Oxygen, Ozone and Medicine By Saul Pressman As we look around in the world from our vantage point in North America, we see intransigent civil wars and bloody tribal conflicts, economic instability, increasing exploitation of natural resources, mounting population and mounting pollution. There is an epidemic of AIDS and an epidemic of cancer. Tuberculosis is rising again, and new viral infections seem to pop up weekly, as in the native population in the southwest last fall, and the flesh eating staphylococcus. The situation seems to grow worse daily and the modern doctor has tools of little power to combat these rising health concerns. Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, prescription drugs kill at least 150,000 people a year in the US, and the chemical/drug companies lobby harder than ever to eliminate the competition--vitamins and natural herbs and the naturopaths that prescribe them. Health care in America costs an estimated two billion dollars each and every day, yet the population grows sicker yet. Into this gloomy scenario has come a breath of fresh air--an old and proven treatment that American doctors mostly abandoned, but European doctors nurtured and developed. That treatment is medical ozone. It was first used over one hundred years ago and found to be of great value. In 1896, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla patented an ozone generator and in 1900 founded the Tesla Ozone Co. Many doctors treated patients with Tesla's ozone and got excellent results. However, the corrosiveness of the gas to rubber equipment made ozone treatment unpopular with American physicians, and most had dropped it by the thirties under pressure from the AMA. Tesla developed another type of ozone generator in the twenties, based on a cold plasma principle, but the materials for handling it still did not exist. Also in the twenties, Tesla developed magnesium dioxide and gave it to Dr. Blass, who used it with good results, marketing it as Homozone. In Germany, during the First World War, a Dr. A. Wolff used ozone on a variety of problems, from gangrene to trench foot to chlorine gas burns to influenza, with great effect. His work and results were written up in German medical journals of the time. But it was not until the fifties, through the efforts of Dr. Hansler in Germany, that ozone came into its own. With the aid of modern materials including resistant plastics, and with the development of modern ozone generators, it became possible to safely handle and administer medical ozone. Since that time, over ten million patients have been treated with ozone, with many millions of doses given, by more than 7,000 doctors. It has proven to be the safest medical treatment of all time, with less than ten deaths in fifty years, and with less than 1500 people found to be allergic to ozone in all that time. Medical ozone has already proven effective against over 100 diseases, and the list grows daily. Since no anaerobic bacteria, virus, protozoa or fungus can live in a high oxygen atmosphere, all diseases caused by these agents are curable with ozone. Patients with cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, etc., are cured by therapeutic applications of ozone almost without exception, and without serious side effects. These are the facts regarding medical ozone use in Europe. President Reagan received ozone treatment for cancer when he was in Germany in 1986. Members of the FDA have taken their wives to Germany for treatment of breast cancer. NATO has adopted ozone for cleaning the blood supply, and the Canadian Armed Forces are about to. Ozone, because of its powerful antiviral / antibacterial / antiprotozoal abilities is the treatment of choice for the water supply in over 3000 municipalities around the world, including almost all the major cities: Paris, Brussels, Moscow, Zurich, Amsterdam, Florence, Singapore, New York, Tampa, Dallas, Los Angeles, etc. It is also employed to treat sewage to such high standards that it is often returned to the input in true recycling. It is becoming the top option for industry to clean its waste, and in the case of pulp mills, mandatory. ozone is replacing chlorine throughout the world, as the carcinogenic dangers of organochlorides are being realized. We are not far away from a worldwide ban on the production of chlorine, which will rid us of a dangerous environmental pollutant. There are over 100 cities using ozone in the U.S. today with many more planned. But on the medical front, the FDA fights a cynical battle against doctors who are determined that their patients shall not die of AIDS or cancer or ALS or MS or any of the multitude of other diseases that ozone cures, but which no chemical drug touches. But no matter how hard the FDA persecutes these healers, the tide is turning and the outcome is inevitable. Medical ozone treatment will take its rightful place as the leading therapeutic remedy. Recently, there has been a last-ditch effort by the drug companies to slur ozone as harmful to humans, by promulgating a huge propaganda effort about so-called anti-oxidants. A flood of vitriol has been poured out to make people believe that oxygen is harmful to the system, that it causes cell damage and ageing due to being a free radical. Let us examine these claims. The human body is composed of nearly 60% oxygen, about the same as the composition of the earth's crust. The human body is about 70% water, also about the same as the surface of the earth. We can survive for about a week without water, and for about a month without food, but we can only live for a few minutes if we are deprived of oxygen. It is our body's most critical need. Oxygen is involved in all the major processes in the body, from respiration to digestion to assimilation to elimination to reproduction. If we have insufficient oxygen in our system, these critical functions will operate poorly, and our health will suffer. If there is insufficient oxygen for the cell to burn sugar for energy, the carbon in the sugar will be changed into carbon monoxide, instead of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is very difficult for the body to eliminate and so it build up in the body, irritating the organs, and lowering body temperature. The body fights diseases by raising the temperature briefly, which we call fever, in order to "burn out the bug." Poorly oxygenated cells are good news to an oxygen-shunning anaerobic bacteria or a virus. With less oxygen available than they need, cells are unable to make their defensive enzyme shields strong enough, and viruses can invade and force the cell to replicate viruses. The defensive enzyme shields produced by healthy cells are composed of four major enzymes: super oxide dismutase, reductase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase. As long as the cell maintains this enzyme shield, viruses cannot penetrate them and ozone cannot harm them. Disease microbes have no enzyme shields. When medical ozone is introduced into the area, it attacks microbes without a coating and diseased cells with deficient cell wall enzymes. It oxidizes them, allowing them to be cleared from the body and replaced with new healthy cells. Free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, a natural occurrence in biochemical reactions. There could be no life without free radicals. The properties of free radicals vary widely: some are toxic to all living cells, others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen, 01, is a highly reactive free radical that acts as a scavenger of other free radicals. The oxygen combines with them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. The so-called anti-oxidant enzymes are gaining in popularity as nutritional supplements. They are not antioxidant at all, but rather are either free radical scavengers, or enzyme enhancers. They have been shown to help protect marginally healthy cells from general free radical damage. Super oxide dismutase in particular has helped reduce a variety of disorders: normally it is among the body's most plentiful enzymes. However, prolonged use of supplements could tend to atrophy the internal biochemical processes that would normally be making these enzymes. In any case, it does not address the cause of the problem: oxygen starvation at the cellular level, which makes the cells too weak to make the enzymes that protect them from disease. The wide application of ozone in medicine is based on the simple principle that diseased cells cannot exist in the presence of ozone, and that cells cannot become diseased if they are supplied with sufficient oxygen In the end, if there were any truth at all to ozone or oxygen therapy being harmful to humans, the evidence would have become clear forty years ago. There is no such evidence, proving the absolute safety of medical ozone. Later generations will look back in amazement at the unbelievable opposition mounted against such a safe and efficacious medical treatment. --------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Pressman is President of Ozonifier Industries Inc., producers of the finest quality ozone generators available. The "Ozonifier" series of generators use the PLASMAFIRE (TM) GLASS TUBE technology. The PLASMAFIRE (TM) GLASS TUBE is the perfection of an ozone generator invented by Nikola Tesla in the 1920s. Tesla never patented it, because he was not satisfied with its performance, due to the materials available at the time. With the advent of modern materials, and some ingenious engineering, Ozonifier Industries Inc. was able to perfect this Tesla design. For more information on the "Ozonifier" series of generators, please call 604-532-9596.