CATADISK Version 1.8 Windows Diskette Cataloger ------- FREEWARE by Ed Wilk ------- As I continue to enhance my Diskette Cataloging system for Windows 3.1, I will try to let you in on any major changes. This Version replaces all previously released versions! All Catalog files (*.idx) you have made from previous versions of CATADISK are still compatable with this version. Use 800 x 600 Video for best viewing. Version 1.8 ------------- Problem: I often forgot to re-catalog my diskette's after using COMPARE'S Copy Function. Fix: You can now Re-Catalog diskettes after copying files to them with a single click of your mouse! Problem: Couldn't Copy files to diskette if an Empty catalog was active. Fix: Copying file(s) to a Diskette after creating a NEW Catalog OK now! Changes: SETUP now adds CATADISK.WRI to the windows CATADISK GROUP. SETUP no longer adds CATADISK.HLP to the CATADISK GROUP. CATADISK.TXT is no longer copied to the installation Directory. Version 1.7 ------------- Fixed bug in COMPARE window. (Couldn't escape Copy) Added file CATADOS.EXE for DOS (missing from Ver.1.6) Help File revised. Version 1.6 ------------ Free Space: Now List disks in order by free bytes smallest to largest. Catalog Size:Check the size of a catalog.(Catalogs have a maximum size of 64k) COMPARE ------- Searches a catalog and compares it to files on your hard drive. This is a fast way to find out if you have copied the file(s) to a diskette. (IF NOT , you can copy these files to a diskette! by selecting COPY) Movable Tool-Bar ---------------- SSDOCKTB.VBX is included with version 1.6. It is a Run-Time Library copied to your Windows\System directory.