Task Pro Version 1.20 - Important Notes --------------------------------------- Configuring Buttons ------------------- To configure the Quick Launch Buttons(the buttons along the bottom of Task Pro), use the right mouse button. The left mouse button launches the configured application. Quick Launch Drop-Down ---------------------- The Quick Launch Drop-Down searches your application list as you type and attempts to match your typing to one of your Quick Launch Keys. As soon as there is one and only one matching key the application is launched. You may also press to launch as soon as the app you are looking for becomes visible in the 3D region above the drop-down. Expanded/Contracted View Modes ------------------------------ Upon installation Task Pro will start up in the expanded view mode. This mode may be a bit cumbersome for full time use. To contract Task Pro, hiding the Task List and Utility buttons, simply press the "Less<<" button in the Function Bar. Task Pro Configuration ---------------------- Unlike many "full-featured" Task Manager type applications, Task Pro is intelligient about the way it handles activation and deactivation. Instead of starting and restarting every time you invoke the Task Manager, Task Pro waits in the background for activation and simply shows itself when you invoke it, and hides itself when another application is activated. This solves the annoying pause you sometimes experience with other Task Manager type applications as you wait for them to startup. If you find you need to unload Task Pro at some point, simply press the "Unload Task Pro" button and Task Pro will be unloaded from memory. Task Pro Setup -------------- The setup program for Task Pro will configure everything for you when you install the software. However, the following information is provided in case you wish to change your configuration, or are curious about the different run modes. Running Task Pro as the Task Manager ------------------------------------ Task Pro can easily replace the Task Manager, allowing you to bring it up by pressing . The following steps are required to install Task Pro as the Task Manager. (Again, these steps are all done for you by the setup program.) 1. Modify the SYSTEM.INI. The line "taskman.exe= TASKPRO.EXE" will be need to be added or modified where is the full path into which you installed Task Pro. 2. In the Task Pro Settings dialog box, the box "Hide on deactivate" will need to be checked. When Task Pro is installed as the Task Manager, it will need to hide itself when another application gets focus. The standard Windows Task Manager exits and restarts each time you invoke it. However, to improve performance Task Pro simply hides and shows itself. 3. To speed initial loading, Task Pro should be added to the StartUp group. The command line for Task Pro should include the argument "/s". This tells Task Pro not to show itself, but instead, simply load and wait to be invoked. Running Task Pro as a stand-alone utility ----------------------------------------- Task Pro can also be used as a standard utility application. Only one step is required to configure Task Pro for stand-alone operation.(Again, this is done for you by the setup program.) 1. In the Task Pro Settings dialog box, the box "Hide on deactivate" will need to be unchecked. When this box is unchecked, Task Pro will behave as a normal application and will not show or hide itself based on activation/deactivation.