ART PARTS\ \ Uh, oh.\ The artist has been a little too bold while flirting with the denizens of Mermaid Rock, and they have enchanted all his canvases! Can you unscramble them?\ \ GOAL\ Unscramble the scrambled pictures.\ \ METHODOLOGY\ Click on a piece of the picture to select it. Then click on another piece of the picture. The two pieces will swap places.\ You can "click and drag" with your mouse to select blocks consisting of two or more pieces.\ \ \ SCORE\ Your score is a percentage of the number of pieces in the proper location. For example, if the picture has 25 pieces, and you have moved 10 of the pieces into the correct location, your score is 40%.\ \ OPTIONS\ When playing Art Parts by itself, you can select the following options:\ Framed: turning this on gives you a thin, unscrambled border of the picture. This makes it much easier to unscramble the rest of the picture.\ Columns: the number of columns into which the picture will be divided.\ Rows: the number of rows into which the picture will be divided.\ Time Limit: the amount of time you have to unscramble the picture.\ NOTE: The number of pieces will be the number of columns times the number of rows. As the number of pieces increase, the difficulty of the game increases sharply. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!\ ANOTHER NOTE: To see which pieces are out of place, hit the space bar or the return/enter key. As a slight penalty for "cheating", your mouse will be deactivated for three seconds, although the timer will continue counting down. This feature cannot be used while playing Art Parts as part of the board game.\ YET ANOTHER NOTE: This demo version of Art Parts has only 3 pictures. When you buy Hodj 'n' Podj, Art Parts will include 80 pictures. Plus, it will be just one of the 19 fun games you'll get, not counting the delightful fantasy board game that ties all the games together!