Version Twenty Six, Archive Comparison Table [06 August 1995] [ACT\COMMENTS.TXT] Here are my comments while creating this test: AR This program will not accept wildcards, so archiving a whole directory is not so easy. ARI Very slow. ARJ v2.42b (BETA_3 TEST release), no improvements in compression, or any real improvements in speed, just cosmetic changes, with some new features. BSArc I hope that I have used this program correctly, but the docs were in Russian. CRUSH Crush is not really an archiver, it's a bit like TAR, where is just stores all the files in one big file, and then lets another archiver do the work. Looks like you don't have to use UUC.EXE & US.EXE now for UC2 useage with v1.8. CODEC v3.21 This is now quicker when compressing but slightly slower to decompress. The compression switches -0 to -10, now give slightly different results than v3.10. HA Very slow. But the latest beta version (v0.999b) is now even quicker when extracting. IZIP386 This works much better and quicker if QEMM is not loaded. JARCHIVE Will not accept wildcards with directory paths. LIMIT v1.2, seems to be slightly quicker when compressing, but slower when extracting. NULIB This program will not accept wildcards, so archiving a whole directory is not so easy. QUANTUM Quantum really disagrees with QEMM, and would only work with QEMM unloaded. QUARK The version I have has an english interface but Russian docs. Ok, but insists on keeeping some of the file path. RAR v1.54, this version, has slighly quicker extraction times, but the compression time is slightly slower. The compression is better, but for some reason the -s 'solid' switch has got worse, and is now not an advantage to use. SAR This does not like paths in the command line. SQWEZ This program now creates .SQZ files as well as self-extracting files. Please note that this version of SQWEZ can have its compression level altered, but you are unable to change this from the command line. UC This latest release (UC II r3 PRO) does have some minor compression improvements, and now seems to be slightly quicker to compress. The new SuperOptimize options doesn't seem to give that much benefit for the time it takes and is not that consistent, but make sure you compress with -tst before using the SuperOptimizer. X1 Very good, keep an eye out for the final release, should knock the spots of the other archivers. X1 is getting better and better, and is going to be a headache for the other authors. YAC This beta copy is very good, it has excellent compression for a very good time tradeoff, can't wait for the final release!