TI: Ozone Treated HIV+ Patient - Becomes PCR Negative DT: Fall 1991 AU: Michael T. Carpendale M.D. SO: Privately Published AB: Two male HIV positive asymptomatic patients treated themselves with colonic insufflations of an Ozone/Oxygen mixture intermittently for 180 weeks. Both patients increased their CD4 cell count, and one patient, after the 160th week, became Polymerase chain reaction negative. Both patients have remained in the best of health, with no infections and no adverse symptoms or malaise. Ozone was produced from a portable Medical Ozone Generator, (Hansler, Iffezheim, Germany), and was insufflated through a teflon catheter into the colon. This is a simple, safe, inexpensive and well documented method for treatment with Ozone. Dosage concentration 22-30 ug O3/ml O2, average volume was 1100 ml for a total dose of 26.2-33 mgO3 per treatment. Treatment was daily for 21 days, every 3 days for 16 weeks, and once weekly for 15 weeks, for a total of 73 treatments containing 2065-2137 mg Ozone. Each year for the next two years they treated themselves to a daily booster dose identical to the first 21 day program. In view of the fact that Ozone treatment is simple, safe, effective, inexpensive and has been used for more than 50 years in man without reported adverse effects and appears to be effective against HIV at non cytotoxic concentrations. We believe further studies should be done to determine its role in treatment of HIV, especially in the early stages of the disease when the patient is asymptomatic and has a CD4 cell count in the normal range (lower limit 450). If this is so it could have a major effect on this epidemic.