UPDATE.TXT for Eric Rodda-Software A1 DOS Utilities New programs for 2nd edition of A1 DOS Utilities ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FILL Quickly FILL any area of the screen with any character of any color. DRIVECHK Safely establish if a particular drive "is ready" and exit with an errorlevel accordingly. EL.BAT Show errorlevel produced from another program. COORD Show X,Y coordinates around edge of screen (for screen building assistance) MC Mouse Control using Area Oriented Program (AOP) flow to allow the mouse to activate on sensitive areas of the screen. May be used directly with BOX /P1. Great for menu control. KEYCHECK Show SCAN CODES and ASCII codes for any key. Also indicates status of the LOCK keys, eg CAPS, NUM etc. Can also SET the status of the LOCK keys from the command line. JOYCHECK Test up to two joysticks or four paddles plugged into the joystick port. X-Y Coordinates are shown and button status are checked. CLRLINE This will clear any number of lines of the screen using the current or selected color attributes. Great for clearing just part of the screen. Additions to original programs ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A1 now has a Screen Border color option when using a /Cx option which alters the color of the area outside the normal video screen. BOX now has:- * /P for preset to match MC (nine boxes displayed for menu screens) * now has /T3 for solid line (thick) border. * /I0 allows the interia of the box to be left unfilled. MOUSETST now has Motion Tests for horizontal and vertical modes. TIMEMARK now includes a CUTE ( /Q1 ) option for casual time function, and now includes and errorlevel output for the year ( /E9 ) DELAY now has a countdown display available.