CATADISK FreeWare by Ed Wilk ----------------------------- About Cat-A-Disk ---------------- Cat-A-Disk is a Diskette Cataloger for Windows 3.1. Cat-A-Disk logs all files on your floppys,including any directorys and files in those directorys to a catalog file in the directory where you installed Cat-A-Disk. The default file extension is IDX, and does not need to be added to the catalog name. Cat-A-Disk shows you how much free space each disk in the catalog has. This can be very helpful when you need to save a file to a disk but don't know which disk has enough free space! Catalogs are saved and updated to disk automatically. Add comments to your catalogs file listing to remind you... "whats what". Find a lost file by searching for FileNames, Dates, Time or Comments. Browse and Search all your catalogs in seperate windows. Compare catalog file names to file names on your hard drive. (This way you'll know if you copied those important files!) --------------------------------------------------------------- ------- N O T I C E ------- The author takes No Responsibilities what so ever, of the use of this product. ------- Use At Your Own Risk ------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Start: ----------- After you have installed Cat-A-Disk, Start Cat-A-Disk by double clicking on its Icon. "See the readme.txt file if you don't know how to Install" Starting a New Catalog: ----------------------- Open the Catalog Manager window if its not already. (File Cabinet Icon on Toolbar) Click on the NEW button and type in a name for your new catalog such as "MYDISKS". Cataloging Diskettes: --------------------- Insert a floppy diskette into Drive A or B. on the menu bar click CATALOG and select DRIVE. If your diskette has a Volume Label Cat-A-Disk will catalog your diskette , you should then mark the diskette with a felt pen or marker with this name. If your diskette does NOT have a Volume Label see (No Volume Labels on disks) below. Insert your next disk and continue cataloging your diskettes. No Volume Labels on disks: -------------------------- If your diskette has No Volume Label,Cat-A-Disk will ask you to enter a name for the diskette, or you can make Volume Labels by selecting VOLUMES on the menu bar, and then select CREATE LABEL. Removing Volumes from Catalog: ------------------------------ To remove a diskette Volume from a catalog, Highlight its name and select VOLUMES,REMOVE DISK VOLUME. You will be asked to verify the deletion. Opening\Deleting Catalogs: -------------------------- You may switch between catalogs at any time by opening them with the Catalog Manager. You can also Delete unwanted catalogs at any time. Search ------ You can search for files by NAME...just type in a name or partial name to match. or you can search for files by ANY....type in any text to find a match. You can have multiple Search windows. Use the Toolbar Search Icon (Binoculars Icon) for the catalog that is active in the Cataloger window. The menu bar "Search" can be used with multiple browse windows.(see below) Browse Catalog: --------------- View an entire catalog. (64k limit) You can Browse more than one catalog at a time. You can do a search on the active browse window by clicking "Search" on the menu bar. When this window is open it is automaticlly updated when you update the catalog it belongs to. Browse Volume: -------------- Gives you a better view of the current Disk Volume. When the Cataloger window is active,select Browse Volume from the menu bar or double-click on a file in the catalogers right list box. You can close the Browse Volume Window by Double-Clicking on a file name or select Close. Toolbar ------- Movable and Re-Sizable Tool-Bar, New for Version 1.6 SSDOCKTB.VBX is included with version 1.6. It is a Run-Time Library that is copied to your Windows\System directory on installation. To move the toolbar Click your mouse pointer in between the buttons, hold and drag the toolbar to a new area. Re-Size the toolbar the same way you would resize a window. ToolBar Toggle: --------------- Hide or Unhide the ToolBar from the Desktop. With the cataloger window active select File,Toolbar from the menu bar. Diskettes - Free Bytes: ----------------------- Select CATALOG,FREE SPACE from menu bar. List all disks in a catalog and show their free bytes in accending order. (free bytes smallest to largest) When this window is open it is automaticlly updated when you update the catalog it belongs to. Catalog Size: ------------- To check the free bytes left of a catalog,Select CATALOG,CATALOG SIZE from the menu bar when the cataloger is active. Since catalogs have a maximum size of 64k its a good idea To check the size of a catalog when it contains 40 disks or more or has lots of comments. COMPARE (& Copy) ------- Searches a catalog and compares it to files on your hard drive. This is a fast way to find out if you have copied the file(s) to a diskette. IF NOT,you can copy these files to a diskette right from CAT-A-DISK! With the Cataloger window active select COMPARE from the Menu or Tool bar. In the Compare window, select the Drive and Directory where the files are located you want to copy to diskette or just want to see if the file names are already saved to a diskette in the current catalog. Highlight the files you want to search for and Click on the Search Button. File Names not found in the current catalog will be listed in the right list box. If you want to copy these files to a diskette, highlight the files in the right list box, then Click the Copy button. A Window (COPYFILES) will pop up giving the number of files selected and the total size of those files. Select the drive you want to copy the files to by clicking on the A: or B: button. After all the files are copied succesfully,you will be ask if you want to Catalog the diskette to the current catalog to keep your catalog up to date. File Comments: -------------- To add a comment to a file take these steps. (1) Open a catalog (2) Open a browse window (3) Highlight the file you wish to add a comment to and press Enter or Double-Click on it. (4) Type in your message & press the Enter Key. Deleting a File Comment: ----------------------- Follow steps 1-3 above then type a "*" (SHIFT KEY + 8) & press Enter. Updating Catalogs with Comments: -------------------------------- All File Comments are saved unless the files on the diskette have been changed by their Size,Date or Time. Searching for Comments: ----------------------- Use Search "BY ANY" when searching for files by comments. Diskette Volume Label: ---------------------- If you want Cat-A-Disk to make your diskette Volume Labels for you, you should have the file "LABEL.EXE" in your path.This file is included with MS-DOS (see your C:\DOS path) CATADISK Browser 1.0 for DOS: ----------------------------- Included is the CATADISK Browser for DOS. It is not installed but is included on the disk. (or archive) To use it, copy the file "CATADOS.EXE" to the same directory where you have installed CATADISK for Windows. It will let you view your catalog(s) that were made with CATADISK for Windows. After you open a catalog, you can press the first character of the file your looking for or scroll at you lesiure. Out of Memeory -------------- When viewing a Catalog in a Browse Window or Search Window,only the first 64k of text will be shown.This is Visual Basic's(3.0) limit on list boxes. (What do you want for FreeWare!) CATADISK is FreeWare and may be distributed freely as long as all files are included and unchanged. Thank you, Ed Wilk