TI: An Electron Microscopical Examination of Cellular Constituents of Human Whole Blood after In-vitro Exposure to Ozone Gas DT: Not Known AU: Jon Greenberg BA, MA, MD SO: Kief Clinic, Ludwigshafen, Germany AB: A transmission and scanning electron microscopical examination was undertaken of four main cell types in human whole blood after exposure to ozone gas in-vitro. Cellular morphology of erythrocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophilic and basophilic leukocytes and thrombocytes was analyzed following ozonization of human whole blood with 44, 65, 80, 90 and 110 ug/ml oxygen/ozone mixture under normo- and hyperbaric (1 bar) conditions with a high total gas mass. Extreme conditions were selected in this study in order to provoke cyto-pathological alterations after exposure to ozone gas to human whole blood. That is, 5 ml of blood and 15 ml of an oxygen/ozone mixture which in a normal auto- hemotherapy treatment with 150 ml of blood, would extrapolate to a total mass of 19,800 ug/ml ozone, is greatly beyond physiological therapeutic doses administered. Transmission and scanning electron microscopical morphological alterations of cell membranes, organelles and inclusions are clearly observed from 90 ug/ml under normo- and hyperbaric (1 bar) conditions and onwards. This contradicts the findings of Wolff (1979). We therefore conclude and suggest that practitioners do not exceed 80 ug/ml concentrations under normo- or hyperbaric pressure.