TI: Knee-joint Disorders Treated by oxygen-ozone therapy DT: Sept. 1989 AU: E. Riva Sanseverino, Istituto di Fisiologia Umana - Bologna SO: Estratto da Europa Medicophysica 25(3):163-170 (Lugilio- Settembre 1989) AB: In patients affected by different forms of knee disorders, the effects of oxygen-ozone mixture (the so-called medical ozone) locally injected where studied. 20 ml of the mixture were introduced into the knee with a concentration of 10 ug of ozone per ml of oxygen. When necessary, the same concentration of the mixture was also peri-articularly and subcutaneously administered. 156 patients were treated and divided into 3 groups: carriers of post-traumatic knee disorders, gonarthrosis without marked bone deformities and gonarthrosis with marked bone deformities. In the first two groups optimal results were obtained while for the third other therapies were then added to stop the advancing degenerative process. In conclusion, knee-joint disorders can very successfully be treated by means of oxygen-ozone mixture locally administered.