NmFwd WhatsNew -------------- 1.90 - 16 bit Dos version not available anymore. - 32 bit version available both for OS/2 and Dos (With Dos4GW extender). - Multiple netmail areas (with different primary addresses) are now fully supported, as per Squish 1.10. - Multiple "Nodelist" statements allowed. - FileBase automatic update (file areas changed by FMAN commands are automatically recompiled if the "UseFb" statement is used). - The buffer for the netmail messages now defaults to 32000 bytes; the "FwdMsgSize " statement allows to specify a larger size if you like. - The buffer for answer messages (from the various robots) defaults to 7000 bytes; the "MsgSize " statements allows to specify a larger size if you like. - Rescan now available: use "-r" switch on the subject line of the message addressed to areafix, just as "-q" and "-l". - The new statement "RescanCmd " allows to specify the command to be executed for rescanning an area. takes two arguments: %t for the area TAG and %n for the node address. Example: RescanCmd sq386p -l rescan %t %n Note: the -l switch allows to keep the scanned stuff in the temporary outbound. - The "BeforeRescan " and "AfterRescan " statements allow to specify commands to be executed before the first rescan and after the last one. They can be useful if you use different routing schedules for netmail and echomail: in the mail-processing batch you will have a netmail routing command after NmFwd while you need an echomail one in the case of rescans. Example: BeforeRescan sq386p squash -o -sNet AfterRescan sq386p squash -o -sEcho - New command line switch "-l" to override the logfile. - Now the logfile is opened as soon as the first specification is encountered, so, if you want to override the "LogFile" statement of squish.cfg in nmfwd.cfg, you must add a "LogFile" statement _before_ "SquishCfg" and not after as it was with previous versions. The "-l" command line switch acts as a global override. - New config file statement "MarkReceived" to mark as received the messages read by the various robots, instead of deleting them. - New config statement "WrapDesc [ []]" to word wrap and indent the file descriptions reported by fman. is the number of blank columns for all the lines from the 2nd up, is the right margin (the maximum number of characters in a line, including the heading blank). - The point remapping based on name now leaves the zone:net/node part of the to-address alone (previously it was changed to the primary address). If you have multiple addresses where your points can be reached, plase make sure to set the route accordingly. - The Cont command now recognize RAR OS/2 extended attributes. - Modified message kill logic: when NmFwd sends a message, it kills it if: - it is marked as "Kill/Sent" - it is "in transit" and KillInTransit is active in Squish.cfg or NmFwd.cfg. Previously all the sent messages were killed (even local ones) if "KillInTransit" was active and none were killed (even Kill/Sent) if KillInTransit was disabled. - NmFwd should now realize when the squish netmail area has been changed by SqFix and rescan it completely (if you use the FwdAll/FwdLoc/FwdBbs feature, during this rescan the messages addressed to the boss are forwarded again). - NmFwd is now able to work with no files.dat/dmp/idx even if you specify "UseFb". This way it is compatible with the filebase generated by QFB when you do not specify "FileList" in your maximus cfg for CD-ROM or other read-only areas. - OS/2: The filemanager file specifications should now be consistent with the OS/2 conventions for wildcards. - The file names are not converted to uppercase anymore, to be consistent with OS/2 case preservation. - Since the '-' is a legal character for file names, NmFwd does NOT consider it anymore as the start of a FILES.BBS comment. Please, do not use the dash character '-' in the first column of files.bbs ! 1.74 - This is not really a bug fix: it's a new feature that avoids a problem that can arise in Squish areas with programs that do not fully comply with FTS. If a message is written without the terminating NULL in a squish format base, the Squish MsgApi do not add the terminating NULL when reading it (instead they do in a *.MSG area), thus NmFwd did not see the end of the message body and appended some garbage present in the message buffer (usually text from previous longer messages). 1.73 - Bug fix: when using akas with 4D point addresses together with the "BossFix" keyword, the messages addressed to the point aka were forwarded to the primary address. 1.72 - Bug fix: when using akas with 4D point addresses together with normal .0 addresses, there were problems dealing with other points of the same Boss. 1.71 - Fixed bug that could sometime cause files in Tmp_Fa to be killed before they should be. - New registration routine to show month and year of registration. Keys sent before 1/94 will show "91-93". - Fixed little bug in nodelist V7 search function that could in rare cases cause some nodes not to be found. - Fixed bug when forwarding messages from Squish Base: they did not have the FTSC text date-time. 1.70 - Added KillTo command to FMAN (see FMAN.HLP) 1.69 - Default "Fido" (00) product code changed to the just assigned 0xFA NmFwd product code in PKT headers. 1.68 - Added support for Squish 1.01 multiple outbound dirs. 1.67 - Added new "Deflating" Zip method to Fman 1.66 - Fixed bug that caused unpredictable results when typing text files with over 500 chars line lenght. 1.65 - New BossFix verb, to fix the Squish 1.01 bug in routing points to their Boss when using 4D and packet passwords. 1.64 - New BossEnable verb, to allow 4D points to send netmail with the Boss address (.0). 1.63 - 3DPoint no more necessary when using Squish in 3D mode - New BossRoute verb, to route-to-boss crash/direct messages addressed to points that are not found in nodelist or have a null phone number. (4D mode only) 1.62 - When using a *.MSG netmail, some remapped messages from points lost some characters at the beginning of the message text due to different behaviour of MSGAPI on *.MSG and Squish message-base. Fixed. - MSGID added to NmFwd response messages. - The response to a message from your system was marked Kill/Sent, so that it could erroneously be remapped to one of your points, if its sysop sent the message from the BBS. Fixed: now it is marked SENT. 1.61 - Multiple F/As that needed file moving where not correctly handled under ver 1.60: only the first file was moved; Fixed. - Some FileManager commands appended an extra empty line after moved descriptions; Fixed. 1.60 - RTS functions. - Return Receipt generation on request. - Full support for mixed 3D and 4D configurations. - Fixed Bug in areafix when deleting last link (area remains with no links). - Added Squish Base support. - Added Point Remapping based on name and direct packet (*.?ut) generation to allow use of 3D and 4D points at the same time. - Some new and some obsoleted verbs in the .cfg. - Filemanager now uses AREA.NDX to list areas in the same order as Maximus. 1.50 - Areafix for Squish. 1.40 - User & File management sections converted to Max 2.0. 1.xx - Opus 1.1x versions