All works and applications by Illusions Inc are copyrighted (c). All media are for the personal use of members and public. Unauthorized selling is strickly forbidden. For commerical use, please read the end of this disclammier to obtain a license to use our products. You may freely distribute and copy our productions provided that no fee is charged and the distribution archives of our productions contains unmodified copies of the original files as produced by Illusions Inc. Pay Bulletin Board Systems may, however, charge their normal fee provided that no additional charge for our productions is levied. No part of our productions may be modified, altered, reverse engineered, or sold in any form whatsoever which would involve some sort of trade without prior written permission from Illusions Inc. Our productions are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly disclaimed. Illusions Inc only guarantees that our productions will occupy disk space. In no way can Illusions Inc or it's members be made liable for any damages that are caused by our productions. You are using our pro- ductions at your own risk! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ License for commerical use: Illusions Inc charges a small fee for their works to be used in a commerical, institutional, or governmental environment. These prices are subject to the program ReSize only, and do not apply to other programs written by Illusions Inc. 1 - 10 copies:$50 11- 50 copies:$100 51-100 copies:$200 Unlimited use:$300 Updates and new releases are FREE to those who have a license from us. For those who are expanding their systems, and their current license is not enough for the number of copies needed now, you may pay the difference to get your license updated. Illusions Inc retains the right for price changes. These prices include foriegn and domestic systems. You may contact Illusions Inc at the following: Electronic BBS: Isles of Euphoria 219-744-4219 10pm-8am 28800 bps FidoNet : 1:236/39 WishNet : 19:1219/105 InfiNet : 69:500/278 ITCNet : 85:868/206 Internet address: Please remember that all addresses, except the internet address is 10pm-8am CENTRAL TIME ZONE US. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ