Psych'd Stealie Screen Saver for Windows! This is a simple screen saver but nice looking. Create a Directory C:\PSYF Place all these files in that directory. Move the .SCR & .INI to your Windows directory. Select the Grateful Jester Screen Saver from your control Panel. Thats it! If you would like to place Jester in a diffrent directory or drive Edit the .INI file with the new path. I have skipped a custom install program and compilation, To save you disk space. I reccomend you leave the files in thier own directory. Like the C:\PSYF all you have to do is delete that directory and the PSYF8055.SCR & PSYF80555.INI and it's gone. This file is free for your enjoyment, Please pass it to anyone but never ask money for it. (Yeah right like it is worth anything anyways)! I offered not responsible for any damages, and you can contact me at Nick Layman Terrapin/Deep Elem BBS (914) 344-2860 or 343-5004 Email Fido 1:272/51 or 1:272/52