TreeDo/Command line utility Traverses dir tree, performing supplied command in each dir. | Created Feb-93, Initial submission to Hobbes, ver 1.2, 27-Dec-94 | This version 1.3, 05-Apr-95 | [Vertical bar ("|") in left column indicates new/changed in this revision.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT IT DOES: TREEDO is a simple command line program that does a command through all subdirs, with some dir substitution capabilities and knowledge of MAKE. As an example, the following will delete all *.tmp files on your C: drive: C: cd \ | treedo -v del *.tmp It can be used like the unix "find . -type d -name -exec {}". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION: Merely unpack TREEDO.ZIP, then move TREEDO.EXE to a dir on your path. I'd recommend moving TREEDO.TXT (this file) to the same dir so you can find it later (unless you have a dir of loose docs, put it there). If you have an earlier version of TreeDo, you can safely overwrite the | older files with new; none have been obsoleted, all have been replaced. TREEDO is a C++ program; the complete source file TREEDO.CPP is included in the zip file in case you're inclined to look at the source, as is a simple Makefile for building it. They are not needed to run the program. There are no other support files used or needed for running or building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LICENSE JUNK: There are no requirements for using this program. Of course there are also no warranties. | You may redistribute treedo freely, as long as all files go together; | treedo.exe, treedo.cpp, treedo.txt, and makefile. | | I do ask, however, that if you have Internet e-mail access you drop me | a line of thanks or criticism. Also indicate in your mail if you'd like | to be notified of any future renditions. If you find a bug, please e-mail me about it. If you make any mods to the source, please e-mail them to me so that I can incorporate them into any future renditions. If you have any suggestions for improvements to | TREEDO, I'd especially like to hear them, e-mail me; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USAGE: I wrote this program originally to perform a MAKE in all subdirs so as to build a large software product in an automated fashion. However, it's not tied to make, I left it generic so that it can perform any command supplied in all subdirs. A very simple example of what it does, is to simply type: C: cd \ treedo cd It will then perform the CD command in each dir on your C: drive, thus listing them all out to your screen. (It's fine to hit ctrl-C if you don't want to watch them all go by.) It can be started anywhere without actually having to CD there (-s), display each dir as it goes (-v), only execute at a lowest level dir (-l), only go into dirs with a certain file (-e), or only go into dirs with a specific text file containing a specific command (-m). It can supply the drive and/or dir of the dir it's working in to the command (%d, %p). And of course, it can take any command. It can also dup2() stderr to stdout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMAND SUMMARY: | Usage: [switches] command [args] | Switches: | -h,-? This Usage screen. | -v verbose mode -- displays each dirname before performing command. | -o dup Output mode -- copies stderr to stdout. | -l Leaves only mode -- Only performs command in bottommost dirs. | -n no recurse -- does not go into subdirs. | -s p Set initial drive & dir. | -M f r Special check for 'make'. This checks each dir for file 'f', and, if | it exists, checks for rule 'r' in that file. If both conditions | are met, treedo performs the given command, else dir. will be skipped. | Note that 'rule' is assumed to be anchored left, and is a simple | char-by-char match (no wildcards) -- not a Regular Expression! | Sample: treedo -v -m makefile.dos lib make -f makefile.dos lib | -m r Same as "-M" but assumes file is "Makefile". | Also, if no command is supplied, assumes command is 'make' with a 1st | arg of 'r'. Sample: "treedo -m clean" does a "make clean" in every | dir with a "makefile" file containing a "clean" rule. | -e f Check for file existance. This checks each dir for file 'f', and, if | it exists, performs the given command, else dir. will be skipped. | -p n s Substitutes Path segment 'n' with 's'. Sample: in the C:\Prima\Src | dir: treedo -n -p 1 Foo echo S:%p displays S:\Foo\Src | | Special args: | %d current working drive | %p current working directory (without drive) | %i initial working directory | %s starting directory (1st parm after -s) | %m makefile name (1st parm after -m) (-m mode only) | %r makefile rule (2nd parm after -m) (-m mode only) | | All unrecognized args will be passed to the new subshell as the command | to perform and its args. | ------------------------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES: Get a file listing for all dirs below this one: treedo dir > dirlist.txt For every dir below this one, if there is a 'makefile.dos', and it has a 'lib:' rule, perform that make, displaying each dir name as we go, with stderr in the redirected output file: treedo -o -v -m makefile.dos lib: make -f makefile.dos lib > make.err Delete every file named 'core' on the entire D: drive, without bothering to go there first: treedo -s D:\ -e core del core Duplicate dir structure on D: drive: treedo -v mkdir D:%p | Duplicate dir structure on D: drive, changing name of top level | dir to "dup": | | treedo -p1 dup mkdir D:%p | Send current drive and dir to a command as args: treedo -n echo %d %p Dup stderr to stdout for compile/link output redirection: treedo -o -n bcc -Dos2 treedo >treedo.err (This is the same as) bcc -Dos2 treedo 2>&1 > treedo.err (under OS/2, but is not possible under DOS.) Find all files named config.sys on drive D: treedo -v -s D:\ dir /b config.sys 2>nul | | For every dir under this one, if it has a normal old "makefile" | with a "clean" rule, perform that clean: | | treedo -m clean | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PORTING: The original DOS code compiled fine under Borland's OS/2 compiler by adding a "-Dos2" to the command line and some trivial "#ifdef"s. Unfortunately, DOS compatibility was lost in porting to IBM's CSET++, as it now uses the OS/2 DosFindFirst() call directly, instead of Borland's 'find_t' struct and _dosfindfirst() call. As I no longer have access to a Borland DOS compiler, I'm not able to go back and get the DOS rendition working. (Note: Courtesy, the supplied source has been confirmed to compile/link/run on DOS under Borland 3.1.) The supplied .exe was built with Borland's C++ 1.00 for OS/2. The source has also been compiled/linked/used extensively under IBM CSET++ 2.0. It was originally written under DOS (Borland 3.1 compiler), to deal with Borland compiler/linker/librarian etc. output, which write some output to stdout, and some to stderr. As DOS has no way of combining the two streams from the command shell, TREEDO does this for all child processes by means of dup2(1, 2) if the -o switch is supplied. Under OS/2 this functionality is less important as "2>&1" works in the command shell. If you do get it to compile on any compiler not mentioned, please let me | know (e-mail, especially if you had to make changes. | If you try to compile it on any compiler and fail, please let me know, I'd be glad to help try to make it work. The included Makefile has commented out lines in it for Borland, just edit it, commenting out the IBM CSET lines, uncommenting the Borland. You can also use "make clean" to get rid of the .obj, .map, etc. files. The code compiles warning free. If you get warnings from some other compiler, I'd love to have them fixed, please let me know, and I'll include your fixes in future revisions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY: | Ver 1.3: submitted to Hobbes 05-Apr-95 | a) Changed "-m" switch to pre-make the command line if none supplied. | As an example: | treedo -v -m clean make clean | can now have the command and makerule simply dropped: | treedo -v -m clean | b) Added "-p" switch to allow substitution of a single segment in | the resolved "%p" path. | c) Updated this doc. Note especially new e-mail address for me! | Ver 1.2: submitted to Hobbes 27-Dec-94 a) Added an fflush() to force -v output to come out at the expected place when combined with stderr. This was not necessary with Borland standard C libs (but won't hurt), and is necessary with IBM CSET++ standard C libs. b) Changed existing "-m" to "-M", and fixed "-m" to work just like "-M" but with the default filename "Makefile". Ver 1.1: submitted to Hobbes 26-Nov-94 a) Fixed supplied Makefile for platform independence. b) Usage message filled in. c) Accompanying text (.pkg, .txt) written. Ver 1.0: Personal use only, never released.