================================================================ Title : Camelot (CAMELOT.WAD) Author : Joe - Joe's Garage BBS (206) 639-4370 FIDOnet - 1:343/254 (shameless plug) (I'll always have the latest doom/heretic stuff!) This HERETIC level is is a completely NEW level that I created as an individual puzzle type level. It has new music , Red Barchetta from Rush! (I got soooo tired of the heretic tunes) There are major changes through the difficulty levels. Good luck with the "Though Art a Smite-mister" level ! It runs great on a 486DX2/66 w/8 megs ram, may be a little sluggish on slow machines (it's got lots of stuff!) ================================================================ >> Play Information. This HERETIC level will ONLY work with REGISTERED HERETIC Episode : E1M1 Skill levels : 1,2,3,4,5 (all are different) Single Player : Yes - really designed for this. 2-4 Multiplayer : Yes New Demos : No New Sounds : YES! New Graphics : No >> Construction Base : New level from scratch Build Time : TOO many nights (yawn) Editor used : DEUGCC, WADMAN,DMMUSIC, BSP12x >> CAMELOT.WAD level details Things : 380 Linedef : 1808 Sidedef : 2741 Vertexes : 1403 Sectors : 216 Weapons :ALL! >> Copyright / Permissions Authors MAY do what they like with this level, ONLY if they mention the original level by NAME in the main text file of credits. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.