TI: Experiences of a Pediatrician Using Ozone as a Chemotherapeutic Agent for the Treatment of Diseases of Children DT: 1983 AU: Robert A. Mayer, M.D. Co-Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, International Hospital, Miami, FL 33169 SO: Paper presented at the IOA 6th Ozone World Congress, May 1983 in Washington, D.C. AB: 2,500 children were treated with ozone administered rectally, IV, intrathecally, locally as intra-articularly and into abscess cavities. Over 3,000 administrations of ozone were used to treat local and systemic diseases without any side effects or signs of toxicity noted. Representative case histories of various illnesses are described along with the methods and dosage of ozone administration. The greatest number of patients treated as well as the most successful results obtained with ozone therapy were in the group of children having diarrheal disease. Complete recovery with only one rectal insufflation of ozone occurred in over 90% of the patients.