PatchInf.txt So you lost your password!! Your program (Applock,Keepout, OverSeer, KDeskTop) creates a file that stores your password that is not located in the Programs' directory for security reasons. Read below to see how to correct your problem. Remember to note your new password in a safe and easy to find place !!! THIS WILL RESET KDESKTOP, KEEPOUT AND APPLOCK'S PASSWORDS. To reset your program to default: Use the file KPATCH.EXE utility. Run the attached program KPATCH.EXE. Double-click or start KPATCH from the FILE|RUN menu. Patch starts as an icon. Click the icon to see the system menu, then click Run Patch.... After about 15 seconds, a message should pop up saying whether the operation was completed or not. If the program worked, start your program and use the default password. All should be well and you can reset your new password. IMPORTANT: This program only works with a registered copy of our software. Let us know if you have any problems. The Staff Anaplastic Software