GUN OWNERSHIP PROTECTS FREEDOM Any excuse will do for advocates of gun control -- even a tragedy like the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, where no guns were involved. by F.R. Duplantier The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was intended to protect the right of the individual to own and make use of guns. Liberal politicians view gun ownership as an interference with the expansion of federal power, which of course it is, for an armed citizenry is much more difficult to subjugate than one that has been disarmed. In an effort to remove this irritating impediment to more government power, they exploit every public tragedy involving firearms as propaganda for tighter restrictions on their use. In their eagerness to disarm America, they are even using the Oklahoma City bombing in their campaign against gun ownership. The Second Amendment states, "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Advocates of gun control latch on to that word "militia" and insist that the Amendment does nothing more than authorize the bearing of arms by a state- organized group. But the intentions of the Founding Fathers are clear. After all, if they had not owned guns as individuals, they could not have overthrown the tyranny of England and established a free country. Patrick Henry said that the protection of our freedoms requires "that every man be armed." Our right to privacy, protected by the Third and Fourth Amendments, is also under attack. The Federal Government seems determined to increase its control over all of us by prying into our daily lives. Tax collectors and regulatory agents have been snooping on us for years; and now, in the name of combatting terrorism, the President is demanding wiretapping privileges for federal agents to investigate any suspected federal felony. There are 1,300 federal felonies. You could be guilty of one right now without even knowing it. The Third Amendment forbids the quartering of soldiers in private homes during peacetime without the consent of the owner. The Fourth Amendment guarantees "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures," and forbids the issuing of warrants except "upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." The anti-terrorism legislation now being considered by Congress would empower federal agents to force banks, credit card companies, telephone companies, hotels, motels, airlines, and buslines to turn over their records on individual Americans -- without a search warrant or a court order. The President also wants to set up a new federal, interagency, domestic counter-terrorism center and give the Attorney General new powers to investigate groups without any evidence of a criminal act or plot. More than 50 million American citizens today exercise their constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. They not only defend their families and their property against the threat of criminals; they also guard individual rights against the usurpations of an ever-expanding central government. Would we still have all our freedoms if the 200 million weapons stored in American homes were instead locked up in a government armory? Behind The Headlines is produced by America's Future Inc., a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to the preservation of our free-enterprise system and our constitutional form of government, with editorial offices at 7800 Bonhomme, St. Louis MO 63105. Phone: 314-725-6003. FAX: 314-721-3373. 74047.2677 @ . Editorial Director: F.R. Duplantier. Contributions to America's Future Inc. are tax-deductible by U.S. Treasury ruling. All contributors of $10 or more will, upon request, receive a one-year subscription to America's Future newsletter. Remember: America's Future depends on you! 6/25/95