TI: Comparison of effects on tissue oxygenation of hyperbaric oxygen and intravascular hydrogen peroxide DT: April 7, 1967 AU: Norman B. Ackerman, M.D., Ph.D., Floyd B. Brinkley, B.S. SO: Investigative Surgery Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 285-290 AB: There are numerous pathologic conditions that are related to, or caused by, a decrease in tissue oxygenation. These conditions include many cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, as well as certain infectious and toxic states. During the past few years there has been considerable interest in the experimental use of both hyperbaric oxygen (OHP) and intravascular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as techniques for improving tissue oxygenation. Although the mechanisms of action are different, both OHP and H2O2 are effective in increasing tissue oxygen tensions. The present study was designed to compare the effectiveness of these 2 techniques. Measurements of tissue pO2 by polarographic electrodes in the hind limb of rabbits have indicated that significant increases occur following the use of both hyperbaric oxygen and intra-arterial and retrograde intravenous hydrogen peroxide. The effect from the H2O2 is delayed until the oxygen diffuses slowly into these tissues, but the effect is maintained for a longer period after discontinuation of the infusion. Hyperbaric oxygen causes an almost immediate rise in tissue pO2 and when discontinued causes an almost immediate fall in the elevated levels. Intravenous hydrogen peroxide cause no change in the tissue pO2 levels. Ratios of peak/control tissue pO2 levels caused by OHP at 2 ATA, and 0.2 percent H2O2 administered intra-arterially at 0.5 to 2 ml. per minute were 4.44 and 5.96, respectively, indicating that the effect of the peroxide was equivalent to the effect of hyperbaric oxygen at a pressure of at least 2 ATA.