TI: The Treatment of Viral Diseases with Ozone DT: July 1988 AU: H. Kief SO: Erfahrungsheilkunde Number 7 / 1988, July 1988 AB: Ozone is highly effective against viruses and has an unusually high degree of tolerance when administered parenterally. The use of trivalent oxygen in cases of viral diseases must be considered a conditio sine qua non. The present study provides statistical proof of its extraordinary efficacy in cases of chronic aggressive hepatitis where it exhibits an above-average frequency of serum conversions in HbsAg-positive patients. In the case of AIDS and ARC patients, hyperbaric ozone therapy can lead to obvious remittences of the reduced lymphocytic population and to an astonishing improvement in the clinical status provided that the disease has not severely progressed. If the complete manifestation of AIDS is present partial remissions can still be achieved in 30% of the cases. The data on the cellular immune status based on the patient case material suffice to achieve an adequate degree of significance.