Whitehill Technologies Inc. 3 St.Crispins Dr. Suite 100 Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1T 2V9 TEL: 506-855-0005 FAX: 506-855-8473 WINSYNC Backup, Archiving and File Transfer System Thank you for trying out our program! This Shareware program is for 30 day evaluation only. To register your copy send $59.US funds ($69 Cdn funds) by International Money Order or certified cheque to the above address with the filled out form (below). With your registration, you will be entitled to: -the upgraded version of WinSync -the manual -free technical support for 30 days -information on other high-quality Whitehill products -information on future releases We appreciate feedback so please fax us or contact us @ 75362,446 with your comments. _______________________________________________________________________________ Name______________________________________ Phone___________________ Company______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City____________________________State/Prov_____ Zip/PC_______________ Qty Cost 3.5" Disks __ WINSYNC ver 1.21 ______ X $59.00 US = _________ 5.25" Disks __ (sales tax Ontario residents only) x (8%) _________ Total _________ *Site Licenses Available _______________________________________________________________________________