ED McCABE REBUTTAL OF NEGATIVE 2/94 APLA OZONE ARTICLE or WHAT'S THE REAL AGENDA, HELPING PEOPLE OR SOUNDING SMART? Copyright 1994 by Ed McCabe 8/94 Non commercial reproduction encouraged After 7 years of doing all I can on a daily basis with limited resources to help people with AIDS, I am saddened that elements which are trying to keep ozone therapy away from those who so desperately need it have finally sunken to the level of personally attacking me as well as doctors and other researchers with sterling reputations. I normally would not reply to such trashy journalism, for to do so would be to dignify it. Yet for the sake of all those who so desperately need this therapy, I must. I must, for although it will sully my spirit to sink to the APLA (Aids Project Los Angeles) level of yellow journalism, I cannot let their half truths, innuendos, and character slurs to stand unchallenged. To equal their energy I will depart from a scientifically acceptable, and unemotional, listing of facts and express my feelings openly at the low behavior of an organization which doesn't deserve any respect in this area. Normally I work with people to reach a consensus of understanding, educating them as we go along, never getting personal unless they will not communicate in any way after many reasonable attempts. But these incompetents published personal attacks without communicating for more than a few seconds and widely distributed their slurs into the computer nets to be passed around over and over trans nationally. Incompetents because they might kill people, scaring them away from a good treatment with their lies. I know they are my brothers and sisters, beautiful shining souls simply gathering lessons during their earthly experiences, but at the level they sunk to they are manifesting as dangerous incompetents, and for the purposes of this article I will call them what they manifested as. This writing is written in outrage as a response to the recent life threatening AIDS Project Los Angeles' Martin A. Majchrowicz's Document 0001 2/94. Their document, guised to look official, is biased in the extreme, poorly researched, and derogatory, and filled with lies, half truths, and slanted inexperienced opinions pronounced as fact, and I will prove it. I will assume you have read the inadequate APLA article and have it in hand to reference as you read this. Documented proof of everything I say herein is available in my well referenced publication "O3 vs. AIDS." (See end of article for availability) First, why would APLA, an organization supported by "donations," come out trying to discredit 100 years of medical ozone's proof of effectiveness as a valuable, safe, and effective treatment in multiple diseases? Why would someone named Majchrowicz, who is an self professed APLA help-the-AIDS-people opinion leader put into print slurs and innuendoes that are disparaging the sterling reputations of the majority of the tireless ozone researchers, MD's and promoters? Doctors and journalists publishing ozone facts in the U.S. are, and have been for many years, working long hours for very little, if any, profit because they are driven by something within them, an insatiable sense of conscience that drives them on responding to a higher calling. They have to do what is right, what they believe in, to try and save humanity from its own ignorance. They know when applied correctly ozone works, they have seen it work. They know that if it is not an outright cure in every case, it is the absolutely best treatment available for the widest range of diseases. Yet it has become an almost untenable burden for them to work against the pressure of a close minded federal and private healthcare scene that only dances to the tune of the drug companies. Why should these heroes have to endure seeing their work, names, and reputations smeared by the very people they are trying to help - just because an APLA writer hasn't done enough of his homework? Why would someone in their right mind who is witnessing the slow insidious mass destruction of our society's fabric from the spread of AIDS not be jumping on every shred of hope and fighting to have them tested over and over, even if it only improves an AIDS patient's quality of life a little bit? What is this perverted APLA attitude that "if you only IMPROVE lives and can't cure everyone 100% of the time, then I'm going to insult you for trying to help people?" These uninformed articles paraded before the sick and dying dressed as the "expert" opinion of those who have a sacred moral obligation to help them, personally disgusts me. Similar tactics are employed by Project Inform in San Francisco, which tells callers ozone is only a form of sexual practice, and Search Alliance in L.A. which refuses to explore ozone despite my repeated personal 6,000 mile trips to see their director, Mike Slatterly, and repeated correspondence and phone calls. Search Alliance's motto is "We will leave no stone unturned in our search for a cure." Sure, as long as the stones are all drug oriented. It's the same on the east coast; My personal letters and proofs sent Express Mail to ACT-Up, Gay Men's Health Crisis, talk shows, movie stars, sports stars, etc, etc, received NO REPLIES. Instead their editors spew out their emotionally arrested and child-like articles. Under the guise of "science" they cry out like babies: I don't know anything about ozone so I will strike out at it because the fact of your saying "It works" points out my ignorance of it and seriously threatens my cherished and well constructed beliefs that I depend upon "there is no cure," and "I trust father figure authorities to never lie" and "if the drug companies and the FDA have been lying to me all this time, my world would fall apart." If these things are true, then this is too scary - so now I will hit you. Their negative lazy limited understanding of a life saving, life improving, safe, proven and effective therapy, is disgusting because it scares away those who need it the most -the poor sick and dying sufferers of this terrible set of diseases. Can you really understand what we who labor for ozone go through? How would you feel, really, if you PERSONALLY witnessed, over and over, people getting well, or at least improving, and DAY AFTER DAY all the authorities on the TV, in the paper, and from the "help groups" refuse to look at it and indeed, insult it, and shout via "concerned" "public service" advertisements "You're all going to die!"? How would you feel? What if this goes on eight years as in my case, or 40 years as in the case of some U.S.A. doctors. How would you feel? Would you finally start writing articles like this one? Why do they ignore it? Because they are "too busy" raising money for themselves. Too busy enjoying their new found fame and positions of authority because they have AIDS, and, it's too much fun acting like an expert instead of finding out the real story of ozone because it's too much work (Took me 8 years so far). Sure, all these so called "experts" do is quote each other and call it documentation. They are not out in the clinics using ozone, in the homes of the underground ozone people, watching kaposi's sarcoma disappear in weeks, having your own phone tapped, watching ozone machines confiscated, doctors successfully treating people hounded by the law, doctors going to jail, doctors having their good names slandered in newspaper headlines, doctors having their homes seized. You won't get it till it happens to you and your friends. If they really want to understand what is going on, I have saved them lots of time and money, all the HARD WORK is over, I did it FOR THEM, history, references, politics, protocols, eight years of my life. BUT THEY HAVE TO STUDY IT !!!! Not lazily pass judgement on rumors and isolated instances. All they have to do is read my and other books, watch my and other videos, or study the thousands of references and examples I have published. What's the writer of the APLA article's agenda? Only God knows. Is he driven by the same insatiable sense of duty to humanity as the ozone pioneers, or, was his motivation to set himself up as an expert to be admired, or is it to please his funding masters, or, is it parallel to what we should all be doing, looking in every nook and cranny, repeatedly, without rest till we overcome this disease together? Perhaps if we look at the funding of APLA, and these other nay- sayers we will find lurking in the shadows the mysterious donations from the pharmaceutical industry which sees ozone as deadly competition, and/or perhaps it is the egos of those dependent upon the continued existence of positions of authority. May I suggest that you look at their finances while they mysteriously point at our nonexistent fortunes and call them real? THE REBUTTAL [Document 0001 ... Ozone is smog?] Ozone at ground level is from nature trying to clean up the smog. In the same way, an ozone air purifier can clean up a smokey room. How can smog's Hydrogen or Sulphur turn into pure oxygen called ozone? They point at ozone measured in PARTS PER MILLION and ignore TONS of hydrocarbons as the source of your respiratory distress so you won't go after the polluters. [Document 0001 ... Ozone proponents "claim" the establishment wants to crush them?] Absolutely. They have crushed ozone people continually so far. But they're sneaky, it doesn't get into the papers or on the national news. They know you would be outraged if you knew about it all. That's why you hear it from me. I have a list of 18 U.S. doctors. The documented proof is in my "O3 vs. AIDS." [Document 0001 ... "Dangerous" forms of ozone therapy?] Ozone is one of the safest therapies in the world. The German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Jacob's dissertation quoting this in "The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany." [Document 0001 ... Intramuscular injections of ozone?] No one who knows ozone uses this method anymore. In 1938, in the Parisian Medical Bulletin - Bulletin Medical Paris 52 or 42:745- 749, Paul Aubourg, Honorary Electro-Radiologist in the Hospitals of Paris, publishes "Medical Ozone: Production, Dosage, and Methods of Clinical Application" He noted that of 465 patients, intermuscular injections were abandoned as too painful and ineffective. In 8000 applications of ozone, there were no accidents or harmful side effects. [Document 0001 ... ...theory suggests ozone is effective against free virus but also against cells that are already infected with HIV. However neither of these theories has been proven in any laboratory studies]?????? In a major breakthrough for U.S. medical thinking, three years after the study concluded, the ozone\HIV work of M.D.'s Wells, Latino, Galvachin, & Poiesz is published in a well respected U.S. peer reviewed medical journal. Their article: "Inactivation Of HIV Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro" appears in "Blood Journal, Volume 78 Number 7, Oct 11, 1991, pg. 1882" describing the research coordinated by Dr. Bernard Poiesz from Syracuse State University of New York Research Hospital. They performed 15 replications of an ozone study that interfaced ozone with HIV infected factor 8 blood. The ozone completely removed the HIV virus from the blood 97 to 100% of the time, yet was NON-TOXIC to normal healthy blood components. Ed McCabe announced this study back in 1988, in his "Oxygen Therapies" book. Comment: THINK THIS OVER. If ozone has hereby been proven to work so safely & effectively, registering a 97 to 100% kill rate on the most virulent recombinant virus known to man, how much more effective is it in the treatment of ALL the other lesser viruses, thereby negating the need for all the allopathic vaccines and antibiotics for polio, measles, chicken pox, mumps, swine flu, colds, legionnaire's disease, etc.? Is this why none of our leaders connected with the pharmaceutical companies dares to allow U.S. human trials? [Document 0001 ... ...there is "little evidence' to suggest that ozone is an effective anti-HIV/AIDS therapy in humans.] What, is he kidding? Nobody dies of HIV, they die from the secondary infections! Ozone has been proven effective all over the world for the past 50 years for the treatment of over 50 diseases! That means ALL the secondary infections, including the primary HIV infections! They write TEXTBOOKS on it in Germany! Doctors meet yearly and publish clinical results! See "O3 vs. AIDS" referencing the stacks of proof available. Where is 50 years of the proof it does not work? Don't mistake APLA opinion for "proof" just because they personally don't know about what's going on. [Document 0001 ... Carpendale Study - difficult to conclude that ozone had a definite effect on their diarrhea.] The bias of the writer is so blatant he should be ashamed. Four out of five who got ozone experienced a decrease in diarrhea. He uses this statement to cast doubt on ozone because there was "only five patients"? What the hell is going on? I see diarrhea decrease all the time after ozone, I can give you home phone numbers. Instead of making fun of it, go try it! Ask twenty of your friends to use safe ozone, if any treatment for this deadly disease shows any promise, search till you drop! What's the APLA real agenda? [Document 0001 ... Carpendale study - two patients showed CD4 increases... one died of pneumonia six years later... report doesn't show clear benefit of ozone therapy] No, not CLEAR benefit, but because in the first years of the struggle to get ozone therapies seated in the mainstream only a few could get the limited effectiveness of RECTAL ozone therapy we should stop looking at it because they got SOME benefit? People with the AIDS problem need ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET! What is the APLA's real agenda, to extinguish innovation? Amazing how some egos will try to stop others from looking toward ozone for help so they can keep feeling important themselves. [Document 0001 ... supposedly hundreds of cases of people being "cured" with ozone including complete alleviation of symptoms and becoming HIV negative... None of these reports has ever been substantiated.] Now he's misquoting me (a form of lying), I do not say hundreds of people were "cured." Ozone is a TREATMENT, a good one, safe, cheap and effective. Let's see what I testified to before the National Institute of Health in June of 1992. The public record and my Aids Patient Care article repeating it clearly states the following: Ed McCabe testimony for National Institute of Health Subcommittee On Overlooked But Effective Therapies, now the Office of Alternative Medicine. Presented 6/18/92 @ NIH Bethesda, Maryland. "Medical Ozone Therapies: 50 Years Of Overlooking A Proven Answer To Diseases Like Cancer And Now AIDS" Quoting: "I have kept in continual contact with 6 U.S. MD's who, independent of each other, have collectively reported bringing over 300 AIDS (later corrected to 200) patients to HIV negative status, including complete eradication of any secondary disease factors such as energy loss, weight loss, diarrhea, etc. I have also interviewed many AIDS patients who have been getting ozone therapy on their own, and all those who followed good protocols reported an immediate increase in energy, weight gain, and T cell stabilization or increase in a few weeks." Note I said "doctors REPORTED," no one said "cure." One doctor who reported and had documentation of 113 returning to HIV negative, was soon after this public testimony in which I named him, jailed for 5 years on trumped up charges to shut him up and shut him down. If you don't believe it go interview him in his jail. They tell him if he'll discredit ozone they'll let him out. Others in jail for ozone truth told the same. Why would six doctors report it when their only reward is suppression? Because they are bravely trying to help us. We are all trying to help you. Or is it safer and more profitable for the APLA staff to sit around at a desk and publish insulting ozone articles? [Document 0001 ... Proponents of ozone claim that these reports cannot be made public due to the fear that these doctors involved will have their licenses revoked.] You don't believe this could happen in America? I have a list of 18 U.S. doctors successfully using ozone that were attacked, or shut down, or intimidated out of the ozone business by the authorities. If you were one of these doctors or an ozone using U.S. doctor facing loss of career or jail, you wouldn't be talking either, and they all know it. I got six to talk by establishing a relationship of confidence. I never divulge anyone unless they directly tell me it is o.k. I am in communication with doctors all over the world that forbid my divulging them. I keep these confidences to allow the flow of information out to you, but remain in a squeeze between the protection of confidences and your incessant demand for proof. This is not an easy spot to be in when so many are sick. Now that I just detailed how one doctor who spoke out in defense of humanity's right to oxygen/ozone ended up in prison, any doctor reading this article will stifle innovation and never speak out - unless he is a rare brave soul. [Document 0001 ... Nothing is preventing patients with HIV/AIDS from coming forward and claiming they have been "cured"] Again the naive lies. No one is claiming "cured." And nothing preventing coming forward except the following historical examples I have already witnessed. If you happen to be a southern parent whose children are HIV positive from blood transfusions and you have had your house burnt down. Nothing except, why would anyone but the purest altruist want hoards of dying people calling at all hours, disturbing your sleep, calling at work uninvited, irritating your boss, and getting you fired. Nothing except, if you ever say you "were" HIV positive no one will shop in your antique store, or eat in your restaurant anymore, or hire you as a waiter, or go to school with or date your children? Or visit your office? Or how about a doctor getting his house burnt down and his car machine gunned twice? Or a Canadian man give a lecture on ozone therapy and coming home to all his neighbors reporting that the local police were the ones to just shred all the papers in his apartment? Or how about an Australian film producer having his studio and master tapes (including the Ed McCabe lectures) and house burnt to the ground. Or an ozone proponent thrown in jail for having a Las Vegas street corner conversation with some patients, and having his car trashed by police outside his house, or being pulled over and having his car unloaded and searched 8 times during a cross country trip? Or an oxygen doctor/historian being shot at and having his house burnt down and his lab destroyed? Or in the 40's Dr. Koch being poisoned and his friendly court witnesses being beat up, or Dr. Blass (Homozone inventor) being bludgeoned to death? "Coming forward" as you prove so very clearly in the APLA article means certain public ridicule by so called self appointed "experts." As a journalist I am constantly at odds with the public's well meaning perception that all "cured" patients will joyously come forward to liberate us all with the "cure," opposed to the real world reality that once they get well, they no longer want to talk to you, or know you anymore. They put it behind them, they don't answer calls. They get on with their lives. To date I have repeatedly experienced most people with this disease are willing to promise to do anything while sick, but once improvement sets in, so does selfishness. [Document 0001 ... ...two reported cases of death from ozone use ...APLA strongly cautions people about the risks associated with ozone therapy] Hold on just a minute! Get up off your computer, walk down to the closest hospital with AIDS patients. Ask the administrator "How many people have died from AIDS here while getting the best of care?" Will APLA now "strongly caution" people from going to hospitals since thousands of people have died from hospital therapy??? Wake up! Every therapy has risks if done incorrectly! I investigated the two rumors mentioned, one patient was brought to the ozone clinic "comatose," half dead to start with, and the other was probably killed by his lover poisoning him - the doctor and staff all reported the lover uncharacteristicly left the clinic very early, and called back in and asked "Is he dead yet?" before any abnormalities had manifested in his lover's condition. [Document 0001 ... (ozone proponents claim) finding a cure using ozone will threaten pharmaceutical companies] Wake up! The average AZT user will spend $125,000 on AZT alone and suffer die anyway! Then add in hospital, doctor, drugs, and on and on. Dec 16th 1991 Barron's printed: "Tax supported NIH - National Institute of Health's AIDS research budget rises to 851 million dollars, up from zero 10 years ago. As of August 1991, the manufacturer of AZT took in $315 million dollars on sales of it." Where's your self righteous published outrage at these four year old figures! [Document 0001 ...average cost of rectal ozone machine is $5,000... underground physicians charge as much as $30,000] Again the bias of inflationary lies. Machines are going for only $2,500 to $4,800. The HIGHEST doctors are charging $18,000 average. And unlike people doing highly toxic AZT, etc, the majority of people who do ozone right report definite improvement or outright remissions! What's the real agenda in quoting such statistics? The amounts APLA quotes seem astronomical to an indigent with AIDS, and these are the sympathies the APLA article attempts to play upon to incite the masses, yet they are "chicken feed" by comparison to the institutional business as usual greedy profits of the medical industrial complex which funds all the "AIDS hotlines" which are dissing ozone. [Document 0001 ... ...people purchased ozone machines and reported little or no benefit] Did they leave them in the closet or use them? Did they use them correctly? I have talked to plenty of people who haven't. I have also talked to hundreds of people who report a lot of benefit! Patients who report no benefit 99% of the time never followed a correct protocol, never applied enough ozone, or never used proper concentrations, or never changed their re-infecting, immune depressing lifestyles. Simple rectal insufflation done by most, although helpful, is not the proper protocols that I'm talking about! People who have never tried it, or only just "dabbled" in it, end up being the only nay sayers. Go ahead and ask anyone who is dissing ozone - Ask them, did you work up to at least 150cc (not the starting dosage) of 27-42 mcg/ml concentration strength of only pure medical ozone gas? Was it once or twice a day, EVERY SINGLE DAY, for AT LEAST FIVE TO SIX weeks? Was the ozone delivered by auto-hemotherapy, slow IV, or a better method? Was the patient lying PRONE? Was treatment concluded with weeks of hyperbaric or DMSO therapy? Did the patients stop drinking and stay off drugs? If they say it's dangerous, or ineffective, they're doing it wrong! And let's get something straight right now. AIDS is a lifestyle disease. If you're drinking, smoking dope, doing poppers, eating the wrong foods, and re-infecting yourself and taking ozone too, the ozone won't work. And a lot of people are in denial about this, saying they only do "a little." Here's a perfect example, and some of the people involved in our example were APLA staff people: It took me years to get someone to fund a small study in Mississippi but it all came apart far too prematurely when the secondary hired treating doctor - himself HIV positive, started drinking and smoking pot and doing poppers with the patients and telling them the therapy probably wouldn't work - because the doctor himself was not showing any improvement! These people's lack of self control and constant drug abuse flamed their egos, damaged their bodies, ruined the study, and set ozone back years. They also destroyed my good relationship with the humanitarian funding the study, preventing any more research. It didn't work? No kidding? What a surprise! You can't maintain your "normal" abusive lifestyle destroying all your white blood cells wholesale on a daily basis with substance abuse and get well in spite of it! But all these active, young, drug addicted "hip" people don't want to give up "the party," because they're so "depressed that they are going to die" so they form into self-reinforcing groups who tell each other "Naw, don't even try, it don't work, have another toke, want some poppers?." I see this phenomenon in every city, and this dark influence infecting every AIDS help group hierarchy. The second point is that experts in other fields, traditional doctors included, have only a partial understanding of ozone therapy. Because they are expert in something else, they think they understand ozone as well. They commonly end up applying it incorrectly and thinking it is like a drug, and wondering what went wrong. The rumor mills then report: "I know someone who tried it, they say ozone doesn't work." These ego based errors only slow the adoption of ozone therapy into the mainstream of American Medicine. 90% of the many successful people that I have interviewed - and written or spoken about - have received ozone only a proper way. And none were hurt. Those that use oxygen/ozone therapies continue to come back for more because they live the benefits within their own bodies. [Document 0001 ... ...the decision is yours to decide who is profiteering] Or who is looking for donations by pretending to be honest and scientific so APLA can continue this kind of character assassination? If you donate to APLA now, may I suggest you withhold funding till they get their heads on straight. In the meantime look elsewhere for projects to fund. We have studies set up that just need funding. The APLA writer again through ignorance ignores all the M.D.'s worldwide who have been in the honorable ozone business for 10, 20, 30, or 40 years, and cites one ozone doctor's fees of only $1,000 a week (insinuating this personalized care fee is somehow wrong - what does a hospital charge?). The doctor is now in jail on trumped up charges because he successfully treated 113 people with AIDS and talked openly about it. I know this doctor. He used extremely expensive enzymes and other raw materials, had a full staff, a nice office in a good part of town, and treated each of the patients 4 to 6 hours daily with multiple therapies six days a week. $1,000 a week was very cheap for such personalized high class service. Ask around, what does a day in the hospital where you are only a cog in an assembly line cost? People think all the expenses of the alternative doctors are paid by magic, but merrily fork over their lives and bank accounts to the establishment doctors and hospitals en masse before they die. The price he charged covered his expenses only so he could gather data. Now the government has seized his bank account, his house, and by putting him in jail, killed his daughter. And the APLA writer sits there in a snit and dares to accuse this man of profiteering? The APLA people who wrote and approved their article are not fit to walk in this ozone hero's shadow! Get off the scandal track and start helping people! [Document 0001 ... - APLA misquotes my NIH testimony again, saying I claim cures] Again APLA leaves out the significant phrase "six doctors have reported to me" [Document 0001 ... ...we asked McCabe if we could speak with people who have become HIV negative. We were provided with four names of people] Yes they did. And if I knew what APLA was up to, I wouldn't have given them the four! Such requests violate privacy issues. Again, APLA leaves out that I said here are the only four people at the present time who will come forward, and they each had mixed results but most report definite improvement. Two said they were PCR negative and both showed me lab tests, two said they were p24 negative. If you don't do the full protocol you will report great results to me, I report this, and then a year or so later someone with a negative slant asks you how you feel, now that you have restarted your decline from lack of treatment, you will not be giving out cheery reports at that point. The ozone worked, but without complete or continued treatment you backslide, and your opinion sours. It is not ozone's fault. I told the reporter in our two second conversation "You can try these four people, but the vast majority of success stories quickly fade out of sight." [Document 0001 ... One felt better... but no sustained benefit six months later.] [Document 0001 ... One felt better ... probably because he was away from home] Both these gentlemen did NOT get a full therapy, both went home against doctor's orders prematurely due to financial restrictions. At first they were full of praise, they felt better, looked better, were better. Then they stopped the therapy, I interviewed them at the height of their good feelings, and now APLA comes along a YEAR later, after the incomplete therapy has mostly WORN OFF, they feel bad again, are bitter they couldn't finish the therapy, and they can't remember feeling good because they now don't feel so good again. [Document 0001 ... All three men contacted mentioned how upset they were that McCabe claims that people are being "cured."] Sure, now APLA attempts to destroy my relationship with my contacts by lying about me. A journalistic manipulation technique equivalent to "Hey I heard Ed McCabe say you're a jerk! By the way, how do you feel about Ed McCabe?" The desired quotable response is obvious. APLA and others have "baited" people saying "Ed McCabe says you're cured." I'd be pissed at me too. I do not tell people these particular people are cured. I say WE MUST IMMEDIATELY ADOPT OZONE THERAPY INTO THE U.S. MAINSTREAM PROPERLY BEFORE MORE OF US DIE! I quote the facts, comment, and you draw the conclusions. But quote me correctly! [Document 0001 ... Ed McCabe lectures around the world] If you're without funds, suffering and dying from AIDS, a vision of this journalist/author going around the world healthy and free is certain to promote the APLA desired calculated responses of jealousy. "Who does he think he is?" Well, I'll tell you. By now I am quite frustrated by all attempts at using "the system" to save the Americans and other people from themselves during the present and future plagues. Remember, I have been on over 1,075 radio & TV shows and speaking platforms. This was NOT all glamour. This was not easy. You couldn't have paid me enough to put up with all this crap! I travelled thousands of endless miles, ever sit cramped in a plane for 22 hours straight, in coach? And it was all very expensive. I am seriously in debt. Besides being extremely careful along the way to establish credibility for this therapy among the professionals, I also appeared in the big venues with thousands of people waiting for the truth, and for 6 years I spoke to anyone, anywhere, who would put together an audience, including tiny cable stations, backwater mini radio broadcasters, pirate TV shows, and the back rooms of health food stores. I went without sleep, stayed in countless cheap motels, ate "road food" and slept in countless rest areas and on the floors and sofas of ozone supporters' apartments and homes. I spent two and one half days writing this rebuttal without pay just to help you. Always building the grass roots support this therapy needs, but now having brought the truth into the highest corridors of Senate and NIH power, and watching people needlessly continue to die, I have become convinced I must put more emphasis on taking it to "the streets" even more. Ozone needs your help. Thousands of people all over the world support us. The nicest people are into oxygen, volunteers abound, but we're up against the Goliath of institutionalized ignorance. There are bright moments. I have been amazed continually at the way the Universe helps us. Educate yourself with the real facts, and get out there and purge the hierarchies of these people who spend their time trying to keep you away from oxygen. Your right to have oxygen is your very right to life itself. [Document 0001 ... No studies showing how ozone works... no studies showing ozone is effective.] Because APLA remains ignorant from not doing their homework, does that mean ozone isn't effective? Again the innuendo and lies. My "O3 vs. AIDS" and all the other published works reference proof enough TO GET STARTED TESTING NOW! Germany has thousands of studies, all in German, has the APLA read them? You must STUDY ALL the literature first to know what we're talking about. [Document 0001 ... Safety remains the issue ...told of two deaths] Repeating the same innuendo to attempt to discredit. These scenarios have been addressed. Only two? Compare: How many people died in a hospital from AIDS today?! Properly administered ozone therapy is one of the safest therapies in the world. [Document 0001 ... ...not a real doctor treating] What are we doing wasting valuable energy looking at isolated instances of possible human frailty exceptions? People are dying! APLA is again parading out fabricated dirt that could be constructed about any operation through innuendo. Again attempting to somehow portray ozone as a world of confidence men instead of the serious respected international medical treatment it is. If you watched one of the tabloid TV news shows expose a pharmaceutical drug using doctor as a fraud, would you assume all drug doctors are now frauds? Of course not, but if you had never heard of a therapy, it is a well known manipulation technique that all the information that first arrives to your brain associated with it will always be paired with it, and remain stronger than any subsequent input. That is the manipulation technique that the APLA is using, "guilt by association," to try and discredit all ozone therapists early on. As to the writing of the APLA article, what is the purpose of printing this kind of trash in connection with an internationally proven and respected therapy? Why is APLA wasting time focusing on possible isolated human frailties when the whole point is SAVE LIVES BY IMMEDIATELY INCORPORATING OZONE INTO MASS U.S. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TREATMENT! Over 5,000 licensed doctors including 4 major Russian medical centers around the world are using ozone therapy as you read this. Don't believe it? Call all the legal European medical ozone machine manufacturers and ask them how many machines they sell to doctors yearly! And while you're at it, call the member MD's of; The International Ozone Association, The International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation, The German Medical Ozone Society, The Italian Medical Ozone Society, The International Association of Oxygen Therapies, and The Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies! What is the real agenda of the APLA writer? The doctor in question ("not a real doctor") was retired due to disability, and as a clinic owner, he hired a legal doctor to officiate the clinic. Because of a lack of anything but drug therapy in U.S. medical schools, U.S. doctors receive no ozone education, so they must be taught and shown by word of mouth and example while under pressure. Many non-M.D.'s in this field know more about the ins and outs of this therapy than "real" doctors. [Document 0001 ... The safety (remains questionable)] Only to those who know nothing about it. Proof of safety, I repeat. The German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients were treated with ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications and the side effect rate observed was only .000005 per application! The report also stated "The majority of adverse effects were caused by ignorance about ozone therapy (operator error)." The University of Innsbruck's Forensic Institute published Dr. Jacob's dissertation quoting this in "The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany." [Document 0001 ... (The) trust of those who administer and promote ozone therapy remains questionable] Again the feeling of disgust at these people daring to insinuate I would have a lack of honesty or trust, or fabricate facts, lie, and have any other motive than to help you. Every human endeavor has bad apples. The world is a slippery place with all these egos pushing their personal agendas. Those who try to help the downtrodden masses aren't always rewarded but most likely attacked instead. Most people don't want to give up old cherished ideas and addictions even when it is time to move on. The APLA article is proof that ANYTHING can be - and often is - made to look bad by competitive interests, and especially effective at this are the ideas and sides with all the money that have been entrenched over time. You see, some would love it if I get so disgusted over such slurs as the APLA article that I would stop trying to reach you. After 7 years of all day long trying to help people who call, being stressed without letup, straining and permanently damaging parts of my body from marathon writing sessions, loosing money especially from traveling expenses to expos, and asking nothing but to stay in operation in return, I keep on. I keep on because I believe truth will always win if I can just keep at it long enough. It is going to take a much higher order of energy to deter the people who know ozone is real, and that it works. Note: I am personally $70,000 in debt from research, travel, and promoting life saving ozone, so you can stuff all this innuendo crap that I did it just for money! You can plainly tell the purpose of the APLA article. You can plainly feel the objective. If we are all working toward a helpful consensus, which is the only alternative available to sane people when so many are facing death, why didn't APLA call me back when the writer ran into any seeming negatives compared to the little information he got from me in a few seconds of a phone conversation? Why should they jump into print and computer networks insinuating I am a liar? Shouldn't they have enough honor to call me back at least once and asked if there is an logical, factual and true explanation for anything puzzling them? Well, you can see when they didn't, they already had the point of their article planned in their minds, and only called me as a formality so they could attempt to discredit me and therefore ozone. Even though I have been treated so unfairly, I will still help them, and you, if asked, even after this heinous slander. The people, I will always help. End of rebuttal Mr. McCabe has published videos including "Ozone and AIDS," and also offers his new 4/94 revised oxygen/ozone referenced chronological report "O3 vs. AIDS." His first work, the self published best seller "Oxygen Therapies: A New Way Of Approaching Disease" has sold over 100,000 copies by word of mouth. Over the past seven years, he has appeared on over 1,075 radio, TV and speaking platforms trying to help the sick. His books and audio/video tapes of proof and testimonials are available from "The Family News" 9845 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami Shores, FL 33138. 800/284-6261 or 305/759-8710, M-F 9-5 EST. Free sample newsletter. At the urging of many in our oxygen family, The Not For Profit "Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies" has finally been formed. Our stated purpose: We are bringing our case to the public by educating them that oxygen supplements, therapies and related activities are historically inexpensive, safe, and proven effective when used as directed by competently trained healthcare professionals. We are using education, the media, and soon, with your help, aggressive research as proof to silence whomever postures against oxygen, your very right to life itself. While America dies of AIDS, Tuberculosis and a host of other diseases, and the FDA stands before Congress and declares as truth that "there is no evidence that ozone has any medical benefit," and Congressmen say we should "imprison anyone who promotes or uses ozone for 25 years as a felon," and doctors curing diseases are railroaded into prison, and homes are broken into by government agents seizing ozone machines, things have gone way too far. They are referring to us. You and me and our friends. Won't you please become a contributing member by joining the foundation today? Donations will be in a segregated account and only used for our stated agenda. Please send your donation, no matter how small or large - all will be appreciated - to us at the following addresses. 1. If you need a tax receipt, in care of IBOM, an IRS approved 501-3C charity Payee: I.B.O.M. (The International Bioxidative Medicine Foundation.) Indicate the donation is for the seggregated account of: "The Foundation For The Advancement Of Oxygen Therapies" Mail to: IBOM, P.O. Box 13205, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 2. If no charitable deduction tax receipt is needed, just send donations only, no correspondence, directly to: The Foundation For The Advancement of Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe, Executive Director Non-Domestic c/o P.O. Box 654 Cazenovia, New York State Postal District 13035 End of Document ---------------------------------------------------------------- Document 0001 DOCN APLA0001 TI Ozone/Oxygen DT 9402 AU Martin A. Majchrowicz SO AIDS Project Los Angeles Treatment Education Program - Spring 1994 TX Ozone, the fusion of three oxygen molecules to create O3, is an incredibly unstable molecule that breaks down very easily into a stable O2 molecule and an O1 charged molecule. In nature, oxygen more frequently occurs in the O2 state which is far more stable. Ozone is more commonly known as the layer of the atmosphere which protects plants and animals from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. It is also known as a pollutant that builds up in the lower part of the atmosphere on warm days as a result of chemical reactions, driven by the heat of the sun, when nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust react with oxygen. In this form, ozone can cause irritation and sometimes damage to the mucosal membrane of the respiratory tract and the eyes. Ozone can also be useful in the treatment of water. Known as a strong oxidant, ozone can be used in the water purification process as a method of killing bacteria and other microorganisms in the water supply. Due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, some believe that ozone can be used as a method of treating a variety of diseases including HIV/AIDS. This practice has become quite controversial. Most researchers believe ozone has no medical use. However, ozone proponents claim that the Western medical "establishment" wants to "crush" this cheap and effective method of treating HIV/AIDS, cancer, and a variety of other acute and chronic fatal diseases. There are several different forms of ozone therapy which are sometimes referred to as superoxidation or hyperoxidation. Ozone therapy can be administered in three different ways. one method is removing blood from the patient, bubbling ozone through the blood, and infusing the blood back into the patient. Another form is the rectal ozone machine which generates ozone gas and blows it directly into the patients rectum. The last and potentially most dangerous form of ozone therapy is oxygen intravenous or intramuscular injections of ozone gas. This literally entails injecting ozone gas directly into the vein or muscle of the patient. Hydrogen peroxide injections are sometimes used as part of, or independent of, ozone therapy. Those who recommend hydrogen peroxide also recommend drinking and bathing in it. The hydrogen peroxide used for such therapy is a different strength than what can be purchased in a drug store. Mechanism of Action As there are many different forms of ozone therapy, there are as many different theories as to how ozone therapy can be useful. The most simplistic of these theories is that since disease causing organisms, including viruses, die in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen, by increasing the oxygen concentration in the body with ozone, this will kill HIV and other viruses and bacterias. This theory is also coupled with the fact that since we breath oxygen everyday, it is "obviously" safe to be injected or infused into the body with no toxicity or side effects. When ozone is created, it quickly degrades from an 03 molecule to an O2 and an O1 The first theory suggests that the O2 molecule win kill free viruses, meaning viruses that are not hiding in CD4 cells. Since there is very little free HIV in the blood, the real problem of HIV infected cells and their ability to produce more HIV is not solved. This theory can be taken one step further by claiming that the O1 molecule, an oxidant, is the useful aspect of ozone degradation reaction, and this is what will kill free viruses as well as "diseased cells" (cells infected with HIV). The rationale for this theory is based on the fact that healthy human cells can protect themselves from the oxidative stress of O1. However, viruses, microbes, and "diseased cells," lack the ability to protect themselves from oxidants, therefore they are destroyed by ozone. Healthy cells, those that are not infected with HIV, will not be damaged by the ozone. As opposed to the first theory, this second theory suggests that ozone is not only effective against free virus but also against cells that are already infected with HIV. However, neither of these theories has been proven in any laboratory studies. One laboratory study suggests that ozone may act directly on HIV by inducing viral particle disruption, reverse transcriptase inactivation, and/or perturbation of the ability of the virus to bind to its receptor on target cells. Bocci, a researcher in Italy, has put forth a very different theory of how ozone may be effective against certain diseases. Bocci recognizes that ozone decomposes very rapidly and very little virus is actually free in the blood. He suggests that the benefit of ozone may be due to its ability to enhance the functioning of the immune system and induce the production of certain cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon (IFN). Studies While laboratory studies that show ozone can kill HIV in vitro (in the test tube) exist, there is little evidence to suggest that ozone is an effective anti-HIV/AIDS therapy in humans. Carpendale reports using ozone to treat diarrhea of unknown origin in five men with a wide range of CD4 cells. Of the five men, the four with the highest CD4 counts experienced a decrease in diarrhea. The one patient with Cryptosporidium and a CD4 cell count of 75 did not respond to ozone and eventually died. The four men who responded had relatively high CD4 counts (193, 130, 209, & 435) and may have resolved regardless of therapy. Many times, diarrhea in people with HIV can spontaneously resolve. Due to the small number of patients and the nature of their symptoms, it is difficult to conclude that ozone had a definite effect on their diarrhea. Carpendale also reports on two asymptomatic patients who used ozone for five years. One patient who began with 907 CD4 cells showed an increase of CD4 cells to 1286 at the beginning of the third year and an increase of the CD4/CD8 ratio. Although the follow-up supposedly lasted five years, there is no data past this point. The second patient began with 309 CD4 cells, increased to 831, but then stabilized between 500 & 700. After six years, this patient "suddenly" died of pneumonia and disseminated coccidiomycosis (a fungal inflection). The CD4 cell trends mentioned in this report are nothing extraordinary considering the final outcomes. Both patients experienced transient increases in their CD4 cell counts and moderate increases in their CD4/CD8 ratios. There was no mention of whether or not other medications were used. This report does not provide a clear benefit of ozone therapy. In addition to these extremely limited studies, there are supposedly hundreds of cases of people being "cured" with ozone including complete alleviation of symptoms and becoming HIV negative (using ELISA, Western Blot, and PCR). None of these reports has ever been substantiated. Proponents of ozone claim that these reports cannot be made public due to the fear that those doctors involved will have their licenses revoked. However, nothing is preventing patients with HIV/AIDS from coming forward and claiming that they have been "cured." Comment Until recently, it was thought that ozone therapy was at least a safe alternative, and attempts had not been made to discourage people from seeking it as an option. However, after two reported cases of death from ozone use, we at APLA strongly caution people about the risks involved with ozone therapy. The three main issues are safety, price, and effectiveness. Proponents of ozone repeatedly make accusations that the "medical establishment" is against ozone because it is an inexpensive approach and that finding a cure using ozone will threaten pharmaceutical companies. The average cost of a rectal ozone machine is $5000, while some "underground" physicians charge as much as $30,000 for IV ozone treatments. We have known of several people with HIV/AIDS who purchased ozone machines and reported little to no benefit. One ozone "doctor" in Mississippi claims to be doing a "super secret" study with the government. This "doctor" said that "all the patients need to know is it'll cost them about $1000 a week and they don't have to worry about anything after that. They have to worry about their board and room, but that's about all." If it wasn't for the study, this therapy would cost $4,000 a week. When questioned about which governmental agency was sponsoring the study, he responded, "I'm not at liberty to say who's doing it." The decision is yours to decide who is really profiteering. In an article by Ed McCabe in AIDS Patient Care (December 1992), McCabe claims that "over 300 AIDS patients" have become HIV negative through using ozone. In an attempt to verify this information, we asked McCabe if we could speak with people who have become HIV negative. We were provided with four names of people, two men who became HIV PCR negative and two men who became p24 negative (which is not incredibly significant). The protocol these men received included hydrogen peroxide baths, chelation ("a method of removing toxins from the blood"), nutritional supplements, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, and a variety of other herbs and homeopathic substances. One of the men who became p24 negative reported feeling better immediately afterwards but no sustained benefit six months later. The other said he probably felt better just because it was an opportunity for him to get away from work and his home for a while. He also reported that the "doctor" in Mississippi who administered the therapy was not a real doctor, and that after being told he would be treated for free was charged $1,000 for lab work. Of the two men who were reported to become HIV PCR negative, one reported that he was not PCR negative but feels ozone has been beneficial in some way. The other man could not be contacted after repeated phone calls and messages. All three men contacted mentioned how upset they were that McCabe claims that people are being "cured" and becoming HIV negative from using ozone therapy. Ed McCabe is a journalist who lectures around the world promoting ozone therapy through his books and videos. Safety remains to be the most important issue. We have been told of two deaths that were a direct result of intravenous ozone therapy. These two people were receiving ozone therapy from a particular "doctor" who practiced in San Francisco and Las Vegas. This "doctor" is unable to be reached for an interview. One of these cases is currently under investigation. To date, there are no studies that can clearly demonstrate how ozone works. In addition, there are no human studies that have shown that ozone can be effective. Reports of people becoming HIV negative have not been confirmed. With reports of two deaths as a result of IV ozone therapy, the safety, as well as the trust of those who administer and promote ozone therapy, remains questionable. References Bocci, V: Ozonization of blood for the therapy of viral diseases and immunodeficiencies. A hypothesis Medical Hypotheses. 39:30-34, 1992. Carpendale, MT; Freeberg, JK: Ozone inactivates HIV at noncytotoxic concentrations. Antiviral Research. 16(3): 281- 292, 1991. Carpendale, MT; Freeberg, J; Griffiss, JM: Does ozone alleviate AIDS diarrhea? Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 17(2): 142- 145, 1993. Carpendale, MT; Griffiss, J: Is there a role for medical ozone in the treatment of HIV and associated infection? Proceedings of XI Ozone World Congress, September 1993. Fowkes, SW: Oxidative Medicine. Forefront Health Investigations. 6(6): 1-8, 1991. McCabe, E: Ozone therapies for AIDS. AIDS Patient Care. December 1992. Wells, KH; Latino, J.; Gavalchin, J.; et al: Inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by ozone in vitro. Blood. 78(7):1882-1890, 1991. The information in this fact sheet is not medical advice. The information is intended to help people with HIV/AIDS make informed choices. Please consult with a physician before making any decisions regarding treatments. Copyright (c) 1994 - AIDS Project Los Angeles. Noncommercial reproduction encouraged.