TI: Weekly Repeated Therapeutical 10000 ug Venous Blood Ozonations. Evaluation of Lipid Peroxydation by the way of Bilirubin, Malondialdehyd, Superoxyd Dismutase, and Glutathion Peroxydase measurements: A Study about 178 Comparative Controls DT: September 1993 AU: J.-M. Winkler M.D., 13, rue de l'eglise, 25660 More (France) SO: Presented at the Eleventh World Ozone Congress, Aug 29 - Sep 3, 1993, San Francisco, CA AB: Ozone, an allotropic form of oxygne, has to be administrated by the way of extracorporal venous blood ozonation every time, when masses such as 10000y have to be used. The does has to be chosen in order to insure therapeutical efficiency and avoid as far as possible any toxicity. These limits are lying close together for oxygen as for ozone. Ozone degradation produces free radicals, the peroxydation of fatty acids and the increase of Malondialdehyd (MDA). Several safety systems, either enzymatic such as Superoxyd dismutase (SOD) and Glutathion peroxydase (GPX) or non enzymatic as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and indirectly Vitamin C, have to insure the protection of the organism against toxical effects. MDA increases after a single ozonation with 10000y of 15%, GPX and SOD underly no statisticaly significant variation. After repetition of this treatment each week, no variations of MDA, SOD or GPX are noticed at the end of the treatments while intermediary results are founded after the first group of ten treatments: MDA + 4.17% (N.S.), SOD no variation. These surprising results induct the question of a possible adaptation to an high but to a short time limited oxydative stress. These results should be compared with those of other randomized studies and completed with other clinical trials performed using different ozone masses and different ozone concentrations.