TI: Ozonization of Blood For the Therapy of Viral Diseases and Immunodeficiencies. A Hypothesis DT: February 1992 AU: V. Bocci SO: Medical Hypotheses (1992) 39: 30-34 AB: In the last 3 decades major autohemotherapy after exposure to ozone has been used in Europe in uncontrolled trials carried out in patients with many illnesses, particularly chronic viral diseases and neoplasms. It appears that the treatment may activate the host's immune system by inducing the production of immunoactive cytokines and it may now be possible to rationalize the procedure, improve the regimen and assess the outcome. It is apparent, however, that such a therapeutic approach, in order to be acceptable, requires an investigative effort of biologists and clinicians. Once this is done, owing to the large range of medical applications and the simplicity of the procedure, autohemotherapy could become very valuable particularly in underdeveloped countries.