TI: Clinical Assessment of Treatment Results for Atherosclerotic Ischemia of the Lower Extremities with Interaarterial Ozone Injections DT: October 1992 AU: Sroczynski J., Antoszewski Z., Matyszczyk B., Krupa G., Rudzki H., Zbronska H., Skowron J. Katedry i Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych i Zawodowych Sl. AM. SO: Polski Tygodnik Lekarski 47(42-43):964-6, 1992 Oct 19-26 AB: Ten injections of O3 into femoral arteries were administered to 50 patients with atherosclerotic ischemia of the lower extremities and to 49 diabetic patients. All patients were assessed clinically with the ankle-arm index, measurement of intermittent claudication distance prior to and after the treatment. The treatment showed a significant improvement in both groups manifested by an increase in ankle-arm index, and prolongation of the intermittent claudication distance by more than twice. The treatment of atherosclerotic ischemia of the lower extremities with O3 is both valuable and safe.