WHAT IS OZONE THERAPY? (For Hartford AIDS Project) By Ed McCabe Author of The classic bestseller "Oxygen Therapies" And the new hit "O3 vs. AIDS" Copyright 1994 by Ed McCabe LIMITED COMPUTER BBS READING ONLY USE IS GRANTED TO ANYONE. SELLING THIS INFORMATION, ALTERING IT IN ANY WAY OR ANY COMMERCIAL USAGE OF IT OR USING IT AS SALES LITERATURE FOR ANY PRODUCTS IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. SPECIAL NOTICE: SINCE MY "WHAT IS OZONE THERAPY?" WRITINGS ARE HEREBY GOING ONTO A COMPUTER FORMAT, I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE IF ANYONE ALTERS THE INFORMATION AFTER IT LEAVES MY PRESENCE. SO BE SURE AND DOUBLE CHECK ANY SENSITIVE OR POTENTIALLY HARMFUL INFORMATION WITH COMPETENTLY TRAINED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS. OF COURSE ONLY PROFESSIONALS SKILLED IN THE OXIDATIVE MODALITIES, SINCE THE UNTRAINED PROFESSIONALS WON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, AND A SAD FEW LET EGO RATHER THAN COMPASSION RULE AND THEREFORE ACT LIKE GOD AND DISMISS IT. OVER 7,000 MD'S IN EUROPE ARE USING OZONE THERAPY AS YOU READ THIS, BUT NORTH AMERICAN DOCTORS ARE WOEFULLY UNINFORMED. - Ed McCabe It's so simple it befuddles the great minds. Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, the disease causing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites - including HIV and others - are like most primitive lower life forms. They are almost all anaerobic. That means these microbes cannot live in oxygen. Therefore, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses and bacteria if they were to be completely surrounded with a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a long time? What if enough of this special form of oxygen/ozone was to be slowly and harmlessly introduced into the body daily, over the course of a few months, by bypassing the lungs, and yet eventually saturating all the bodily fluids and every cell with it? The disease causing microbes that can't live in oxygen would cease to exist. All 30 or so oxygen therapies, including ozone, work because they flood the body with Nature's single oxygen atoms. Singlet oxygen and its by-products are very energetic oxidizers - they "burn up" waste products, pollution, and microbes which can't protect themselves because they are either inert, or lower life forms. Normal body cells protect themselves from the oxidizing effects of oxygen by naturally producing their own protective antioxidant coatings. We are 66% water. Most European and many American cities purify their municipal drinking water by bubbling ozone through it to kill all the bacteria and viruses, etc. See Inactivation Kinetics of Viruses and Bacteria by use of Ozone, by E. Katzenelson, et. al., American Water Works Society, 1974. Most bottled water in the U.S. goes through the same ozone purification methods. Since your body is two-thirds water (we are internally permeated with fluids), the same purification principals would directly apply to us. Ozone is simply infused into your personal body liquids to sterilize and purify them. This method has been successfully applied to the human body by knowledgeable doctors treating diseased persons for over 100 years. It's simple. Our natural intake of oxygen from food, air, & water is the way Nature intended us to keep healthy and clean by oxidizing away the microbes and toxins. Unfortunately, due to human ego and greed, mankind has polluted the eco-system, cut down the rainforests, and ruined the oceans. This is where the oxygen all comes from. So because we are all oxygen deficient, our bodies can no longer take out (oxidize) the trash. Even the ozone layer above us that protects us from ultraviolet rays is born when the rainforests make the oxygen that eventually turns into ozone. The removal of our planet's oxygen generating forests and atomic bomb testing rendering the natural oxygen isotopic and unable to turn into ozone is directly relating to the "mysterious" holes in the ozone layer. I have witnessed hundreds of AIDS and other patients receiving ozone infusion therapy. When they start out their blood is filthy, diseased, and so empty of oxygen that it is almost black in color. Keep putting the ozone into them for a while, and the blood turns back to a bright cherry red color, full of life giving oxygen and clean. Human ego is presently preventing us from exploring ozone's use in US medicine without great difficulty. For example, In New York City it is illegal to say any therapy helps AIDS. This law has been used as an excuse to shut down experimental ozone clinical trials in progress before they could produce the documentation. There is plenty of documentation already around in major journals. See Ed McCabe's "O3 vs. AIDS" for proof. 50+ years of Ozone application methods IV slow injections of the O3 gas - no air, just pure oxygen forms. Autohemotherapy - withdrawing 600 ml of blood and re-infusing it after putting ozone into it. Ozone bagging - every body part except the head in a bag full of O3 for up to two hours. Ozone rectal insufflation - average 1 1/2 liters of 27mcg/ml O3 gas into colon. Ozone vaginal insufflation - average 5 minutes of insufflating body cavity. Ozone ear insufflation - average 5 minutes of letting O3 fall into ear cavities. Ozone air purification - low levels of ozone steralize and rejuvinate the room air. Ozone charged drinking water - must be imbibed immediately while O3 still in glass. There are over 3,000 medical references in the German literature showing ozone's use in over 50 years of application to humans by way of millions of dosages. The International Ozone Association and the machine manufacturers report over 7,000 M.D.'s in Europe using medical ozone safely and effectively, some for more than 40 years, yet for the past 5 years, the FDA has prevented formal human testing or any ozone generating device approvals. I have seen people sero-convert to HIV negative, and even more importantly, lose all secondary infections from being on ozone. BUT they stuck to a full protocol - getting it daily, IV, the right dosage, and the right concentrations, and combining it with other significant modalities. People who have never tried it, or only just "dabbled" in it, end up being the only nay sayers. Go ahead and ask anyone who is dissing ozone - Ask them, did you work up to least 150cc (not the starting dosage) of 27-42 mcg/ml concentration strength of only pure medical ozone gas? Was it once or twice a day, every single day, for four to six weeks? Was the ozone delivered IV or better? If they say it's dangerous, or inneffective, they're doing it wrong! 99% of the many successful people that I have interviewed - and written or spoken about - have recieved ozone only this proper way. And none were hurt. - see below on the 5 1/2 million dosage German study showing ozone to be completely safe. Those that use ozone continue to come back for more because they live the benefits within their own bodies. The German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Zacob's dissertation quoting this in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany. This paper is a part of a much larger chronology found in Ed McCabe's new oxygen/ozone report "Ozone vs. AIDS." His first work, the self published best seller "Oxygen Therapies: A New Way Of Approaching Disease" has sold over 100,000 copies by word of mouth. Over the past seven years, Ed McCabe has appeared on over 1,075 radio, TV and speaking platforms. Books and audio/video tapes of proof and testimonials are available from "The Family News" 9845 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami Shores, FL 33138. 800/284-6261 or 305/759-8710, M-F 9-5 EST. Free sample newsletter. Copyrighted 1992, 1993, & 1994 By Ed McCabe. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED At the urging of many in our oxygen family, The Not For Profit "Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies" has finally been formed. Our stated purpose: We are bringing our case to the public by educating them that oxygen supplements, therapies and related activities are historically inexpensive, safe, and proven effective when used as directed by competently trained healthcare professionals. We are using education, the media, and soon, with your help, aggressive research as proof to silence whomever postures against oxygen, your very right to life itself. While America dies of AIDS, Tuberculosis and a host of other diseases, and the FDA stands before Congress and declares as truth that "there is no evidence that ozone has any medical benefit," and Congressmen say we should "imprison anyone who promotes or uses ozone for 25 years as a felon," and doctors curing diseases are railroaded into prison, and homes are broken into by government agents seizing ozone machines, things have gone way too far. They are referring to us. You and me and our friends. Won't you please become a contributing member by joining the foundation today? Donations will be in a segregated account and only used for our stated agenda. Please send your donation, no matter how small or large - all will be appreciated - to us at the following addresses. 1. If you need a tax receipt, in care of IBOM, an IRS approved 501-3C charity Payee: I.B.O.M. (The International Bioxidative Medicine Foundation.) Indicate the donation is for the seggregated account of: "The Foundation For The Advancement Of Oxygen Therapies" Mail to: IBOM, P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 2. If no charitable deduction tax receipt is needed, just send directly to: The Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe, Executive Director Non-Domestic c/o P.O. Box 654 Cazenovia, New York State Postal District 13035 Thanks, and Happy Oxygen! ??