================================================================== The BIRCH BARK BBS / 414-242-5070 ================================================================== Tom Eddlem THE NEW AMERICAN -- August 7, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 ================================================================== ARTICLE: From the Editor AUTHOR: Gary Benoit ================================================================== Every American worthy of the name hopes that the mysteries behind the heinous attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City will be solved so that the perpetrators can be punished and similar wanton acts of destruction averted. But the mystery will not likely be solved by allowing politics to shape conclusions that should be based on the evidence, by accepting explanations without checking facts, by ignoring avenues of investigation that deviate from pre-conceived notions, or by rushing to judgment. Unfortunately, the Establishment opinion cartel has been guilty of all of these transgressions. No sooner was the bombing announced than media-christened "experts" rushed forward to point accusing fingers at "Middle East terrorists." Never mind that at that early juncture these "experts" had no way of knowing who might have been involved or why. But just as quickly as the opinion cartel descended upon Arabs and Muslims, it shifted the blame to "right- wing extremists" -- not just bomb throwers and insurrectionists, mind you, but practically anyone to the right of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. The truth has been obfuscated not only by the opinion cartel's left-wing bias but by the widespread circulation of irresponsible and unsubstantiated rumors via the Internet, short wave radio, so- called "patriot" newsletters, etc. One newsletter seriously questioned if Ryder is a "CIA front operation" -- based solely on reports that a Ryder rental truck was used in both the World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City bombings. Other sources claimed that Janet Reno and other high-level government officials must have been involved -- not on the basis of any hard evidence but simply because they have been the primary beneficiaries of the political fallout. Not surprisingly, thinking Americans who have been subjected to this kind of faulty reasoning have grown skeptical of any but official explanations. So who bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building? We don't know. But what we have been able to uncover thus far could well lead to the answer -- if only the investigative hounds of the fourth estate would start pursuing the trail with the most promising scent and let the political chips fall where they may. That trail begins with a recognition that the single-bomb theory, though treated by the opinion cartel as one of the most reliable "facts" in the case, is now being questioned by a number of highly qualified experts. Along the trail can be found compelling evidence pointing to supplemental demolition charges inside the building. The trail contains some surprising twists and turns that will discourage many investigators. There is, for instance, the disturbing fact that the existence of demolition charges inside the building would suggest a much more sophisticated operation than we have been led to believe. Then there is the troubling question as to why the government -- in spite of the evidence -- would tenaciously cling to the single-bomb theory. Like many other facets of the Oklahoma City story, we cannot answer that question, but we don't believe it should deter honest investigators from drawing conclusions based upon the evidence itself. In two blockbuster articles beginning on pages 4 and 13, The New American's senior editor, William F. Jasper, who has been investigating the Oklahoma City tragedy since day one, presents a compelling case for the multiple-bomb scenario. But we ask that you not take his word for it, or even the word of the knowledgeable experts whom he quotes, but examine their logic and carefully weigh the evidence yourself. Even though the case for multiple bombs must withstand the scrutiny of structural engineers, building architects, forensic experts, seismologists, etc., one does not have to hold a PhD in physics to understand the objections to the single-bomb theory. If, after evaluating the evidence, you agree that only part of the story is being told, we encourage you to place this issue in the hands of fellow citizens -- not just friends and neighbors, but congressmen and scientists. There is still much about the Oklahoma tragedy that must be uncovered, but we believe the truth will out. END ================================================================== THE NEW AMERICAN -- August 7, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 COPIES: Copies of the entire report may be obtained for $2.50 postpaid from the above address. 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