INFO on 'Heart of Darkness': a new Halloween module by Bryan Smith (aka Coric), the UANL editor and creator of the mega-epic, 'Minions of Twilight'. It contains 20-odd pieces of art, two dungeons, and a complete story/journal in an executable format. This single-map module can be a beast to conquer. It took me four hours to finish it - and I knew exactly where to go, and when. Some people may argue that it is too difficult; this is not true. As I said in the game docs, 'Heart' can be defeated by a strategic player in a single sitting, without dying once. But for those of you who aren't military-history gods or chess- fiends, I have compiled this little help file. If you follow these tips, Rascyc the Hunter is guaranteed a much longer unlife. :> 1) GENERAL COMBAT TIPS I compare this module's combats to a good game of chess. Each one has been delicately calibrated to bring out a great challenge - but there is always a way to win. Depending on the way you handle a fight, Rascyc could die - or he could drink deep on the blood of his enemies without sustaining a hit. With a single character to play with, you have to be pick your strategies with care. One slip-up and Rascyc becomes just another bloated corpse in the decayed Mission. Yes, he is undead, but he is NOT undefeatable. First and foremost, you must gauge your enemies. Learn their attack-patterns, and, if possible, their weaknesses. Some enemies can be taken down with just your sword; with others, you may need magic; and in other combats, you may need your vampire abilities. Only with experience (or with some help from other sections of this guide) will you be able to choose the 'exact' strategy for all monsters. Until you know exactly what each critter is capable of, do NOT engage them in close combat! Stay at a (far) distance and attack with magic. Here are some things to keep in mind when analyzing your opponent: -IS IT FAST OR SLOW MOVING? With slow creatures, you can utilize hit- and-run tactics. Get close, attack, then teleport out of the enemy's range before it can hit you back. With fast creatures, you will have to be more careful. Try to stay very far away (say, 26 squares) and just blast it with magic. Once it is sufficiently weakened, close in for the kill. -WHAT KIND OF SPELLS DOES IT USE, IF ANY? Magic-users can be deadly to Rascyc. He is magic resistant, but a 20th level mage with a lightening bolt up his sleeve can cook your vampire in two rounds! If you're facing offensive spells, try to get behind cover or surrounded by weak enemies (the mage/cleric won't fire any area-affect spells at you if he'll hit a comrade in the process). Watch out for dispel evil spells, too. -IS IT POISONOUS? Poison will end your game quicker than anything else. If Rascyc dies, the game is over. And he IS susceptible to poison. Try to kill any poison-wielding creatures from a respectable distance. If this is not possible, become invisible and get hits in when you can. -WILL IT DISEASE YOU? Disease is also deadly to your vampire. While he won't die immediately, the disease will gradually destroy his immune system. If you let it go too far, no healing spells that Rascyc has will help. His bracers will be useless; your only course of action is to find a coffin and cast a 'cure disease' spell before you completely rot away. -DOES IT REFLECT GAZES? If so, you might be in for some trouble. Do not let Rascyc go crazy ('quick mode') or he'll get paralyzed! -HOW HIGH IS ITS LEVEL? Low-level creatures usually can't harm you with brute force. Moreover, a single drain to a level 2 monster will destroy it, even if it's got 200 hp (no, there is no such beast in this game :) -DOES IT REGENERATE HIT POINTS OR RISE FROM THE DEAD? If so, do not let up on a creature until it is 100% dead. If you let a monster that regenerates live, it will eventually get back up to fighting strength. And when facing monsters that rise (always a nasty surprise when you learn this), try to end the combat as soon as possible or risk fighting the same foes over and over again. Here are some general strategic tips for winning big: -DO NOT GET FLANKED! Get your single-character-butt into a corner and stay there, if at all possible. The less sides that you can be attacked from, the better. It is generally a bad idea to stay in the center of the map and let eight enemies swarm about you (unless one of them can cast lightening bolts, in which case it is to your advantage to get out of the corner). If you get under too much fire, just teleport to another corner of the room and use your offensive magic. -REST UP AFTER COMBAT! Once all the enemies are dead, you can continue to regenerate hit-points. Simply continue combat until you are fully healed - you never know what awaits you on the other side of that door or behind that building! -TRADING BLOWS WITH LYCANTHROPES ISN'T A GOOD IDEA! Werebears inflict massive damage and can squeeze the life out of you; werewolves are quick and attack many times per round and usually move in packs. If you get hugged by a werebear, teleport out of his range and blast him from a distance until he lets go. With werewolves, try to lure them into an isolated area, one by one. They aren't really powerful alone, but if you get two or three around you at one time, look out! -GATE IN SOME GARGOYLES FOR 'CANNON FODDER'! Those gargs are great for slowing down enemies while you regenerate hit points or prepare that massive spell. They can also take some of the punishment that would have otherwise been directed at you. -USE THE TELEPORT AND HEAL METHOD! If you're hurting, teleport to an isolated area of the map and use your bracers until your wounds are gone. If an enemy gets too close (within 12 squares) gate out. -A COMBINATION OF MAGIC AND DRAINING WORKS WONDERS! Rascyc has some great spells in his grimoire; use them! But if you can get close to an enemy without worrying about being flanked or poisoned, do so. His draining ability is much more powerful than mere spells. Adventuring tips: -Take notes on everything; you never know what might be useful later. -Keep track of all the important quests that you embark on. -Search everywhere, do everything, and don't shy away from combat. -Look for secret doors and try to avoid traps with the 'search' command. -Try diplomacy before resorting to your swords! -When in doubt or stuck... backtrack! You probably missed something important and so, will not be able to move further into the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thus ends the general tips. The following sections provide an in- depth look at the monsters, areas, and items of the realm. DO NOT READ THESE SECTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE COMPLETELY AND 100% STUCK! Monsters (short bio, attacks, weaknesses): ANIMAL SKELETON: When their evil masters died long ago, their favored pets went with them. And when some of these mages returned from the dead, they brought them along. ANIMAL SKELETONS are generally found guarding their beloved masters or their homes. They will fight to the 'death' and are completely loyal. They are most often encountered in packs of three or more. They attack with a vicious bite and sharp claws. Despite their low hit points, they do pack a wallop, so be extremely careful. Watch to see that the pack doesn't surround Rascyc - they are fast, and can get in more hits than he can. 'Hold monster' spells tend to work wonders on these undead beasts. And because they are pack-hunters, area-effect magic like fireballs and ice storms work well against them. They have low hit points and can be dispatched in a few rounds. BLACK JELLY: Animated from the decaying mass of the grave, these undead horrors tend to do more damage than the average adventurer would assume. They are fairly intelligent (for the undead) and like to act independently; as such, they act fairly erratic. Only one thing is ever certain about the black jelly creatures: they are always hungry, and are always looking for food. They move very quickly and, because of their small size, are more maneuverable than other undead creatures. Using pseudopods of massive size and strength, these creatures can knock a mid-level warrior down with a single hit. They can also engulf their victims, making movement impossible and hampering attacks on them. Again, these are fairly low-level creatures. Rascyc can drain them in a matter of two rounds. Be warned, though: they are virtually immune to fire and actually grow when hit by electricity. Getting in close and dirty is probably your best bet. SKELETAL WARRIOR: Born in the bubbling cauldrons of the black-robes, these mindless undead creatures are fairly common and easy to dispatch. Despite their imposing regalia (often created by a mage just for the intimidation effect), these monsters aren't really anything to worry about. They attack with +3 axes and can do quite a bit of damage to Rascyc if he isn't paying attention. Because of their bony structure, cutting weapons only do 1/2 damage on them. However, they have a high THA0 and often miss. They move very slowly and can be outmaneuvered with ease. If you are confronted by a large group of skeletal warriors (as is often the case, especially when there is a cauldron nearby), try to hammer them from the distance. Don't forget to pick up an ax or two after the combat, as they do quite a bit more damage than your sword. BEASTIE: No one is really sure where these creatures came from - or how they came about, for that matter. They tend to be independent and very, very deadly. Beasties (named by the young lad who first discovered them climbing out of a fuming pit in the wasteland) will hunt down a foe until it is dead, and then will move on to the next, as methodical as clockwork. They attack with claws and a razor-sharp tail. They attack many times per round, but rarely do much damage. But because they move quickly and hit often, they can take down a much more imposing foe than one would guess at. Beasties sometimes get super bonus attacks, where they can inflict massive damage. They have no real weaknesses. Their level is fairly high, as are their hit points. They move quickly and are fairly intelligent. Magic seems to work on them, for the most part, but they have been working on immunities to certain spells. However, they are usually not much of a problem unless encountered in large packs. GIANT SKELETON: these are some of the more fearsome-looking foes in the Mission. Low-level mages often resurrect the remains of a great giant warrior because of the ease at which they are bound to eternal service. They carry a massive spear wrought of human bone and are armored with tough leather garb. Giant skeletons attack many times per round. Because of their sketchy origins (most GS masters are poorly trained in the Art), they tend to miss a lot. Out of all the enemies in Darkspire, these are the least of your worries. They are slow, dim-witted, and fairly weak. Only rarely do they do any serious damage (and that is considered a fluke by most experts). In short, leave these critters be until the other foes have been dispatched with. ROTT: These undead creatures are kin to ghasts and ghouls. A rott is created when a tortured body is forced to rise from the grave to continue a mission that they never completed in life. They are not necessarily evil; but many are forced into the control of an evil master because of their low wisdom (they care only for the unfinished quest). As their name implies, rotts usually attack with diseased limbs and a stinking aura. The mere sight of one of these decomposing corpses is often enough to make the halest of warriors nauseous. They are also accomplished combatants. Moreover, rotts can rise from the dead as often as necessary. They must complete their quest... and so, have often caught unwary adventurers off-guard. Rotts are susceptible to fire. A good blast can toast a whole contingent of 'em. If at all possible, try to stay away from them - the disease that they carry is enough to kill Rascyc in a few rounds. WEREBEAR: When a full moon rises, men and women afflicted with lycanthropy begin their horrible transformations. The rage and insatiable appetite of the were-creature takes control of an otherwise sane person; they go into a furry rampage that doesn't end until the moon drops. Werebears are the most powerful creatures in the Mission. They attack with massive paws and can squeeze the life out of most people, in the traditional 'bear hug'. Most often, they are solitary creatures and prefer dark caves to the sun-drenched Plains. They are also very slow and bulky. As such, it is possible to run rings around them. A constant barrage of magic and ranged weapons is enough to weaken them to the point where you can advance and attack with your weapons. If you cannot escape, try using gargoyle fodder to slow them down and occupy their rage. WEREWOLF: Like their cousin, the werebear, these lycanthropes come out to play in the silver light of the full moon. They are lean and quick and deadly, and favor attacking in packs. They are very much like normal wolves - on steroids. They attack many times per round and move rapidly. They are fearless and will not quit until the combat is over. But their most important - and most deadly - ability is their power to rise from the dead. It is often difficult to dispatch an entire pack before one of them comes back to haunt you. Kill them quickly. Magic works well; your draining will slow their attacks down some. Patience is a virtue with the werewolves: wait for your opportunity, and then take it. Then get out of there before they can react! WITCH: These undead creatures often pose as lost or befuddled young woman (they have the ability to shape-shift at will), and lure hapless adventurers into their midst with feminine charms and a hypnotizing song. Witches are very dangerous foes. They can attack with both standard arms and magic. Their spellbook is the most potent of their weapons, so it is best to close in for hand-to-hand (to prevent their use of magic). They have no real weaknesses. Witches are nearly immune to all magic and have a high number of hit points. Their spellbook is wide enough to retaliate against any attack, and when forced into close combat, they are adept with a +1 short sword. Luck and some good hits are what you need to take them down. CONVERTS: These are the lost red-robes that the Conclave sent out. Forceas has twisted their minds into believing that he is a god. They are now willing to die for him, willing to hunt down all his enemies. Converts are mage/fighters. They attack with heavy maces that can inflict massive damage. They also possess the ability to dispell evil, which can be a problem for Rascyc (he is mostly immune to the spell, but there have been times when he isn't prepared...). Try to hit them with magic from a distance. They move slowly and don't have any powerful ranged spells. If forced into close combat, try to drain them to a very low level (3 or so) and let them attack you - they won't do any damage! Use these weakened foes as human shields against more powerful enemies. BLACK-ROBES: Besides Forceas, these are the most powerful of the mages in the Mission. They have been attracted to his banner by his promises of fame, glory, and wealth. Many have also brought huge armies of undead servants to aid them in their search for conquest. Black-robes are 100% mages. They do very little damage in close combat, but with magic, they can cut Rascyc down in a matter of minutes. Their most potent spells include ice storm and fireball. Get in close and hack away ASAP. Do not let them get a spell out - or face the consequences. In any combat, try to kill them first. MAD MONK: driven insane by the destruction of his temple, this priest will attack any undead creature he comes upon, out of pure revenge. He is old... but very powerful. His spells are potent and his sword arm isn't half-bad. If not handled properly and quickly, he can become a serious threat to the health of Rascyc. He is fairly easy to hit. Blast him with a fireball and then rush in with your swords. The techniques used on the black-robes work well on him. FORCEAS: He is the big boss, the head-honcho. He has become a dying lich through a magical process gone bad (it was supposed to have given him immortality). His mind was also shattered in the process; the Dark Queen has taken control of what remains. In his madness, he has set out to destroy the world and set himself up as supreme King - even a god. Rascyc will have to duel him to the undeath, one-on-one in his burning chambers. He is, bar-none, the most dangerous of all of Rascyc's foes. He has more hit points than you can shake a stick at and an extremely high level (making death by draining difficult). Forceas attacks with a Drow Long Sword +3 and a truly impressive spellbook. He favors lightening bolts, ice storms, and magic missiles - all of which cause massive damage. He also drains one level every time he connects with a sword-blow. You will have to develop your own strategy for him. There are several ways to beat him, but it will take luck, courage, and LOTS of strategy. Happy huntings! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Areas: THE VAMPIRE GATHERING: Listen to the monologue of the head-vampire. Then, interrupt the Gathering and kill the vampires. Try to attack them from a distance, as they will drain your levels - and your lifeblood - at a rapid rate. In the back room you will find a coffin in which you are able to rest. LYCANTHROPE ALLEY: defeat the werebear to the east and take its jewelry. Then head Northwest. Fight the werewolves and enter the room beyond. Talk to the villager; record what he says. THE TAVERN: slip in and take out the opposition at the door. Then find the old man in the corner. Kill him - he is evil and he is your enemy. Take the statue piece and get out. THE HANGING PRISONS: fight your way past the first set of guards. Enter the cell at 9,16 (break the door in). Search for the statue piece and get out (you'll have to fight another set of guards). THE SMITHIE: after you defeat the undead warriors, search the stall to the North for weapons. THE EMBASSY: Just some combats here. THE RUBBLE-CAVERN: Walk around and fight the spiders. Then, listen to the woman - BUT QUESTION HER. You may or may not fall under her spell; keep trying until you break free. When she turns into a witch, do not hesitate: destroy her immediately (it helps to hold the animal skeletons that guard her, first). Search to the South for a statue piece. THE TEMPLE: push through the consecrated building as fast as possible, heading for the point 10, 19. There, fight the mad monk. Then, travel one step East and another South to find the fourth statue piece. Go to the point 9, 19 (still in the temple) and find the secret door. Once at the altar, reassemble the statue and head for the Mission gates. Inside Darkspire Mission: THE MAGE'S ROOM: read the journal to the South. THE FEAST: fight. THE WEREBEAR RUSH: fight again. THE UNDEAD RUSH: fight once more. -Once you've won each of the fights and have read the journal, head back towards the werebears. On the wall to the South of their door you will find a secret entrance. Push though the magical barrier... THE BLACK-ROBES: Do the dishonest, sneaky thing: Kill the mages while they sleep. Then, finish 'em off in a lightening round of combat. RASCYC VS FORCEAS: Do not join him. Instead, engage the dying lich to a duel. Beat him, and win the game. Lose, and die a slow death. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA: I forgot to mention that the comic book/video game 'Chakan' was a major influence in the writing of this mod. My appologies to the game's creators (if you're listening :) Any other questions can be sent to 'Bryan SM@AOL.COM'