TI: Extra Corporeal Perfusion of Blood with Ozone-Oxygen Mixtures in the Treatment of Hypoxic States DT: Not Known AU: Sergey Petrovich Peretyagin SO: Centre of Ozonotherapy, Medical Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. AB: Under the conditions of experimental models (hemorrhagic shock according to Wiggers, clinical death, perfusion of isolated heart) and also in patients with signs of hypoxy in postoperation, postresuscitation periods, effectiveness of auto blood treatment with ozone-oxygen mixture in oxygenator, attached to large peripheral or main vessels, was studied. It is established that ozone influence on blood, eliminating oxygen deficiency in the organism, resulted in decrease of insufficiently oxidized products - lactate, pyruvate, deficiency of bufer bases, products of nitrous metabolism, reduction of pH medium. Treatment of large volumes of the patient's blood with ozone, side-by- side with moderate increase of free-radical POL reactions, contributes to activation of anti-oxydation protection enzymes / superoxiddysmutase and catalase / and also mobilizes other mechanisms of endogen disintoxication. Under ozone influence energopotential of tissue cells raises: LDg and GI-6-Ph-Dg activity increases, glycolytic and pentosophosphatic ways of glycose oxidation are activized, the cycle of tricarbonic acids is intensified; enzyme activity of the respiratory chain and conjugation of the processes of oxidizing phosphorilation is restored. Simultaneously with metabolic responses, and important role in liquidation of hypoxic disorders belongs to reactions of cardiorespiratory system: dp/dt, stroke volume and heart work per minute, respiratory volume and oxygen assumption increase, pulse rate and breath become infrequent. Microcirculation was restored: gradients of perfused blood pressure were increased and the gradient of rectum / cutis temperature was decreased; as for morphologic and ultrastructural organization of the vascular bed it became optimized.