Adapted from Ed McCabe's "Oxygen Therapies" Copyright 1990 by Ed McCabe OZONE IS NOT SMOG OZONE IS GOOD AND NATURAL By Ed McCabe LIMITED COMPUTER BBS READING ONLY USE IS GRANTED TO ANYONE. SELLING THIS INFORMATION, ALTERING IT IN ANY WAY OR ANY COMMERCIAL USAGE OF IT OR USING IT AS SALES LITERATURE FOR ANY PRODUCTS IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. SPECIAL NOTICE: SINCE MY "OZONE IS NOT SMOG...OZONE IS GOOD AND NATURAL" WRITINGS ARE HEREBY GOING ONTO A COMPUTER FORMAT, I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE IF ANYONE ALTERS THE INFORMATION AFTER IT LEAVES MY PRESENCE. SO BE SURE AND DOUBLE CHECK ANY SENSITIVE OR POTENTIALLY HARMFULL INFORMATION WITH COMPETENTLY TRAINED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS. OF COURSE ONLY PROFESSIONALS SKILLED IN THE OXIDATIVE MODALITIES, SINCE THE UNTRAINED PROFESSIONALS WON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, AND A SAD FEW LET EGO RATHER THAN COMPASSION RULE AND THEREFORE ACT LIKE GOD AND DISS IT. OVER 7,000 MD'S IN EUROPE ARE USING OZONE THERAPY AS YOU READ THIS, BUT NORTH AMERICAN DOCTORS ARE WOEFULLY UNINFORMED. - Ed McCabe Ozone is one of the most beneficial substances on this planet, and the BAD science you hear quoted on the news every night is causing you to subconsciously be afraid of nature, and therefore, a part of life itself. They tell you that somehow hydrogen plus nitrogen or sulfur equals ozone. H + N + S = 03? Not on this planet it doesn't! What is ozone? Simply, oxygen. Three atoms of nature's oxygen. It exists in a very active form for about 30 minutes before breaking down into two atoms of regular oxygen - by giving up one atom of singlet oxygen. Where does ozone come from? Nature. And nature is efficient. The new growth in the forests, the trees, the grass on your front lawn, and the plankton in the ocean are continually creating oxygen. As you read this, this oxygen is rising up into the atmosphere to where the ozone layer is. In the region of the ozone layer, our rising oxygen is bombarded by the sun's photo chemical energy in the form of ultraviolet (UV rays). The UV energy bombardment changes the oxygen from 02 - two atoms of stable oxygen, into 03 - three atoms of unstable active oxygen. We call this pure form of oxygen "ozone." The using up of the UV rays to create ozone is how the ozone layer shields us from their harmful effects. This is all part of the natural process of life on this living biosphere called earth. The chemical formula for this is 3O2 > UV > 203. Being heavier than the oxygen in the atmosphere, this newly created ozone falls back to earth, eventually giving us one atom of oxygen, it changes back to 02, and is immediately replaced by more rising oxygen which is also soon changed into ozone by the sun. The ozone falls to earth and is all around us purifying our water and air, decomposing bacteria, molds and fungi. It is the fresh smell of laundry dried outdoors in the country. It is the fresh air at a clean seashore, and the sweet smell of the air after a lightning storm. Lightning, also possessing photo chemical and electrical energy, creates ozone as well. At least this is how our world was operating until man started ruining it. Ozone has always been with us in nature, and the fact that ozone gives off that single oxygen atom is a significant factor in life, in medicine, and in toxic waste cleanup technology. Thousands of physicians in Europe have been using ozone as medical treatment for over 50 years, and the use of Ozone in medicine is stating to finally catch on here in the U.S. How is it used in medicine? This 03 Ozone is not as stable as regular 02 oxygen because it has that extra atom of 01 attached to it. Ozone will readily give up this extra atom of 01 and revert it back to stable oxygen again. This giving off of the 01 is the reason why ozone has been used in medicine. It has been proven extensively that 03 will kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and molds by attaching to them and oxidizing and eliminating them, oxidizing means to burn without giving off light or heat. These bacteria, etcetera, are lower life form organisms, and are mostly anaerobic. That means they can't live around activated oxygen/ozone. Doctors using the proper concentrations and correct medical protocols have achieved substantial positive clinical results with ozone. Far from being a poison, ozone, when used properly, has been shown repeatedly to kill pathogens - yet not harm nominal cells. This is because disease causing pathogens do not have any strong enzyme coatings to protect them - as do all the higher life forms like us for example, pure ozone is available to purify all our county's stored blood supplies. There is no reason why people have had to come home from the hospital with AIDS or hepatitis from blood transfusions. European doctors and respected NY University researchers all state that ozone has been used to eliminate AIDS in humans, animals and blood tests. Without any side effects. Why don't we see this on TV? Why isn't it being used? Breathing ozonated air or drinking ozonated water (at the safe legal concentrations that are already conservatively laid out by the government) are two of the ways of getting activated oxygen into your body. Did you ever drink clean water just downstream from a waterfall and feel invigorated? That was because the water had tumbled over the rocks, thinned out, and absorbed oxygen/ozone from the air. Other methods being explored medically in the US are rectal ozone insulation, ozone autohemotherapy and intravenous ozone infusions. All these methods require the use of pure medical grade ozone. Being blatantly non toxic, these methods of killing viruses and bacteria in humans have been in use in European medicine for over 50 years. Most European and several major US cities have been purifying water, sewage and toxic dump sites with ozone, some for over 70 years. Ozone based systems can even break down PCB's and all other industrial chemical wastes both organic and inorganic. This is possible because ozone based systems are able to create enough of these singlet oxygen atoms to oxidize anything unnatural found in our air, water, sewage, and sediment. Ozone can do this yet is so safe that it is used on humans and animals as the water purifier at Marine World and in the Olympic swimming pools. Why do they call Ozone "smog?" Bad science and bad reporting. A political misrepresentation. It's also dangerous to promote this concept. A Los Angeles nurse I met told me she actually treated a patient who got sick from going around breathing bus fumes deeply: The poor man had heard that ozone kills the AIDS virus and because of TV had thought ozone was the same as smog! By calling nature's oxygen "poison," and diverting your attention away from the real polluters, no one has to clean up the environment. Did you know that your automobile emits its own weight in pollutants into the air every year? Television tries to position itself as "concerned" and wastes your time arguing over what type of shopping bag you should lobby for at the local supermarket. Meanwhile, the factory next door continues its deadly course of spewing tons of poisonous pollutants into your breathing air and drinking water. While you are constantly made to feel guilty about every day living, they won't give any significant air time to cover the far more dangerous industrial polluters that are too cheap to put scrubbers on their smokestacks. Why? Because the corporations might be "offended." Go into a city, look up, and taste the dirty air you're breathing. Try and tell me that the brown / gray / yellow colour is ozone. I doubt that I'll believe you. All of this can be cleaned up with colorless, clear ozone Ozone based systems are able to purify 99% of every liquid, or gas or toxic substance coming out of any industrial operation. The engineers even tell me we can include radiation in the list since the radiation is carried by something. Why aren't the ozone systems being used? Nature constantly works through the balancing out of different electrical, magnetic, and chemical charges. When man dumps pollutants into the air, nature tries to clean it up by in effect, "sending" ozone into the affected areas to oxidize and clean up the pollution. What got us into this mess was the old idea that the earth and water and air magically combined into one giant "sponge," where we could just "toss it out" and it would all disappear. Well our sponge is full now, and although nature still tries, the ocean polluters and rainforest clear cutters have significantly choked off nature's means of cleanup - the ozone. That is why Ozone is always found as a very tiny component of air pollution. Here we find out why the newscasters and scientists try to blame your respiratory problems on your friend ozone and call her names like "smog." You can almost hear them thinking..."Well boss, here's 5 000 pounds of toxic hydrocarbons and nitric compounds coming from our factory, and those pesky environmentalists are starting to notice it and make noise...Let's see...There's less than .12 parts per million (or only 12 millionths of a pound) of ozone in the area...I've got it J.R.! We'll blame the teensy weensey little air ozone molecule - so the sheep won notice our toxic soup, the real cause of their dead trees and lung, eye and throat irritation!" "Smithers, that's brilliant! Let's do lunch at the club. By the way, how's your daughters rash?" By blaming nature, the huge polluters are never forced to take responsibility for the current dirty engine designs and factories, and never have to incorporate any of the already invented clean energy sources. What they call "ozone smog" is a toxic soup of compounds. Why they don't tell you is that Nature's ozone is trying to clean it up, and is a very tiny portion of the smog they report. THE MORE CHEMICALS DUMPED IN THE AIR, THE HARDER NATURE TRIES TO CLEAN IT UP, THEREFORE THE REPORTED OZONE LEVELS WILL BE HIGHER. They also don't admit that ozone is strictly, always, only 02+01 pure oxygen, and never anything else. The ray of hope here is that the media professionals and federal, state, and corporate decision makers and their families are themselves coming down with all manner of new mutant diseases. Their vacation hideaways are spoiled. It is no longer an "us" versus "them" class struggle. We are all in this earth boat. This is quickly forcing change in business as usual. As to their claims that ozone is a poison, I can refer detractors to internally clean people who work in very high concentrations of pure ozone all day long without ill effect. In fact, they commonly report a healthy invigoration. Where these scare stories come from is the following typical scenario. When a typical smoker, or junk food or drug addict - a person whose body cells are loaded with toxins finally gets near enough to an activated oxygen (ozone) source, his or her body starts to oxidize the toxins within it, in an effort to finally remove them. The pathways out of the body become filled with cellular debris, swollen, irritated, and fluid filled. Often this is uncomfortable, but only for a few days, while, and until, the oxidized toxins leave the body. The health professionals skilled in medical ozone usage call this a typical cleansing reaction. Most air ozone "studies" are halted at the point of detoxification discomfort, and not after the full cleansing has occurred. Therefore "damage" is erroneously reported in the Scientific literature. In contrast, any properly conducted experiments are allowed to continue past this point - and report how the body replaces the weak, old, diseased, dying, feeble cells with new and very healthy oxidative stress resistant ones. At times, an isolated and questionable report will surface in the scientific literature, telling of animals exposed to ozone who developed lung scarring. These studies were usually done at super high concentrations way beyond the typical medical protocols, and relate to impure ozone made from high amperage electricity and air, which is 80% Nitrogen, not pure Oxygen. Nitrogen plus heat plus moisture plus ozone equals nitric acid. Acid will definitely cause lung scarring. Again, this is not nature's pure natural ozone. I've actually cornered a few scientists and reporters and asked if they knew that they were not being scientifically accurate when in the press they equate ozone with the toxic soup of smog. The admitted (in private) that they knew they weren't, but keep up the charade "because everyone else does!" What about the holes in the ozone layer? Consider the gluttonous "clear cutting" of the oxygen producing rain forests and the disappearance of our own oxygen producing national forests. Where is our oxygen going to come from? Then add the constant selfish polluting of the oceans and the greedy discharge of industrial pollutants, nuclear radiation and electrical energy into the atmosphere. These electrical, electronic, and radioactive discharges further scramble the elements in nature's air. At home, chlorine gas comes out of your water faucet and rises up into the sky. More and more, our oxygen is either missing or bound up in toxins. What we're experiencing is an increasing shortage of atmospheric oxygen that's available to be turned into ozone in the first place! That's why there is an ozone hole at both poles, and the rest of the ozone layer is starting to look like Swiss cheese. Greed, not ozone is the problem. The ozone layer is constantly changing, almost a living boundary, paper thin, and missing at night. When the oxygen is all bound up with toxins, then there will be no ozone layer. Without available oxygen, the sun's ultraviolet light passes right on through without being absorbed in creating ozone, and we are seeing increased cataracts, skin cancer, blindness, and burning of vegetation. So our bodies and our food supply - therefore our very existence - is in danger, unless you personally do something about turning back the rampant greed that is destroying us. What can you do to help preserve and re-supply the missing oxygen in your life? Stop those unevolved people who think "We're all going to die anyway so I'm gonna get all I can now" from cutting down all the trees. Convince the factory managers to install existing devices like ozone based smokestack scrubbers, factory discharge point ozone based purifiers, and to fund existing ignored clean energy sources. Plant lots of trees. Don't sell aerosols. Stop polluting the clean. Industrially, ozone air purifies have been in use for decades. There have been no problems associated with their use, as long as they are used in average sized rooms, at the levels just below where someone feels discomfort. Enlightened hospital operating rooms commonly use ozone air purifiers to keep everything sterile The doctors and nurses aren't falling over dead with scarred lungs are they? Ozone air sterilizer/purifiers/deodorizers are commonly used: by hotel chains to remove odors; by used car dealers to give old cars that " new car smell"; by morgues to get ride of formaldehyde odors; by schools when they refinish a floor, so they don't have to close the school because of the dangerous refinishing chemical odors; in bars, comedy clubs, and restaurants - so the majority non-smokers can patronize them again and go home without stinking like an ashtray; in fitness/exercise clubs and gymnasiums where patrons don't smell body odor, they only smell fresh air and report increased endurance and strength; by grain storage building owners who report an end to mold and rot. Owners of animal excretion soiled stable, barns, veterinary kennels, and professional dog and horse racing paddocks love them. If the animals could talk, they would probably echo this sentiment, and describe the air as fresh as a day in the country. Entrepreneurs even buy - at a discount - sick cattle who are worn out from antibiotics and drugs, ozonate their air and water, and then sell them as healthy, disease free animals a year later at a profit. Plus, the consumer eats chemical free meat. Do you have any smoke damaged goods? Fire damaged furniture? Stick it in a room with an ozone air purifier running full tilt, and in a few days the useless items are restored. The applications are endless, wherever stale, polluted and toxic odors are encountered. Factory and closed-up-tight office workers could ask management to install ozone air purifiers. Management would benefit at the bottom line, because happy oxygenated workers are more efficient workers, cheerier to customers, and don't need as many sick days. In the fifties, ozone air lamps were placed in schools, and absenteeism dropped. Commercial clothes dryers came with UV ozone lamps in them. The federal government required their use in all government restrooms. If your home or work air stinks, think of ozone solutions. If some sat only inches from an ozone generator and breathed deeply for a long time, they might have cell lysis (destruction) problems. But no one is advocating that, and product warning labels could handle the liabilities. No one deeply inhales oven cleaners, paint thinners or other common toxic household chemicals, and they are available everywhere without restriction Why should ozone be any different? Jumping on the media hype- created bandwagon, some government agencies what to regulate the amount of ozone emitted from an ozone generator. That's not the point, and way off the mark. The output can't be regulated, because we never know the size room it will be used in, of the toxic cellular level of its occupants. ED McCABE'S CONSUMER SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR OZONE GENERATORS. 1. Is it a "cold process" ozone generator - the kind that doesn't create lots of nitric acid out of air nitrogen and moisture? 2. What is the ozone output concentration compared to the size of the room it is used in? 3. Does the generator have instructive labeling saying: "Operate only at a level where no discomfort is experienced. 4. Is the generator a quality design, using safe components? "Ozone is bad" is a great, quick, one liner for the media to hype, but it is far from reality. This instant journalism created a hysteria is so bad that the "Earth Day" environmental organizations even emblem their signs with well meaning but uninformed slogans. In a twisted way, people subconsciously are made to fear the very act of breathing, so that every breath taken on a hot summer day in the city is tainted with a fear of life itself. At the home level, many thousands of people are now exploring the many medical oxygen therapies and pollution control devices I wrote about in my book "Oxygen Therapies." One of the simplest methods of using ozone at home is by installing a home ozone air or water purifier. Home purification units aren't manufactured for medical or industrial purposes. They generally use air as the incoming gas, and not pure pharmaceutical quality "green bottle" oxygen - as is required in the medical ozone generators. However, they do a fine job for what they were designed for, general air and water purification. There are several brands on the market, and I use them at home with pleasant results. Many readers of my "Oxygen Therapies" book have even called and written to me of their own personal experiences. After installing air ozonators, they claimed "their house mold went away," "the odors stopped," their "emphysema became less," or their "lupus got better," and one fellow actually told me "the tartar fell off his teeth!" Sounds fantastic, but hearing these stories first hand has been my experience. Of course no one is making illegal medical claims for these devices, but the anecdotal evidence in this area continues to amaze us as it piles up steadily. Since anaerobic (most) disease organisms simply cannot exist in oxygen, then oxygen is the first line of defense in your immune system. It's also necessary for the removal of every single bit of toxic waste in your body. Every waste product that comes out of you is oxygen combined with hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, or carbon. If the toxins in you don't have any available oxygen to combine with, they pile up inside you and they can't leave. Dr. William F. Koch, MD., was a brilliant free radical chemist and former professor of chemistry at Wayne State University. He wrote that ALL disease originates from toxins in the body. Now think about the fact that we were genetically designed during a time when the atmosphere was 38 to 50 percent richer in oxygen than you now live in - especially if you live in a city. We are living way below our optimum efficiency. If your car has dirt in it's oil, has half its air supply cut off, and has never had an air or gas or oil filter changed, it will die after sputtering along for a while. Our bodies are vehicles for Soul. Your liver and kidney and lymph system are the vehicle filters. You die too soon, and full of dirt as well. The Bible dates some in the old Testament as being over 900 years old. How did dinosaurs get to be 5 stories tall? You can guess why so many are sick so often in our "modern" society. I am convinced that what we've presently experiencing in our society is the rise of the age of toxins, diseases, and plagues all corresponding to the fall of our planetary and body oxygen levels. Fueled by greed and self imposed ignorance, the phenomenon is sad indeed, and unless abated, will drastically change or even eliminate life on this orb. Some, including doctors, have added up the numbers, and concluded that half of the world's population will possibly be dead from AIDS, alone, in the next 10 to 20 years. I have seen slides brought back from Africa by Dr. William Douglas, the book author. Slides of whole villages that are now empty, and roads lined with burial mounds where the victims fell. Not a fantasy, it's real, it's right now, it's your problem. Pay attention to the warnings. Take heart my friend, if you're reading this, it's not over yet. We can change above dire predictions, if YOU get involved at some level. Plenty of evidence exists proving that an increase of planetary and cellular oxygen levels will solve most of our life threatening industrial and medical problems. Ozone is our friend. We should get to know it better. "Oxygen Therapies" by Ed McCabe, is published by Energy Publications and is distributed by over 30 distributors to health food stores, select clinics, and booksellers worldwide. Further info, publications, tapes, subscriptions, and past issues are available from "The Family News" 9845 N.E. Second Ave. Miami Shores, FL 33138. united States of America Telephone: 305/759-8710 Copyrighted 1992, 1993, & 1994 By Ed McCabe. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED At the urging of many in our oxygen family, The Not For Profit "Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies" has finally been formed. Our stated purpose: We are bringing our case to the public by educating them that oxygen supplements, therapies and related activities are historically inexpensive, safe, and proven effective when used as directed by competently trained healthcare professionals. We are using education, the media, and soon, with your help, aggressive research as proof to silence whomever postures against oxygen, your very right to life itself. While America dies of AIDS, Tuberculosis and a host of other diseases, and the FDA stands before Congress and declares as truth that "there is no evidence that ozone has any medical benefit," and Congressmen say we should "imprison anyone who promotes or uses ozone for 25 years as a felon," and doctors curing diseases are railroaded into prison, and homes are broken into by government agents seizing ozone machines, things have gone way too far. They are referring to us. You and me and our friends. Won't you please become a contributing member by joining the foundation today? Donations will be in a segregated account and only used for our stated agenda. Please send your donation, no matter how small or large - all will be appreciated - to us at the following addresses. 1. If you need a tax receipt, in care of IBOM, an IRS approved 501-3C charity Payee: I.B.O.M. (The International Bioxidative Medicine Foundation.) Indicate the donation is for the seggregated account of: "The Foundation For The Advancement Of Oxygen Therapies" Mail to: IBOM, P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 2. If no charitable deduction tax receipt is needed, just send directly to: The Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe, Executive Director Non-Domestic c/o P.O. Box 654 Cazenovia, New York State Postal District 13035 Thanks, and Happy Oxygen!