the AMA said in a "Today's Health" article December, 1964, by J.D. Ratcliff. "The lymph ... As vital as the main bloodstream, the intricate and all but invisible lymphatic network... It is one of the world's rivers of mystery - sluggish, largely unmapped, many miles long. The lymphatic system has puzzled physiologists since early greek times... our health, even our lives depend upon how well this complex system functions. In contrast to the bloodstream, which follows a swift flowing closed circuit from arteries to capillaries to veins and then back to arteries, the lymphatic system flows slowly in a single direction. Its initial rivulets - microscopic in dimension -originate in intercellular spaces. Fluid gathered here passes through ever enlarging ducts until it reaches the lower neck region, where it empties into veins leading to the heart to be mixed back into the blood. (Note: It takes 24 hours for the lymph to completely circulate through the body.) Much of the mystery surrounding the lymphatic system traces to the fact that most of its ducts are so fragile that they are invisible - the smallest have walls of only one cell thickness. And the fluid they carry is ordinarily almost as clear as water. Moreover, at the touch of a probe, all but the largest lymphatic vessels collapse, as they do at death. Exploring such a gossamer stream has called for supreme ingenuity. In many respects the body is like a vast swamp. Its trillions of fluid bathed cells live an aquatic life. The lymphatic network provides an all important drainage system." So when you're up to your neck in alligators (facing terminal disease) its hard to remember that your original objective was to drain the vast swamp. To purify the water, all of it, beyond the blood, into the lymph, into the gossamer passageways, through the organs, within the cell walls themselves, even the aquatic life surrounding the DNA, how are you going to do it? The Germans clean a pint or more of blood three times a week. Pioneers in the U.S. inject several syringes of oxygen/ozone into the bloodstream once a day for six weeks and get great results, but are we even close to what is needed? Blood and lymph eventually carry oxygen to every cell, but what about the hidden backwaters of the swamp? Maybe the present methods work, but can we improve the delivery system? There are four devices now on the market to answer the call of approaching total purification: Ozone Body Bagging. Plastic or ripstop nylon bags with drawstrings at the neck and cuffs, some with legs, some without. The patient takes a shower and while still wet with the pores "open" he completely covers his body, except his head, within a big bag. The bag is pumped full of ozone made from pure oxygen, the skin absorbs the gas right through the skin into the lymph system. The Aquacizer. The patient reclines in a large "clamshell" chamber with head protruding outside while micro nozzles spray warm ultrapure water homogenized with pure oxygen ozone onto the body. The skin capillaries dilate and discharge toxins into the very hungry 10 megohm ultrapure water, and absorb ozone into the skin, lymph and bloodstream at the same time. Hyperbaric Chambers. Patients lie or sit in a pressurized oxygen atmosphere. The oxygen pressure on their whole body harmlessly forces oxygen through their skin and deep into the most hidden body cavities. The successful clinics use them. The Polyatomic Apheresis Unit. This has to be the most advanced medical ozone delivery system to date. The patient lies in a reclined chair while blood is withdrawn out of one arm, ozonated at slight pressure continually, and pumped into the other arm. A one hour treatment alone might be superior to any other ozone delivery method. The FDA seizes these as fast as they can find them. Recent clinical trials had a few patients circulating in the chair for over eight hours! Imagine the volume of blood, lymph, and organ purification in a 8 hour treatment. Now combine Polyatomic Apheresis with The Aquacizer and hyperbarics. Total purification inside and out. A little ozone can clean the blood up so well that an immediate blood test will show a state of health, but unless all the little gossamer ducts are cleaned up, after a few days of the lymph recirculating, doing its job of picking up debris and remixing with the blood, a person could test positive again for a virus. The original PCR HIV test sensed one viral particle in one thousand units, now it detects one particle in two million. "To be and remain totally PCR or any virus negative - All the patient body water must be totally purified." -Ed McCabe ******************************************************** Nov 8, 1993 John, how about having the headline read O3OHATOP! (OZONE IN RUSSIAN) Russians have more health freedom than Americans! ******************************************************* SIXTH COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 11/5/93 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker, investigative journalist, expert, and author of books, tapes and videos since the best selling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1993 by Ed McCabe. Q. 1 "Tell us about the International Ozone Association (IOA) Conference (8/29 to 9/3 1993) in San Francisco CA" A. O3OHATOP - That's ozone in Russian. The meeting plainly demonstrated to us that even the Russians have more health freedom than we do. Dr. Claudia Koscherkova, head of research & development at the Nisnerokinov Medical Institute is presently treating 39 arthereosclerosis patients with ozone. He and others are using medical ozone on babies, animals, adults, and even gunshot wounds! They have four major medical ozone treatment centers in their largest cities, and have, over the past six years, treated thousands of people with ozone! Because of the rampant greed of our drug companies who influence all levels of our society to suppress ozone, ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES ARE REALLY SHOWING US UP! The Russian MD's I met at IOA were kind enough to lend me a copy of their video. I secured a good copy of it - a 20 minute explanatory medical ozone video (in English). They have many innovative techniques, and you can now order your own copy of it through "The Family News," coupled with copy of a recent TV show I did in California with an ozone self treating AIDS patient who is now healthy and has outlived 100 others who didn't use ozone! Also at the IOA conference, the IOA held tours of local ozone water treatment plants, and had three days of presenting papers on ozone municipal drinking water treatment plants, the newest industrial ozone generation methods, waste water treatment plants, ozone used in the pulp and paper and cooling/process industries, in swimming pools and municipal aquariums, groundwater treatment, and its biological effects. The conference wound up with two days of medical presentations on completed and ongoing ozone medical studies - done mostly outside of the United States due to U.S. political pressures. Here's a synopsis and list of the topics covered showing doctors' successes with medical ozone therapy: Dr. John Greenburg, On the University of Heidelburg School of Medicine staff, & working w/Horst Kief presented the results of his work on the microscopical examination of whole blood (5cc's blood, 15cc's ozone) after exposure to ozone, establishing that it is safe if used within the accepted parameters, generally less than 80 mcg/ml concentration. Dr. Michael Carpendale, San Francisco, CA VA Hospital was honored for his research work and for helping to put on this year's meeting. His talk, "Ozone, HIV & AIDS" "Ozone inactivates HIV at concentrations non toxic to blood cells. In saline .4 ug/ml. In serum 4.0 ug/ml. In blood 50 ug/ml. Ozone is an incredibly safe drug, ...increases oxygen between cells ...increases vaso dilation and perfusion ...increases cellular membrane permeability ... T4 cell best marker to use." And, "VA hospital in Florida treated a referred patient with rectal ozone, his mother states it cured his cryptosporidium diarrhea." Doctor Wong, University of Havana head of ozone therapy in their medical research center. Using ozone on arthritis, cardiopathy, endophlebitis, etc. Dr. Bernie Kershbaum, Philadelphia, PA was elected head of the IOA Pan American Medical Group, a for MD's only organization. The next IOA meeting would be May 12th, 1995 in France. They are calling for new papers. The Vice President of the German Society for Ozone, Dr. Hartmut Baltin reported he's treating AIDS patients in a study in his vascular clinic. Also reporting at IOA were: Occlusive lower limb arterial disease - O. Rokitansky, J. Washuttl and L. Groger - Austria Occlusive lower limb arterial disease - R. Mattassi - Italy Immune monitoring - H Baltin - Germany Artherosclerosis - N. Zhulina, C. Kontorschikova and N. Morozova - Russia Cardiopathology - F. Hernandez et al - Cuba Hypoxic states - S. Peretyagin - Russia Hypoxic impairments - C. Kontorschikova - Russia Myocardium fractals - A. Gavrilushkin, S. Peretyagin and O. Birjukova - Russia Chelation - M. Foster - U.S.A. Diverse Pathology - G. Glady - France Dermatology - S. L. Krivatkin - Russia Staph - T. Shimoyama et. al. Japan Sickle Cell Anemia - M. Gomez et. al. - Cuba Ozone produced auto vaccine - J. Greenberg - Germany Rheumatic diseases - Z. Fahmy - Germany Catostrophic injured children - S. N. Gorbunov et. al. - Russia Rectal Insufflation of Rats study - S. Mendez et. al. - Cuba Genetics - E. Prieto et al - Cuba Anaesthetized horses - P. Scrollavezza et. al. - Italy Optic Nerve disfunction - R. Santiesteban et. al. - Cuba Cerebro vascular accident - E. Devesa - Cuba Senile Dementia - M.M. Rodriguez et. al. - Cuba Malignant disease - H. Kief - Germany Breast cancer - R. Dallaglio et. al. - Italy Neurodermatitis - H. Kief - Germany Digestive System - M. Noa - Cuba Germ free lab animals - J.M. Mirabal et. al. - Cuba Quoting Seigfried Rilling, the President Of the German Medical Society for Ozone in his talk on the Germany History of European Ozone, "...Ozone only serves Humanity" Comment: Why aren't the U.S. doctors a majority of this list - instead of hiding their work in basements and back rooms? Q. 2 "What's the latest events to make the chronology?" A. 1993 May 27 Rep. Schumer D-NY chairs the House Subcommittee On Crime And Criminal Justice, oversight hearing on health care fraud: "AIDS Fraud - Deceit, Dollars and Despair." Subcommittee hears testimony from AIDS patient Randy Payne that he got ozone therapy and it didn't work. It is not pointed out that he got a minor/inadequate incorrectly applied (caused pain) form of therapy, that he left the study long before it could have any effects, or that he got it free. WARNING! They also heard from Tom Koontz, the Executive Director for the Manhattan Center For Living who, like Randy and all the others at the hearing, didn't know the first thing about the 50 year history of medical ozone or the thousands of case histories and references available. They all therefore assumed it is a "scam" run by "charlatans," and Rep. Schumer even called for enacting legislation: to make the use or promotion of ozone a fraud "felony" with 25 year prison sentences, "streamlining" prosecutions, "unleashing" our law enforcement officials, and "hunting down" the "health care crooks who stalk our citizens." An FDA official actually stood up, held up an ozone generator, lied through his teeth, and told the congressmen - and the American people via rebroadcast on CNN and NBC - that there is absolutely no proof anywhere that ozone has any benefit in medicine! Comment: Why didn't they interview the two girls who went the same time as Randy but stayed for the full treatment course and tested HIV negative upon return? Of all the positive evidence around, why did they solely focus upon one "bad apple" case? Before the hearing started, I faxed 11 pages of medical documentation - including the Blood Journal and Canadian Government's positive ozone studies directly to the committee heads! None of this was mentioned. Also, despite having discussions and leaving several messages with them, no one called back seeking any further information. What's the real agenda? Perhaps they don't want to be bothered with the truth if it upsets the political PAC money flow from the medical and pharmaceutical companies? 1993 Summer Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ gets an oxygen infusion. Billed as a self-sustaining eco-system, its atmospheric oxygen level had dropped to 15%, same as on a 13,400 foot mountain. The eight crew members have been short of breath. 1993 June U.S. Supreme Court rules that all the illegal immigrant HIV infected Haitians detained in the military concentration camps in Cuba must be immediately released into the U.S. population at large. 1993 June 2, 1993 Headline: Medizone's Blood Decontamination Technology Proven Successful In Canadian Monkey Trial. Still trying to inch their way through the system, Medizone announces its successful trials on monkeys. This was one of the requirements imposed last August when McCabe/Bedell/Latino et. al. met with Dr. Fauci at the NIH. Dr. Fauci said "Why can't you do a simple monkey trial?" So Medizone did, and now they are announcing the successful completion of the first two phases of a Canadian research project overseen by scientists representing the Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Departments of Defense and Agriculture, Cornell University Veterinarian Medical College and Medizone Canada Ltd. Two groups of monkeys were infused with plasma infected with highly virulent strains of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (monkey equivalent of HIV). The first group died within 12 days. The second group's infected plasma was first infused with ozone through Medizone's process. None of the second group showed any sign of infection. Dr. Latino, Medizone's president stated; "These preliminary research results indicate the capability of Medizone's patented scientific and technological process to inactivate blood and blood products of certain viral contaminants, including the AIDS virus." 1993 June Ozone hero dies under pressure. John Burdick, one of the first AIDS patients to be turned PCR negative by ozone died in Phoenix, Arizona hospital due to overwhelming negativity he was met with at every turn, including having bank account seized, being arrested for "practicing medicine without a license" while having a sidewalk conversation, and being stopped by different state police for long "routine inspections" 8 times while on a cross country trip. His later life was spent continually telling others how ozone had cured him, and if applied properly, could do the same for them. He was working his way through the NIH bureaucratic process advancing ozone at the time of his demise. He did not die from AIDS, and he remained PCR negative to the end. 1993 June 16, Statisticians from the Federal Center For Disease Control announce that in 1990 AIDS was the leading killer of men in the 25-44 year age range in New York, California, Florida, Massachusetts and New Jersey. It is the leading killer for these men in 64 cities as well. For women the same is true in nine cities. NIH's Dr. Sten Vermund wrote: "Adolescent and young adult HIV transmission guarantees the continuation of the epidemic." These numbers are from back in 1990. Epidemiologist Susan Chu, a contributing author, says the numbers have "likely risen" since then. Comment: You bet they have! 1993 June 16 A 6 year old girl, depressed because her mother is dying from AIDS, deliberately stood in front of a fast moving freight train in Dania, FL. - Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. Jacqueline "Jackie" Johnson had talked about wanting to be with her mommy in heaven. Comment: Spreading, spreading, spreading. When will they listen? 1993 July Mr. Larry Hannigan, Australian TV producer who filmed the master footage of Ed McCabe's Australian video has his house, office, and studio/tape library burnt to the ground. Everything was completely destroyed. Demolished are the master tapes of Ed's oxygen tour and those of many other humanitarian free thinking speakers collected over many years at a cost of many thousands of dollars. Comment: How many more heroes have to take the hit to keep your freedoms alive before you get into the act? 1993 July 4, President Clinton's new AIDS Czar Kristine Gebbie is appointed. Every 15 seconds someone becomes infected with HIV. 75% of the people with HIV are heterosexual. 1993 July 14 10:45 AM FDA and Police attack Ken Theifault's home by firing a shot and having SWAT types busting through all the doors and windows of his house in Jupiter Florida to seize two water purification ozone machines. He is charged with dealing in "contraband" - the ozone machines. 1993 Aug Inventor Basil Wainwright still languishing in prison for three years without a trial is under medical care for high blood pressure. Someone enters prison computer and doubles his blood pressure medication, giving him twice the possibly lethal dose. Mr. Wainwright discovers this subtle attempt on his life just in time to head it off. 1993 Aug 13 Dr. Robert Atkins of NYC - Headline Marin, CA Independent Journal "Famed diet doctor loses over use of ozone therapy" "Atkins' medical license was suspended yesterday for allegedly telling a cancer patient to continue unconventional ozone therapy" "Atkins, author of two best selling diet books and advocate of ozone gas therapy, is 'an imminent danger to the health' of New Yorkers, state Health Commissioner Mark Chassin said. Atkins explained his suspension this way: 'Leaders of the medical profession have issued a call to arms - get the leaders of alternative medicine.' Atkins has argued that ozone gas can kill cancer cells and HIV." 1993 Aug 18 Dr. Robert Atkins of NYC - Headline Ft Lauderdale Sun Sentinel "Atkins gets license back." Supreme Court Justice Edward Greenfield ruled the state's order "is arbitrary and capricious, is so disproportionate to the offense alleged, in light of all circumstances, that it is shocking to a sense of fairness and justice." 1993 Aug 24th In an early morning raid, the FDA descends upon the B. Boyce clinic in Bay St. Louis Mississippi, arresting Dr. James Boyce. They also raid his home after stealing his garbage earlier in the week. Although Dr. Boyce had retired, in a humanitarian act, his wife opened a clinic specializing in oxidative therapies to help people. 1993 Aug 24th Ed McCabe is told he is on an FDA "hit list." Finds his phone tapped. Comment; If they come for a journalist on some pretext now, they will come for you next, but it will be too late for you to have any recourse if you "stay out of it" now. 1993 Aug-Sept International Ozone Association holds Eleventh Ozone World Congress & Exhibition August 29 to September 3rd, 1993 in San Francisco. (See above question on the IOA). 1993 Sept 2, world premier of Canadian 1/2 hour video "Ozone and The Politics of Medicine" at the IOA meeting. Video subsequently shown in LA, New York, Salt Lake and other health shows. 1993 Sept 8th, Medizone Int'l NYC announces co-project with Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian Scientific Society for Oxygen-Ozone Therapy to treat AIDS and Hepatitis-B patients with Medizone's thin film delivery technology. Patients will undergo a one hour treatment on alternate days, during a twelve week trial. 1993 Sept Basil Wainwright let out of Federal jail immediately arrested on courthouse steps by state of Florida. Appeals continue. 1993 Sept. Tootle-Vision, an outlaw type lone UHF station in the outback deserts of Los Vegas starts airing Ed McCabe's Brisbane Australia 2 1/2 hour video over and over, day after day, trying to reach people about ozone. 1993 Sept 9 & 10 Ed McCabe is interviewed on New York's WOR with Dr. Atkins and discuss what the ozone community started referring to as the "Schumer Smear." Dr. Atkins suggests his listeners call Rep. Schumer's Brooklyn office and tell him what they think about Rep. Schumer's ignoring the documentation Ed McCabe sent his Justice Dept. Subcommittee, and his allowing ozone to be called "quackery" during the hearing. Calls flood his office, and Dan Cunningham his chief attorney/counsel calls Mr. McCabe and assures him that the Congressman has had no contact with the drug companies, and they just "overlooked" the documentation sent before the hearing. Mr. McCabe then reminded the counsel that the drug/allopathic medical industry is one of the top contributors to almost every campaign, and suggested the appropriate course of action for the committee now would be to investigate why the FDA was lying to congress when its representative stated that there is no evidence anywhere that ozone has any medical usages. No assurances of the Congressman's office taking this line of inquiry were given. Comment: Although the Congressman's office apologized, the damage was already done because CNN and NBC aired "Ozone is quackery" footage, but now no one will air on national television that it was all a mistake. Same with Dr. Atkins. Newspaper readers all across the country saw headlines announcing that he lost his license for using ozone, but almost none of the same papers printed the four day later follow-up that he got it back almost immediately when NY Supreme Court Justice Edward Greenfield ruled the state's pulling his license was "arbitrary and capricious, is so disproportionate to the offense alleged, in light of all circumstances, that it is shocking to a sense of fairness and justice." This part of the story, if printed at all, was buried in the back pages. Comment: Net public educational input from both stories? "Ozone is quackery" and, "Doctors loosing licensees over ozone." 1993 Oct Anna Ruiz, journalist @ WHBN, a hispanic station in West Palm Beach, started a vigil of programming on the Florida Wainwright ozone political prisoner case. Max Piccardo the station owner immediately received two anonymous phone calls in which he was told, "If you don't drop this issue, you won't be broadcasting from anywhere." He immediately stops doing any stories on the issue. 1993 Oct James Hammang, a brave Chicagoan hung a 30 foot long by 9 foot deep banner from a major Chicago underpass during rush hour calling for the immediate release of Basil Wainwright, one of the ozone political prisoners, and directing people to call the above WHBN radio station in Florida doing a vigil on the case. Two Chicago TV stations news crews filmed it. State Police order it removed eventually, after letting it hang there for most of the busy traffic time. 1993 Oct. Dr. Jonathan Wright ozone using MD and nationally famed victim of the "FDA guns drawn B vitamin bust". Is again visited by FDA which takes 150+ pictures of his ozone machine and subpoenas it for a Grand jury hearing to prosecute him for using it. 1993 Nov. Ken Theifault, a manufacturer of ozone water purification machines who had his home busted into by armed FDA agents in July is interviewed by Ed McCabe. He states; 1. Ozone is completely grandfathered in Florida since ozone's use in the 1800's pre-dates the FDA's existence. 2. You can't discriminate and charge only one manufacturer, and the Thomas Register is full of ozone machine manufacturers. 3. The FDA is operating way outside its scope of authority and the original statutes give it no such powers of search & seizure. He is planning on suing the FDA agents accordingly. FDA Special Agent Kent E. Walker Miami office "Agent in Charge" and Kerin Eberie Special Agent sent letters to some who purchased the Theifault machines stating (there is no proof of their claims) ozone is a "fraudulent" treatment and that people "have died" using the machines, and asking if this is the case, the next of kin should turn in all letters and correspondence associated with the sale of the machines. Most contacted stated they were of the caustic opinion that the FDA can "kiss their ...", and were only concerned that the FDA might come for their machines and take them. Comment: Underground treatment groups and machine suppliers are everywhere, and defectors from inside the government and the media who have had enough of watching the business-as-usual slaughter are all secretly joining in to help the ozone movement. They have seen what this can do with their own eyes when used correctly, and they all refuse to be silenced by the enemies of truth. Q. 3 "We've heard of Drs. Alwa, Atkins, Boyce, Wright, Turska, and inventor Basil Wainright being bothered by the authorities. What's going on?" A. The FDA has recently been supplemented by the addition of funding for several hundred new agents, and instead of going after the drug manufactures who are responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths every year according to the government, they have been told to go "get" the competition, the users of "alternatives." Dr. Atkins has voluntarily given up his successful use of ozone while he litigates. Dr. Rathna Alwa, Milwalkee Wisconsin, is about to lose her license for using ozone. Dr. Boyce was sent to Mississippi state prison for 5 years on trumped up charges because of the use of ozone. Dr. Wright has had his ozone machine subpoenaed before the Grand Jury. Dr. Turska was attacked by the FDA but WON because as a Naturopath, he did not come under their jurisdiction! Basil Wainwright hopes to win his release mid November. They will continue their rampage of stifling competitive research as long as you let them get away with it. Q. 4 "What are the new publications from you?" A. My brand new 40+ page Nov 93 report "Ozone vs. AIDS" which is the complete chronology of the ongoing battle between the enemies of ozone and the heroes standing up against them. On just a single video the new Russian video I spoke of above is packaged with a California TV show I did with a healed ozone using AIDS patient. Call The Family News for price. Q. 5 "What can someone with a serious disease like AIDS or cancer expect to go through when he/she gets treated with ozone? A. According to every interview I've done, in a word, lots of detoxification. Most doctors use combinations of natural foods, colonics, daily ozone infusions, hydrogen peroxide baths or ozone bagging, rectal ozone insufflation, peroxide drips, hyperbaric therapy, possibly chelation or Rife type treatments, and other therapies designed to boost the immune system. The treatments are usually 4 to six hours a day, daily for 6 to 8 weeks. During such a heavy course, the body throws off all accumulated toxins and unnatural substances. This flushing is sometimes uncomfortable for a few days, and is accompanied perhaps with short duration fever, swelling, nausea, diarrhea, etc. Regular use of colonics can remove most if not all of the adverse reactions. Since ozone eliminates all dead, feeble, weak, diseased, and dying cells, often the T counts of AIDS patients will drop as the infected T and other cells die off and are replaced by healthy ones. The replacement may take a while, and since ozone changes the interferon levels, it signals the body that it doesn't need T cells, so patients have to wait a couple months after stopping ozone sometimes to see the T cell levels rise back up. Cancer patients have the same detoxifications. Remember, these therapies have the side benefit of going back and cleaning out all of the waste from the body, all the stuff you stuffed into you since childhood. In this waste is where the diseases hide. So, the patient must be prepared to stick with it. Get the new ozone report. Happy Oxygen! ***************************************************************** SEVENTH COLUMN IN "THE FAMILY NEWS" FOLLOWS: ASK MR. OXYGEN WITH ED MCCABE 5/4/94 "Mr. Oxygen" is Ed McCabe, internationally acclaimed speaker, investigative journalist, expert, and author of books, tapes and videos since the best selling book "Oxygen Therapies." Nothing herein is medical advice, but merely an international public discussion of the oxygen therapy centered events, products, and methods being used worldwide. Copyright 1994 by Ed McCabe. Q. 1 From Sweden: "What is the difference between using solid ozone products (Homozon) and the use of the ozone gas? Why don't sufferers of degenerative disease use it when they can't readily get the ozone gas treatments?" Homozon is a powdered form of pharmaceutical (not industrial or commercial) magnesium, mined from a specific site known for its desirable chemical properties, which is bonded with ozone gas through a secret proprietary process. Homozon is completely legal for sale and consumption in the U.S. It has been in wide usage since the 1920's when Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass got together with Nikola Tesla in a Paris hotel and developed its method of manufacture. The white powdered magnesium/ozone compound is sprinkled on food or imbibed with water, and followed by 1/2 the juice of a lemon whose acid liberates the ozone from the magnesium bond, and the ozone circulates throughout the body detoxifying and eliminating anaerobes. The oxygen and magnesium then thoroughly clean the bowel eventually. There are many Homozon "copycats" on the market, and unfortunately people think that if their stools are loosened by them that they must be as good as Homozon, but loose bowels is not in any way an indicator of oxygen delivery to the tissue. Homozon is the only product I know of that liberates liters of oxygen per can. Still, having made that point, any colon cleansing is going to increase oxygen availability to the tissue through making "room" by removing cellular blockages. If one would attend the yearly International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation's meetings as I do, you would see Dr. Freibott's historical slide show showing simply amazing cancer cures and disease remissions through the proper application of Homozon over the past 60 plus years. We heard only one anecdotal report of someone with AIDS getting well using only Homozon, so more data needs to be collected concerning that disease. The virtues of Ozone therapies alone are continually chronicled throughout the pages of "The Family News so you don't need to know much more than buy a copy of my NEW 66 page April 94 version of "O3 vs. AIDS" to know what's going on with ozone over the past 50 plus years. So, has anyone ever done a study comparing the two? Not that we know of. Has anyone combined the two? Not that we know of but it is a fantastic idea! Can a degenerative disease patient get by on just using Homozon? The evidence presented of people using it perhaps up to once every two hours for weeks at a time and continually being aware of where the nearest toilet is shows definite promise. If you do your own study let us know what happens. Q. 2 "What's all this stuff about people testing negative for HIV yet still getting AIDS? " I found out they only test for HIV-1! Our research shows up to 9 other forms of HIV are out there being spread throughout the population and the bloodbanks. Most people with AIDS have 3 to 5 different forms of the HIV virus in them. You have seen nothing in comparison to the mass suffering that humanity is going to go through soon with these new mutant diseases. I was the first one to publicly proclaim this and to offer the solution back as far as 1988. Tell everyone you meet. See the chronology additions below for details. Q. 3 "What's the latest events to make the chronology?" 1993 November issue of "Vogue" magazine, pages 96-97, shows off beautiful two page ad for Lancasters' "Vital Oxygen Supply" Asymmetric Oxygen Carrier System skin therapy. "By the time you are 30 your body skin has 25% less oxygen in it, ...fine lines and wrinkles appear. ...Combat with revolutionary new technology ... pure oxygen molecules suspended in a light delicate cream that transports them deep into the epidermis." Comment:: Wait till the models find out what real oxygen therapy does to aging! 1993 Nov 11, "Vaccine Failures" Headline "USA Today" newspaper. Dr. Anthony Faucci head of AIDS research at the National Institute of Health told Reuters that recent disappointing laboratory tests of AIDS vaccines had made him anxious about proceeding with large scale human trials. "If we find that these candidate vaccines are not eliciting anything that even resembles an appropriate immune response, a lot of people would say we have absolutely no scientific basis to go ahead with (large-scale human) testing." In the toughest lab tests so far, almost all have failed to trigger a key immune response against the AIDS virus. Comment: A year and three months ago Ed McCabe and associates sat 2 healed AIDS patients and their records and their doctors before Dr. Fauci and he was unable to - or perhaps prevented from seeing the beauty of ozone, yet ozone is still patiently waiting like the forgotten sister who is the biggest prize of all. He could have been the hero to bring it to the world, but now the NIH only holds up their failures in this desperate area. 1993 Dec 2nd NBC TV News reports: 92 people die from AIDS every day, and 360 people get AIDS every day. 1994 Jan 20th Medical Tribune - Research News - Headline: "Oxygen plus ozone mixture can inactivate HIV in vitro" article by Nathan Horowitz describes upcoming Medizone Phase 1 clinical trials at several research sites in Italy. 300 patients with HIV infection or hepatitis-B will be randomized to treated or control groups and studied during three months of dosing and nine months of follow up. For 12 weeks 300 cc's of blood will be withdrawn and ozonated and returned to the patient every other day. "Dr Latino's preliminary data are very interesting," said Mark Cohen, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport. "His studies show that ozone really is capable of killing HIV." 1994 Feb 16 U.S. Congressional Representative (NY) Sherwood Boehlert passes on the FDA's opinion of ozone therapy in a letter to Mr. Gerald O. Rennerts who had inquired six months previously as to why the U.S. Government and the FDA are preventing the ozone cure for AIDS from reaching the people of our country who so desperately need it. The FDA wrote that "...ozone is a "new" drug not generally recognized by qualified experts as safe and effective for the recommended use." And, "The issue of availability of unproven agents is not a new one to our agency... To date, we are not aware of any clinical investigator satisfactorily addressing the pre-clinical safety issues inherent in the use of oxygen/ozone in humans. The introduction of this agent into immunosuppressed AIDS patients without careful study of probable toxicities would place such patients at unreasonable and significant risk. Additionally, we are not aware of any scientific data demonstrating that ozone is effective for patients in any clinical situation! (emphasis mine!). Mr. Rennerts calls the FDA's response "so scientifically pathetic... that it confirms the level of ignorance and arrogance that exists in the FDA." The FDA letter was authored by Diane E. Thompson, Associate FDA Commissioner for Legislative Affairs, Dept of Health and Human Services , Public Health Service, FDA, Rockville, MD 20857. Comment: Let's look at the FDA words and their meanings: "new drug" - New? Ozone has been widely used for over 60 years. Ozone has been used on millions of people, 5,000+ physicians are using it today in other countries as you read this. Ozone therapy is grandfathered as a pre-FDA U.S. medical treatment. "qualified experts" - this means FDA and other people who have never seen ozone used, read a real study on it, or talked to any practitioner using it for 30 years. How can they possibly be expert? "availability of unproven agents not new to the FDA." Let's see why this question of dealing with any of the pharmaceutical company's competition, so-called "unproven agents" is not new. Quoting Senator Edward Long's U.S. Senate hearings where Dr. Herbert Ley, FDA Commissioner testifies that the FDA "protects" the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten the big drug companies." People think what the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." "not aware of ...addressing safety issues ...probable toxicities" - According to whom? Remember The German Medical Society in Europe in 1980? An estimated 350,000 people were treated with ozone between 1980 and 1985. The University of Bonn reviewed these cases and reported virtually no side effects of ozone therapy when properly administered... 1980 May, The German Medical Society stated 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." And what about Medizone's long ago submitted to the FDA Long Island College of Pharmacy rabbit study showing no toxicity at concentrations up to 10 times the dose proposed in man. Cornell University Veterinary College feline study showing no detectable toxic effects. The Hematology Journal HIV inactivation study showing 100% inactivation and harmless to human blood components. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York revealing hemolysis and coagulation changes well within normal limits. And, the June 2, 1993 Medizone announcement of the successful completion of the first two phases of a Canadian simian (ape) research project overseen by scientists representing the Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Departments of Defense and Agriculture, Cornell University Veterinarian Medical College and Medizone Canada Ltd. where they proved "These preliminary research results indicate the capability of Medizone's patented scientific and technological process to inactivate blood and blood products of certain viral contaminants, including the AIDS virus." Two groups of monkeys were infused with plasma infected with highly virulent strains of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (monkey equivalent of HIV). The first group died within 12 days. The second group's infected plasma was first infused with ozone through Medizone's process. None of the second group showed any sign of infection. "unreasonable and significant risk" - Like when the FDA's favorite drug AZT, so poisonous it was pulled off the shelves as a cancer drug years ago, was paraded out to appease AIDS protesters and went on to kill how many people? Or like the unreasonable and significant risk of denying AIDS patients ozone therapy! "not aware of any scientific data" ??? - This same FDA letter's very next paragraph admits they have in their possession a copy of this very publication "O3 vs. AIDS" you are now reading with the very same listing of all the scientific and medical journal, and clinical studies, and ozone using doctors, over the past 90+ years that they need to approve immediate human usage of safe and effective ozone therapy. Instead of allowing harmless research which will prove ozone better than drug therapy, they hide behind asking for precious time wasting delay tactics like "studies" while more people get infected and die. Amazingly they completely ignore all the bona fide scientific evidence in their hands and brazenly quote to the U.S. Congressman only one fraudulent "AIDS" medical article. The preliminary Canadian study only gave 10cc's of ozone into a muscle, not I.V., and not enough to do any good, and not for a long enough time period. During the second half of the very short study the ozone machine had broken and wasn't producing any ozone, yet they ignored this fact when they wrote up the study! The only other document they could produce in defense of their position was a disinformative and fraudulent American Cancer Society women's glamour magazine (yes they printed it) type fairy tale story wherein the ACS claimed to review all available literature and yet somehow find none of the evidence you are holding in your hands! In the few studies the ACS did admit to finding, they brazenly claimed the studies showed exactly the opposite of the conclusions drawn by the very people who actually did the studies! These fraudulent, unscientific, and criminally horrendous smear jobs are quoted as "proof" to you of why the FDA must continue to "protect" the ignorant public against the obviously terrible evils of "unproven" and "unknown" big bad ozone therapy. Perhaps it is "Unknown" all right, to those who ride a desk for a living, and who's telephones mysteriously can't call outside of Washington, DC. It is painfully obvious to this reporter that the only "protecting" going on is the protecting of the FDA employees' future fat cushy jobs in the pharmaceutical industry as a reward for being "good boys and girls" when they leave government "service." Question: How long are you going to put up with this criminal behavior in government with your life and the lives of your loved ones at stake? 1994 March 16th USA Today newspaper front page article "Medical Research Fighting Fraud" "Since June, 1992 more than 300 allegations of establishment medical research fraud have been reported to Federal Officials." The Lancet was quoted as saying "The system works against whistle-blowers." 1994 March Canadian Film "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine" wins "Best Documentary" at the Atlanta Film Festival. In the film, Captain Mike Shannon, M.D. Director of Medical Operations for the Canadian National Defence says: "I was shocked to discover that people traveled to various clinics in Germany from virtually all over the world paying two and three thousand dollars cash on the table American for six ozone treatments - incredible! Here I'm faced with a wide range of political applications, a huge number of people are using it, a patient base that's worldwide paying big money for something - there's got to be something in this. What is it? We certainly demonstrated that ozone was capable of deactivating the virus, but to our surprise, right out at the absolute limits of concentration so ten to the power of six virus particles per cc, we still deactivated everything. So very, very marked demonstration or profound demonstration of the potential as an anti-viral agent here, and of course we're dealing not with concentrations that are toxic to the human, but in fact, concentrations of ozone that have been used in Germany in clinics for the last 30 years with thousands of patients, without any evidence of any harm. Inadvertently, we discovered that this particular type of therapy has an incredible effect, a very, very profound effect in terms of managing pain. I mean it had a potent analgesic effect. And secondly, we were able to discover that blood that's ozonized actually triggers off the production of interlukin two, one of the immune regulators. So here we were sitting on a very simplistic technology that had promise of literally blowing the lid off of certainly North American Medicine, or North American pharmaceutics anyways. When these people stand up and say this is what they found, in all likelihood, the pillars of the establishment will start to shake a little bit anyways. It may still be perceived as slightly off the wall and maybe they should go back and check their data again, but chances are they're going to catch the interest and imagination of a few anyways who will replicate it and it will start to unfold." 1994 March 25, Dallas, Texas is the site of the IBOM International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation's 5th annual meeting. Phone 405/691-1452. MD's from all over the world highlighted their own work successfully using ozone and/or hydrogen peroxide and other oxidative compounds in medicine, and attending special educational workshops. Among the papers presented were: "Spontaneity of Oxidation in Nature" Majid Ali, MD "Ozone in Medicine" Frank Shallenberger MD "Hydrogen Peroxide and Free Radicals" Charles H. Farr MD Ph.D. "Complex Oxidative Compounds" George Freibott ND "Experiences in the further Treatment of AIDS, Cancer and Chemical Toxicity/Hypersensitivity Using Bio-Oxidative and Nutritional Therapies" Robert Allen MBBS (Australia) "The Cause of All Disease from a Wholistic Perspective" Ed McCabe "Oxidative Therapy and the Answer to AIDS" Robert Willner MD, Ph.D "AIDS, Immunology and Ozone" Frank Shallenberger, MD "Experiences With Medical Ozone" Stanley W. Beyrle, N.M.D. "Ozone May Inactivate HIV by Reducing p120-CD4 Binding Affinity, Lysing the HIV Lipid Envelope, and Oxidizing the HIV core" Oscar K. M. Hsu (Harvard) 1994 April 4th "Morey Povich" National TV Show tapes Ed McCabe, Dr. Robert Atkins (stopped from successfully using ozone), journalist Sue Ann Taylor (witnessed an ozone/AIDS clinic's results in the Philippines), Basil Wainwright, inventor (ozone political prisoner interviewed from his jail cell in Florida) and self treatment IV ozone using successful AIDS patient "Adam" for first ever 1 hour positive sounding national ozone TV show. Entitled "Oxygen Saved My Life." Show airs all over the U.S. April 21st, 1994 to over 5.5 million people. Mr. McCabe and associates repeatedly stressed how ozone is successfully being used all over the world, there are thousands of doctors using it, but the FDA won't let human testing occur here, why not? That's what the audience wanted to know as well. Comment: Although Ed McCabe has been contacting all the major talk shows and sending proof which was ignored for years, this was the first show to expose the truth nationally. A big thank you to Mr. Povich, producer Janell Bladow, and assistant Jill Van Lokeren and all those who let it through! 1994 Spring "HIV Treatment News #5" and "AIDS Control Diet, 6th edition" are published by Mark Konlee @ Keep Hope Alive P.O. Box 27041 West Allis, WI 53227. A grass roots publication that stays away from ideology and simply reports the success or failure of every known home protocol used and reported by people with AIDS. The publication increasingly encourages the use of ozone and other oxygen therapies due to readers reporting their successes. WARNING! 1994 April WARNING! Researcher interviews EPA (Phone 800/241-1754, 800/444-7255, 800/447-6349) official in charge of efficacy data and microbial studies, Zigfridas Vaituzis, who shockingly reveals that as of this date all government "AIDS" statistics are still only for HIV-1! Same goes for all blood bank testing! HIV-2, HIV-3 and other forms, possibly up to 10 in number (HIV-O in France) are not tested for or compiled in the statistics quoted by the government and announced over and over in the media! We are therefore told of far fewer persons having AIDS than the actual statistics reveal actually have AIDS, and the blood banks have routinely been giving out blood infected with the other forms of HIV! When you go get a HIV test, they only look for HIV-1! Forget what the nurses at the blood banks believe and tell you. Ask them to go and physically get one of the actual HIV blood screening test kits and read to you the instructions printed on them, they are only for HIV-1. The doctor or patient must request screening beyond HIV-1! As of June 1, 1994 they will recognize HIV-2. Some blood banks are already testing for HIV-2. Comment: Through political deception we are told all is well, while the stored transfusion blood remains untested and therefore unsafe, and the statistics are grossly understated! What is the real political agenda? It sounds anti-life, anti-people, doesn't it? If you were in a car accident and woke up with a blood bag going into you, don't you have a right to know that it is not HIV-2, HIV-3, etc, infected? Ozone bubbled through all stored blood would solve this problem immediately. Makes you wonder if some alien power has seized control of the inner workings of our government. They certainly don't represent me or any of my friends, or you or yours either, do they? 1994 April Before the above conversations with the CDC, their AIDS reference computerized National AIDS Information and Education Program - CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse databank had a synopsis of the story where Ed McCabe had testified before the NIH in 1992 about the effectiveness of ozone therapy. The story had subsequently been printed in the "Washington Post" Health section, 06/23/94, page 8. by David Brown. One week after the above conversations, all references of Mr. McCabe's testimony and the resulting Washington Post newspaper story had completely disappeared from the CDC computer. Around 4/7/94. The database is privately owned by Information Inc., Bethesda, MD Comment: The control of information is the consolidation of power. The high priests want to stay in power, and don't care if it kills you. Ed McCabe has to date brought the ozone message of hope out to the people on over 1,075 TV, radio & talk shows and speaking appearances. 1994 May 2 Ed McCabe is interviewed on the famous "Ron & Ron" syndicated radio morning talk show for 1 and 1/2 hours. The "bad boys of morning talk radio" were extremely interested about the story of ozone being highly effective in the treatment of disease, yet not even being researched in the U.S. and in the fact that it is being actively suppressed. Three days before Ed's interview, they had interviewed Basil Wainwright from his prison cell where he was still being held after 3 years on charges of saying ozone works as medicine. During Ed's show they got a first hand taste of the suppression when a caller who wouldn't identify himself called in and tried to discredit ozone by discrediting Basil Wainwright's checkered (from persecution) public record. Further suppression attempts occurred the next day, May 3rd, when Fort Lauderdale police sergeant Joe Rubichek - the same one who in 1991 incredibly stepped way beyond the bounds of his office and phoned a team of major northeast university researchers who were testing ozone's ability to kill viruses, & warned them, "You will be part of a criminal conspiracy if you continue to study ozone's effectiveness." - called the "Ron & Ron" offices and said he thought they were endorsing the "ozone products," and that the show was going to be liable if anything happened to the people who used the therapy." Comment: Don't you wish that we all had such conscientious police departments in our own towns, who actually take the time out from catching crack dealers and murderers and rapists to warn us whenever we might be approaching some alleged illegality? I'm happy to see the attempted squelching of public discussion and legitimate research on ozone, which might save untold lives when properly applied, outweighing the priorities of solving the abductions of children and rampant drug crimes, aren't you? Q. 4 "What are the new publications from you?" My brand new increased by 24 pages up to 66 page April 94 edition of "Ozone vs. AIDS." It's chock full of medical references that everyone is screaming for, and my usual witty comments on the evolving ozone scene. Your just getting "The Family News" version of the chronology bit by bit, issue by issue, is not the same, because whenever I uncover new intelligence I go back into the past to do historical updates and rewrite scenarios as more information becomes available. "The Family News" only prints the sequential versions from the last reported date forward. So, EVEN IF YOU HAVE AN OLD EDITION, BUY THE NEW REPORT! Q. 5 "You were on the "Morey Povich" national TV show, what happened? In essence, even though everyone who saw the show loved it and said we won, and we were seen by 5.5 million people while we showed them ozone, healed AIDS patients, and quoted references, and had the "Oxygen Therapies" book cover on the air, we wasted $2,000 of our already too tight finances to mount an 800 number phone bank. We sold about 50 books from the show. Nothing happened. The network switchboard wouldn't give out our number, although the producers would if you could reach them. Apparently America is so numbed by media overkill sensationalism on these talk shows, that IT is fast asleep. Comatose America has defected in legions from the 4 major networks "I've got 57 channels and nothing's on" as the song goes. The people know they are being lied to by the media, so they no longer trust it. How far will the esteem of the major networks have to drop before they begin to march to the beat of the people? See the above chronologic summary for details. Get the new ozone report. You'll need it to convince skeptics. Happy Oxygen! Mr. McCabe's oxygen therapies series of books, tapes and videos, and A FREE COPY OF A NEWSLETTER are available at 1-800-284-6261, or International call U.S. 305-759-8710, or write: The Family News 9845 N.E. 2nd Ave. Miami Shores, FL 33138 U.S.A. A much more detailed bound and complete printed up to date version of the new events for the chronology of ozone events, with over 120 medical ozone references and embedded comments by Ed McCabe is available from The Family News as a publication. At the urging of many in our oxygen family, The Not For Profit "Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies" has finally been formed. Our stated purpose: We are bringing our case to the public by educating them that oxygen supplements, therapies and related activities are historically inexpensive, safe, and proven effective when used as directed by competently trained healthcare professionals. We are using education, the media, and soon, with your help, aggressive research as proof to silence whomever postures against oxygen, your very right to life itself. While America dies of AIDS, Tuberculosis and a host of other diseases, and the FDA stands before Congress and declares as truth that "there is no evidence that ozone has any medical benefit," and Congressmen say we should "imprison anyone who promotes or uses ozone for 25 years as a felon," and doctors curing diseases are railroaded into prison, and homes are broken into by government agents seizing ozone machines, things have gone way too far. They are referring to us. You and me and our friends. Won't you please become a contributing member by joining the foundation today? Donations will be in a segregated account and only used for our stated agenda. Please send your donation, no matter how small or large - all will be appreciated - to us at the following addresses. 1. If you need a tax receipt, in care of IBOM, an IRS approved 501-3C charity Payee: I.B.O.M. (The International Bioxidative Medicine Foundation.) Indicate the donation is for the seggregated account of: "The Foundation For The Advancement Of Oxygen Therapies" Mail to: IBOM, P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 2. If no charitable deduction tax receipt is needed, just send directly to: The Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe, Executive Director Non-Domestic c/o P.O. Box 654 Cazenovia, New York State Postal District 13035 Thanks, and Happy Oxygen!