PMsndX version 1.38 by William Scott Hiles As always, all comments are welcomed as well as bug reports. INTRODUCTION: This is the a new release of PMsndX. Extensive online help is provided from the main control panel. To read the help, pull down the system menu in the upper left corner of the PMsndX control panel and select HELP. This provides a description of the form and function. CONTENTS: You should have ten files from the compressed .zip file. Name CRC-32 Description ------------ -------- ----------------------------------------- pmsndx.exe 6a0016c3 Executable PMsndX install.exe 90dea49b PMsndX Installation program pmsndx.hlp 2e8b07ba Help file smallhlp.hlp 14aefbc4 Help file without user interface examples README.TXT -------- This file HISTORY.TXT 8f9be473 History of all changes and future work file_id.diz 568f8f5d Information file to BBS sysops too. order.txt fc6f91cf Form for registering license.txt d668c05b Licensing information hints.txt 45ec06f8 Hints for commonly asked questions bugrep.txt 3369a2fc Form for reporting bugs sample/ 00000000 Sample directory sample/brettapp.wav 3f389a3b Example sample sample/example.cmd a166992b Example REXX command script sample/testsntx.cmd 1f5a2195 File with full syntax for reference INSTALLATION PROGRAM: Starting with version 1.36, PMsndX includes a very simple installation program which copies the executable and appropriate help file to the destination directories. The program lets the user select the paths that are in the PATH and HELP variables. MANUAL INSTALLATION: If the installation script does not work on your system, you may manually install PMsndX on your system with the following instructions. Installation of PMsndX is very simple. You must place the executable in a directory that is referenced in your PATH statement in your config.sys. If this is not done, PMsndX will not be able to play samples from the command line. You must then place the help file in a directory in your HELP path or in the same directory as the executable program. That is it. Look at your config.sys file with an editor like E.EXE and locate the statement that looks like this: SET PATH=E:\OS2;E:\OS2\SYSTEM;E:\OS2\INSTALL;E:\;E:\OS2\MDOS;E:\OS2\APPS; Choose something like \os2\apps and copy the file pmsndx.exe to that directory. There are two help files included in the compressed .zip file. They are identical in content except that the larger one contains bitmap examples of the user interface in the text. The smaller file (smallhlp.hlp) does not contain the bitmaps and is about one-third the size of the larger file. The smaller file is provided for people who are concerned about disk space. Whichever file is not used can be deleted. To use the smaller help file, rename smallhlp.hlp to pmsndx.hlp. Look at your config.sys file with an editor like E.EXE and locate the statement that looks like this: SET HELP=E:\OS2\HELP;E:\OS2\HELP\TUTORIAL;E:\MMOS2\HELP; Choose something like \os2\help and copy either pmsndx.hlp or smallhlp.hlp to that directory and name it pmsndx.hlp. WARNING: There is a known problem with PMsndX and MMPM/2 version 3.0. When running PMsndX under Warp, anything which interrupts the playback of a sample (such as a system sound or pressing Pause) will cause PMsndX to hang the next time playback is requested. A future release of MMPM/2 will correct this problem. To minimize the effect, I have provided the option to have PMsndX open the Audio device without sharing (the default). This problem does not appear to affect PMsndX on previous versions of OS/2 (i.e. 2.0, 2.1 and 2.11). ENDING: I can be contacted using email at Thanks for your time. Scott