TI: Cardiovascular Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide: Current Status DT: February 1967 AU: Harold C. Urschel Jr. SO: Diseases of the Chest, Vol. 51. No. 2, pp 180-192 AB: In an attempt to find a better method for oxygenating tissues which would compare with hyperbaric oxygenation, an intravascular technique of administering oxygen in a regional or systemic system, employing dilute solutions of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been evaluated. Hydrogen peroxide is rapidly degraded to oxygen and water by catalase and peroxidases, enzyme systems present in excess quantities in the blood. Following H2O2 decomposition in biologic fluids, it was noted that more oxygen was being recovered from such fluids than one would expect from 100 per cent saturation with oxygen at 1 atm. Experiments revealed this to be a simple supersaturation of a liquid with a gas. Hydrogen peroxide releases dissolved oxygen equivalent to that found in solutions under oxygen at 3-8 atmosphere pressure. H2O2 administration does not require lung transport. It can be given continuously over long periods of time, it can be administered by a single physician without expensive equipment and large teams, and it avoids compression-decompression hazards, as well as central nervous system and pulmonary toxicity. Hydrogen peroxide has been demonstrated to be an adjunctive source of oxygen for the anoxic or ischemic heart and can improve resuscitation in refractile arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. Intra-arterial infusion of H202 has been noted to reverse the atherosclerotic process, potentiate the effect of irradiation on malignant tumors, increase the localization of radioactive isotopes in malignant tumors, protect against Clostridium welchii infections, promote wound healing and serve as an excellent source of regional oxygenation without significant systemic toxicity.