" C O M I C B O O K E - M A G " __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue 5 - Volume 1 - April 16, 1995 "Brought to you from the fine folks at the COMICBOOK NETWORK!" Editors: Ed Dukeshire & Mike Imboden __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-1-] The Bullpen ........................ Ed Dukeshire [-2-] The 25th Hour ...................... Mike Imboden [-3-] Reviews Prince Valiant - cards ............ Jeff Watts Dream Corridor #1 ................. Ryan Brewster Incredible Hulk #429 .............. Ryan Brewster Solar, Man of the Atom #46 ........ Ryan Brewster [-4-] Top 150 Comics for April ........... David Leblanc [-5-] CSNsider ........................... David Leblanc [-6-] Comicunications .................... Ryan Brewster [-7-] Feedback ........................... ComicBkNet@AOL.COM [-8-] BBSes Linked into CBN .............. CBN Staff __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-1-]--/ THE BULLPEN /----------------------------------------------/ The Bullpen by Ed Dukeshire Here it is, man, a week sure flies by when you know you have the next edition coming out in less than seven days. Not too much happening in the feedback department. I know you guys are out there, we can tell by the download counts. ;) Here's a little annoucement recently posted by Anthony Palacio in the CBN* "Comic Issues" message base -- * = CBN is short for Comic Book Network -- Area: CBN: Comic Issues Msg: #983 (of 998) Date: 13-Apr-95 13:37:01 From: Anthony Palacio To: All Subj: Tick & Ninja Turtles Interview Greetings all! I have recently acquired permission to do an email interview with Ben Edlund (creator/writer/artist of the Tick) and Peter Laird (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator), separately, of course. If you have any questions that you would like to be answered in the interview, please send them to the addresses below. If you don't have netmail capabilities, just reply to this message and I may see it. Also indicate who the question is for. Thanks. Anthony Internet: anthony@comic.com BBS: FidoNet: anthony@1:2410/811 INTERNATIONAL ComicBkNet: anthony@23:505/1 COMIC NETWORK VirtualNet: anthony@1313001 (313)565-8464 -- So don't miss this opportunity! Drop him netmail with your questions. Hopefully we'll be able to run the interview in the message bases or here in the e-mag. Hey, another good reason to check out CBN... hee hee, hmmm, where's that listing of bbs numbers again? Oh, there it is, at the bottom of this magazine. Quick note for users calling Mike Imboden's bbs "The Daily Planet". Mike will be down temporarily, his I/O board fried on him. He should be back online on the 21st. Well, that does it for me this week. See ya! -- ed __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-2-]--/ THE 25TH HOUR /--------------------------------------------/ The 25th Hour by Mike Imboden We||, B¡|| and I had agreed that HE wou|d do the rev¡ew of the Marvelution pow-wow but it's been two days and nada - so...... I'll just post some tid-bits and we'll wait and see if Bill's full blown report comes in. I started out Friday morning with my handy dandy Agent Dale Cooper Twin Peaks Official pocket tape recorder so I've got lots of info. Maybe I'll write up a little audio journal type of thing. On with the show! þ So by now you know that X-Man is making the jump back to normal continuity, right? You probably also heard that three other characters are coming "with" him. But who? Holocaust, Sugarman and that evil, nasty gene-splicing Hank McCoy! þ Colosus returns and joins Excalibur. þ X-Force gets new costumes. þ Thor and War Machine will be getting new looks when the Avengers get revamped later this year. Both look absolutely - hideous. Thor looks like an inbred cross between Spawn and Ghost Rider with blonde hair. I can't even describe War Machine. þ Ok, he's not invloved in the comic creating end of things, but Marvel big shot Matt Ragone agreed with me that the Spidey scribes had most likelt planned to have "Ben" turn out to be the real Peter but look like they've scraped that plan now. þ Marvel footed the bill for a big yummy buffet of ham, roast beef and lots of pasta salads. The Sheraton Washington's kitchen staff get's low marks across the boards for their dirty plates. þ Free coffee, croissants and bagels before the meeting - who can beat that huh? I dare ya to try! þ The show started with a nifty video montage that was made up of mostly 60's artwork, some 70's and a good deal of 90's and Ultraverse stuff. Seems they forgot about the 80's. That or they didn't want to show anything Jim Shooter had a hand in. þ My heart skipped a beat when they were mentioning all the rumors on ComicNet - then it dawned on me that they meant that pay service. See, even =I= get the names mixed up. Recount! þ X-Men 2099 line of Toy Biz breakable action figures. Whoop. þ Daredevil is finally getting out of that armor, (let me digress, but how the HELL is a guy who relies on his sense of hearing and touch supposed to operate in an outfit made up of something that doesn't exactly seem to be good for enhancing touch or sound), and will be slipping into his red jammies again. þ The Punisher, when he returns, will be a bad guy like he was when he first popped onto the scene some 20 years ago. Will this last? I doubt it. þ Avengers and West Coast, I mean, Force Works, will be crossing over and both lineups will change come August. That's just a sampling of what we learned. As I said, Bill has promised a full blown report, so we'll give him a few more days. Later! M!ke __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-3-]--/ REVIEWS /--------------------------------------------------/ Title(s): Prince Valiant cards from Comic Images Reviewed By: Jeff Watts Bought a box of Prince Valiant cards this week and wanted to let you know what I thought of them...... For those who don't know, Prince Valiant was created by Hal Foster in 1937 and is one of the longest continually running comic strips in existance. Created 2 years before Superman or Batman, Prince Valiant has appeared in Newspapers, Comics, Hardback and Softcover collections and at least one Hollywood movie. Created by the late Hal Foster, Prince Valiant was and still is a very popular character and has fans all over the world. Hal Foster started out in commercial art and got his first big break in 1931 drawing the original "Tarzan of the Apes" Sunday pages while Rex Mason drew the dailies. Foster had a style that was obviously from the old school of fine illustration. Anyone lucky enough to own a volume illustrated by Howard Pyle can perhaps see one of his influences. He was a master of proportion, perspective, shadowing and layout. Some of our modern artists should study some of his work to get an idea what true art is. In addition to this, he was simply a fine storyteller and gave his characters a depth and realism that is lacking in many more modern efforts. If you get the idea that I am a fan of Foster and Prince Valiant, you are right on the button! Anyway, this review is supposed to be about cards so I better mention something about them as well. Produced by Comic Images, the Prince Valiant cards come with 48 packs containing 10 cards each making a total of 480 cards per box which is a huge number compared to a Fleer or Skybox offering. The basic set contains 90 cards, there are 6 "Chromium" chase cards, Medallion Card, 24-Karat Gold Hal Foster Signature Cards, and a 3 card subset. Collation of my box was right on target and broke down like this..... A total of 5 complete 90 card sets 450 cards 32 sixtuples 32 1 Chromium Card 1 1 Medallion Card 1 And for some reason 1 "Tank Girl" promo 1 ______ For a grand total of 485 total cards Which happened to be 5 more cards than advertized. I would have to say that was darn fine collation, although I would like to have seen a few more chase cards in my box, Comic Images promises only between 1-3 per box. Now to the cards themselves. The first half of the cards illustrate the inagural 1937 storyline and continues with major events up into the 1940's. The second half concerns itself with the 1950's "Death of King Arthur" storyline. This allows one to see the progression Fosters artwork made as it improved over the years. About the only gripe I could have with this set is the fact that normal sized cards are simply not large enough to display some of Fosters more panoramic artwork. I would love to see some of his work in the "Collossal Cards" format. Anyway, at a price of .75 to 1.00 a pack and boxes selling for $22 - $30, I consider this a great value to Foster/Prince Valiant fans as well as anyone who simply appreciates great classical artwork! -Jeff- Sysop of The RASTER Line BBS Houston, Tx (713)-568-0825 -------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Title(s): Dream Corridor #1 Reviewed By: Ryan Brewster SPOILERS: PLOT LINES DISCUSSED!!! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Book: Harlan E.'s Dream Cor. #1 ³ Price: $2.95 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³Creative Team: ³ ³ ³ ³ Harlan Ellison (a-duh) writes and Eric Shanower ³ ³ draws the Segways, John Byrne Writes/Draws ³ ³ "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", Diana Schutz ³ ³ writes and Teddy Kristiansen draws "Knox", and ³ ³ Max Allin Collins (who is writing Mike Danger for ³ ³ Tekno-Comix) wrote and Craig Elliot painted ³ ³ "Turnpike". *whew*. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ I've always been partial to anthologies. Perhaps it's my short attention span. I don't know. That's what attracted me to this book. That and seeing the name 'Harlan Ellison' on the cover. I am neither VOE nor FOE. I was just about to call myself a 'Never Met Ellison', when I realized that when sounded out, its anacronym (NME) sounds suspiciously similar to 'enemy'. So nuts to that. I guess I'm a NMHBILHW. Heh. Not quite as catchy, but it means "Never Met Him, But I Like His Writing". This book is probably a love/hate sort of book. I assume that all FOEs absolutely ADORE the book, while VOEs most likely detest it. NMHBILHW's like me probably like it about as much as I do, which is to say, a lot. NHOE's (Never Heard Of Ellison) may or may not like the book. The comics adaptations seem a bit abstract, deserving of the 'Celebrate Diversity' stamp that its solicitation recieves in Diamond Distributors' Previews magazine... I'm afraid I'd be a bit lost in John Byrne's adaptation of 'I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream' if I hadn't read Mr. Ellison's prose version of it first. The art is perhaps a bit mainstream for the story, but Byrne gets his point across. Next issue, I'll read the comic adaptation first... 'Knox' is wacky stuff. Well, not wacky. Bad word for it. I keep on going back to 'abstract'. The painted art is much more suited to the story. I haven't read the prose version of the story, so I can't really compare the two versions, but the comics version is very well done. And abstract. Definitely abstract. :) 'Turnpike' is different. A story about a trucker who wants to get laid. I don't know, perhaps _this_ should have been the one Byrne did... The painting was okay, but a bit dark for the story. The story _is_ kind of dark, mind you, but I think Byrne could've done a better job on this than "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream", although the latter is the famous one. All in all, a good read. Definitely worth the high price tag if you like Harlan Ellison's writing, and if you're a NMHBILHW like me, those segways help to make you feel as though you _have_ met the inimitable Mr. Ellison. If you're a VOE, avoid this like the plague. >;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Title(s): Incredible Hulk #429 Reviewed By: Ryan Brewster SPOILERS: PLOT LINES DISCUSSED!!! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Book: The Incredible Hulk #429 ³ Price: $1.95 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³Creative Team: ³ ³ ³ ³ Written by Peter David, drawn by Liam Sharpe, ³ ³ inked by Robin Riggs. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ "A Tale That Will Make You _ANGRY_" hollars the cover. I wasn't quite so angry, though. Perhaps I just didn't have enough time to grow attached to the young lady This book has certainly had a change of tone since #425. Seems a bit more... intense. More centered on Bruce & Betty. It's going to take awhile for me to get used to the new 'hulk smash' thing... where Hulk becomes Bruce when he loses his temper. Liam Sharpe's art seems out of place in this book. Everything is too... exhaggerated. Liam belongs in Image, or on the X-Books. The art is frankly distracting. Not _bad_ art, mind you. Or perhaps I'm just spoiled by Gary Frank's art... Idunno. Though a bit darker, grimmer and grittier (yet another to follow that path...), this book still retains David's signature subtleties. Snappy dialogue keeps the book moving along swiftly, a well-done 'cliffhanger' ending that ensures my return. I suppose it will take awhile for Sharpe's art to grow on me. Mayhap it is an important part of a new image (so to speak...) that the book is hoping to attain...? -------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Title(s): Solar, Man of the Atom #46 Reviewed By: Ryan Brewster SPOILERS: PLOT LINES DISCUSSED!!! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³Book: Solar, MOTA #46 ³ Price: $2.50 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³Creative Team: ³ ³ ³ ³ Dan Jurgens Wrote an' Pencilled it while Dick ³ ³ Giordano (!) inked it. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Well, I had just about given up on the Valiant books, when (wouldn't you know it?) the universe has a Birthquake. This book has always been my favorite of the Valiant line, since Barry Windsor-Smith's Alpha-Omega origin story. But recently, the storyline seemed to go nowhere, and the art, while certainly well done, was absolutely _destroyed_ by the abysmal coloring jobs. Or maybe it was just the unique paper stock. Something about the art really bothered me. This issue rings in a new 'era' in more than one way. First, the colors are done by the ever-popular Digital Chameleon. Second, it is written and (third?) drawn by Dan Jurgens, longtime favorite of us Super-folks. ;) And finally, it is inked by the superb (no pun intended) Dick Giordano. Alright, alright. I'm GETTING to the story! I must admit that I am a bit confused. This is a COMPLETE change from the Solar I've been reading. Did I miss an issue? If I hadn't been told previously what the general storyline is to be about, I wouldn't have a clue what was going on. And if I was a newcomer to the book, I would have a completely different idea of what Solar, the character, is. But since I _do_ know somewhat what's coming up, I can say with confidence that Dan Jurgens' "stint" on the book is off to a great start, and will be worth following. The art, if you haven't gathered from my comments above, is gorgeous. The dialogue is clever and the plot moves along. Worth the price of admission, even though it has just gone up another quarter. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-4-]--/ TOP 150 COMICS FOR APRIL /---------------------------------/ Top 150 Comics By David Leblanc Subject: INFO: Top 150 Comics April 1995 TOP 150 COMICS FOR APRIL 1995 Courtesy of Antarctic Press - Matt High This is a listing of the top-selling comic books scheduled for release in APRIL 1995. Sales figures are for >direct market sales< ONLY, as reported by Capital City Distributors. The rank on the left is by number of copies sold; the rank on the right is by dollar value. The index shows sales compared to Astonishing X-Men #4. Rank Title Company Index $rank 1 X-Men: Omega Marvel 134.5 1 2 Mutants: Amazing X-Men #4 Marvel 101.6 5 3 Mutants: Astonishing X-Men #4 Marvel 100.0 6 4 Weapon X #4 Marvel 97.6 7 5 Mutants: Generation Next #4 Marvel 91.3 8 6 Gambit and the X-Ternals #4 Marvel 88.6 9 7 Factor X #4 Marvel 85.0 10 8 X-Man #4 Marvel 84.8 11 9 X-Calibre #4 Marvel 81.1 12 10 X-Men Chronicles #2 Marvel 78.0 2 11 Spawn #31 Image 73.2 13 12 X-Universe #2 Marvel 60.7 3 13 Wizard: Guide to Comics #45 Wizard 51.7 4 14 Ice Age #2 Acclaim 40.0 18 15 Superman #101 DC 38.9 24 16 Magic the Gathering: Shadow #2 Acclaim 38.5 19 17 Adventures of Superman #524 DC 38.1 25 18 Superman: Man of Steel #45 DC 38.0 26 19 Action #710 DC 37.6 27 20 Pitt #9 Image 37.2 29 21 WildC.A.T.s #19 Image 36.8 20 22 Amazing Spiderman #402 Marvel 36.6 46 23 Star Wars: Dark Empire II #5 Dark Horse 36.2 17 24 Batman #519 DC 34.3 35 25 Spiderman #59 Marvel 33.7 36 26 Spectacular Spiderman #225 (d) Marvel 33.2 14 27 Web of Spiderman #125 (dlx) Marvel 31.9 15 28 Detective #686 DC 30.9 42 29 Cyberforce #13 Image 28.3 38 30 Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39 DC 27.7 48 31 Batman: Legends Dark Knight #72 DC 27.7 49 32 Ripclaw #2 Image 27.1 34 33 Azrael #5 DC 26.5 51 34 Hulk #430 Marvel 26.5 52 35 Shi Variant Cover #1 Crusade 26.0 54 36 Robin #17 DC 25.6 56 37 X-Men 2099 #21 Marvel 25.5 57 38 Green Lantern #63 DC 24.6 62 39 Glory #2 Image 24.3 40 40 X-Files #4 Topps 24.0 43 41 Amazing Spiderman Supersize #1 Marvel 23.2 21 42 Venom: Carnage Unleashed #3 Marvel 23.1 33 43 Backlash #7 Image 22.6 44 44 Catwoman #21 DC 22.5 60 45 Prophet #2 Image 22.4 45 46 Fantastic Four #401 Marvel 21.3 95 47 Vengeance of Vampirella #13 Harris 20.5 41 48 Warblade: Endangered Spec #4 Image 20.3 53 49 Stormwatch #21 Image 20.2 55 50 Flash #102 DC 19.6 85 51 Superboy #16 DC 19.0 71 52 Spiderman 2099 #32 Marvel 18.8 75 53 What If #74 Marvel 18.6 114 54 Elektra: Root of Evil #4 Marvel 18.4 47 55 Fantastic Four: Atlantis #1 Marvel 18.2 31 56 Savage Dragon #19 Image 18.1 58 57 Maxx #15 Image 17.9 80 58 Justice of America #100 (dlx) DC 17.8 32 59 Batman: Gotham Nights II #4 DC 17.7 84 60 Star Wars: Droids #1 Dark Horse 17.7 59 61 Beavis and Butthead #16 Marvel 17.4 88 62 Deathblow #15 Image 17.4 61 63 Teknophage #1 Tekno Comix 16.9 92 64 Batman: Jazz #3 DC 16.8 63 65 Aliens vs Predator: War #0 Dark Horse 16.6 64 66 Aliens vs Predator: Duel #2 Dark Horse 16.2 65 67 Captain America #440 Marvel 15.9 139 68 Ghost #1 Dark Horse 15.8 66 69 Silver Surfer #105 Marvel 15.8 140 70 Avengers #387 Marvel 15.7 141 71 Star Wars Galaxy Col Ed. #3 (d) Topps 15.6 39 72 Codename: Stryke Force #13 Image 15.5 82 73 Tales/Marvels: Blockbuster Marvel 15.4 22 74 Dragon: Blood and Guts #2 Image 15.2 70 75 Stormwatch Special #2 Image 15.2 50 76 Wonder Woman #98 DC 15.1 119 77 Aquaman #9 DC 14.8 121 78 Union #3 Image 14.8 73 79 Power of Shazam! #4 DC 14.6 122 80 Lobo #16 DC 14.2 94 81 Primortals #6 Tekno Comix 14.2 116 82 Others #1 Image 14.2 78 83 Lisa Comics #1 Bongo 14.1 97 84 Iron Man #317 Marvel 14.0 81 85 Knightmare #3 Image 13.7 87 86 Simpsons Comics #9 Bongo 13.4 103 87 Books of Magic #13 DC 13.3 90 88 Daredevil #341 Marvel 13.1 170 89 Badrock #2 Image 13.0 149 90 Mr. Hero #6 Tekno Comix 12.9 125 91 Lost Universe #5 Tekno Comix 12.8 128 92 Doom 2099 #30 Marvel 12.6 130 93 Punisher #103 Marvel 12.6 178 94 Goddess #1 DC 12.5 74 95 Force Works #12 Marvel 12.5 98 96 Star Trek: Deep Space 9 #21 Malibu 12.5 99 97 Shaman's Tears #8 Image 12.4 135 98 Thor #487 Marvel 12.3 99 Brigade #19 Image 12.3 100 100 Turok/Shaman's Tears #1 Acclaim 12.3 101 101 Bloodstrike #21 Image 12.2 102 102 Rune/Silver Surfer #1 (dlx) Malibu 12.2 28 103 Razor Swimsuit Special London Night 12.1 77 104 Ghost Rider 2099 #14 Marvel 12.0 143 105 Ghost Rider #62 Marvel 11.9 146 106 Hyde-25 #0 Harris 11.9 79 107 Impulse #3 DC 11.8 164 108 Bone #19 Cartoon Books 11.8 83 109 Starman #8 DC 11.5 120 110 Steel #16 DC 11.5 153 111 Jonah Hex: Riders of Worm #4 DC 11.5 89 112 Aliens: Berzerker #4 Dark Horse 11.4 109 113 Supreme #27 Image 11.4 110 114 Bloodwulf #3 Image 11.3 111 115 Preacher #3 DC 11.2 112 116 Star Trek Next Generation #72 DC 11.2 113 117 Tank Girl: Odyssey #1 DC 11.1 126 118 New Warriors #60 Marvel 11.1 115 119 Vampirella Classic #2 Harris 10.9 93 120 Punisher War Journal #79 Marvel 10.9 159 121 Ren and Stimpy #31 Marvel 10.9 160 122 NewMen #13 Image 10.9 117 123 Batman Adventures #32 DC 10.8 176 124 Batman Adventures Annual #2 DC 10.6 72 125 Hellblazer #90 DC 10.4 142 126 Classic Star Wars: Early Adv #9 Dark Horse 10.2 123 127 Groo #5 Image 10.1 171 128 Punisher 2099 #29 Marvel 10.1 172 129 Showcase '95 #5 DC 10.1 105 130 Star Trek #72 DC 10.0 127 131 Fantastic Force #8 Marvel 10.0 198 132 Warrior Nun Areala #3 (reg) Antarctic 9.9 107 133 Hero Illustrated #23 Warrior 9.8 68 134 Spectre #30 DC 9.8 157 135 Mask #3 Dark Horse 9.8 131 136 War Machine #15 Marvel 9.8 132 137 X-O Manowar #46 Acclaim 9.8 133 138 Star Trek: DS9: Maquis #3 Malibu 9.7 134 139 Thunderstrike #21 Marvel 9.7 140 X-O Manowar #47 Acclaim 9.7 136 141 Dr Strange #78 Marvel 9.7 179 142 Hulk 2099 #7 Marvel 9.7 180 143 ClanDestine #9 Marvel 9.6 137 144 Triumph #1 DC 9.4 145 Guy Gardner: Warrior #31 DC 9.4 146 Punisher War Zone #40 Marvel 9.4 186 147 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #6 Hamilton 9.4 187 148 Legion of Superheroes #69 DC 9.3 163 149 Power of the Mark #3 Image 9.3 145 150 Legionnaires #26 DC 9.2 *** Flash Statue ($150) DC .7 16 *** Spawn Deluxe Action Fig Ast #10 Todd Toys .6 23 *** Spiderman Bonus Plan ($790) Marvel .1 30 *** Sandman World's End TPB DC 3.2 37 170 Kill Your Boyfriend DC 7.9 67 159 Heavy Metal July 1995 Heavy Metal 8.5 69 *** Batman: Knightsend TPB DC 2.4 76 157 Legion of Superheroes Annual #6 DC 8.7 86 *** Big Book of Death DC 2.6 91 168 New Titans Annual #11 DC 8.0 96 *** Spawn Action Fig Asst #101 Todd Toys 1.7 104 179 Ray Annual #1 DC 7.4 106 200 Best of Heavy Metal Spring 95 Heavy Metal 6.5 108 *** Domu: Child's Dreams #2 Dark Horse 4.5 118 158 Flash Gordon #1 Marvel 8.6 124 206 Ghost in the Shell #3 Dark Horse 6.3 129 *** Eleven or One: Angry Christ Sirius 8.1 138 *** Cerebus: Reads TPB Aardvark-Vana 1.4 144 175 Grendel Tales: Devil's Choic #2 Dark Horse 7.8 147 152 Freak Force #16 Image 9.1 148 176 Metaphysique #1 Malibu 7.7 150 Breakdown by company (by piece count, all books): Company name: Top 100 Top 200 Marvel 35 59 (X-Men: Omega / 1) DC 23 58 (Superman #101 / 15) Image 22 29 (Spawn #31 / 11) Acclaim 3 12 (Ice Age #2 / 14) Dark Horse 5 11 (Star Wars D II #5/ 23) Malibu 1 9 (Star Trek DS9 #21/ 96) Tekno Comix 4 4 (Teknophage #1 / 63) Harris 1 3 (Vengeance Vamp#13/ 47) Topps 2 2 (X-Files #4 / 40) Bongo 2 2 (Lisa Comics #1 / 83) London Night 2 (Razor Swimsuit #1/103) Wizard 1 1 (Wizard #45 / 13) Crusade 1 1 (Shi Variant #1 / 35) Cartoon Books 1 (Bone #19 /108) Antarctic Press 1 (Warrior Nun #3reg/132) Warrior 1 (Hero Illustr #23 /133) Hamilton 1 (Power Rangers #6 /147) Sirius 1 (Eleven or One /167) Immortelle 1 (Cynder #1 /173) Maximum Press 1 (Black Flag #4 /187) Breakdown by issue number: Issue #: Top 100 Top 200 0 1 3 1 12 26 2 11 16 3 5 13 4 13 17 5 3 7 6-10 7 18 11 and up 48 100 Breakdown by price: (Average price: $2.70, down .04) Price: Top 100 Top 200 $1.50 and under 9 15 $1.51 to $1.95 42 67 $1.96 to $2.50 32 68 $2.51 to $2.95 5 19 $2.96 to $3.95 10 17 $3.96 and up 2 4 Note: One index point equals roughly 1061 copies sold through Capital City. Capital City Distributors represents slightly less than 32% of the total direct market. úúúúÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍ*David LeBlanc> ComicBkNet@AOL.COM david.leblanc@gaquatic.iii.net RIME->5179 FIDO 1:322/518 __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-5-]--/ CSNsider /-------------------------------------------------/ CSNsider by David Leblanc This is the CSNsider from CSN #410, which will be in shops on 4/26/95. It is reproduced in its entirety with the expressed permission of COMIC SHOP NEWS! Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon has been optioned by USA Network for animated treatment; an animated series is possible by this fall/winter... Fleer's Batman Forever Fleer Ultra photo-card set featuring images from the upcoming film will contain a hologram (one of thirty-six in the series) in each and every pack... Mattel has reached an agreement with Top Cow Productions to issue a line of Cyberforce action figures... And speaking of Cyberforce, creator Marc Silvestri is taking a hiatus from that title for the rest of '95 in order to work on a secret project yet to be announced; "Marc is not taking a sabbatical," Top Cow's Nicole Merke stressed. "He will continue to work, concentrating on the animation and this new comic book project"... The last couple of issues of Jonathan Peterson and Kevin Maguire's Strikeback! have been taken off the schedule at Malibu; readers may get a chance to see the finale to this dynamic series later this summer... DC is considering plans to add a new imprint, a science fiction equivalent of Vertigo for sophisticated readers; it may all come together in late '95 or early '96...

Spider-Man is ready to rock this fall, with Joe Perry supplying the music for the new Spidey theme song... Bad news: according to Mike Baron, no more Badger series are in the works in the foreseeable future... Marc Silvestri and William Tucci have agreed to release a crossover one-shot, Cyblade/Shi Special, in July; Silvestri will do one of the book's two alternate covers, will Tucci will do the other... A Warrior Nun Areala trade paperback and a second miniseries are on schedule at Antarctic... The high-profile Avengers-UltraForce crossover storyline set for August release will lead into an even higher-profile (but currently very mysterious) story arc referred to by Marvel and Malibu as "Black September"... Since Extreme Sacrifice, the winter crossover series, sold out so quickly that some fans missed parts of the saga, Extreme and Image are collecting the entire nine-part series in trade paperback in July... The Magic: The Gathering logjam should finally loosen this May with the release of Magic: The Gathering 4th Edition; this time around, land cards will only be found in the starter sets and not in the booster packs... A Crow Collectible Card Game, based on James O'Barr's hit miniseries, is in the works... And speaking of collectible card games, Marvel and Fleer are working on several card games featuring various Marvel heroes; no word yet on whether they'll all fit into one master card game format or function as self-contained games... And before we leave the collectible card game arena, have we mentioned that negotiations are underway for an X-Files collectible card game?... At last, Rob Liefeld's Maximum Press has set a release date for their new Battlestar Galactica comic book series; look for the first issue in July... If you had trouble getting too enthused by the GI Joe Sgt. Savage toy line, apparently you weren't the only one: the entire Sgt. Savage project has been cancelled, with work already underway on a new GI Joe line. CSN #410 features a cover feature on the Bloodshot from Acclaim, as well as more news and the complete May Checklist. The only way to get Comic Shop News is to visit a shop that carries CSN. The publication costs the shops just $.10 each and is generally free to customers. If your shop doesn't carry CSN, nag 'em until they do. After all, isn't your business and satisfaction worth a dime a week? Visit our WWW site! http://www.actwin.com/csn We just passed the 15,000 visitor mark after only seven weeks online. Also, I just spent about an hour updating our hotlist, so all the links are again current. I'll be surfing for more goodies to add to it soon, so keep checking. Ward Batty wardo@jupiter.netdepot.com Cliff Biggers cliffbig@jupiter.netdepot.com (c)1995 CSN, Inc. úúúúÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍ*David LeBlanc> ComicBkNet@AOL.COM david.leblanc@gaquatic.iii.net RIME->5179 FIDO 1:322/518 __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-6-]--/ COMICUNICATIONS /------------------------------------------/ Comicunications by Ryan Brewster Ý Þ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÝ Ûßßßßßß ÞßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÝ Ý Û ÛßßßÛ ÛßÛßÛ ßÛß Ûßßß Û Û ÛÜ Û ßÛß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ßÛß ßÛß ÛßßÛ ÛÜ Û Ûßß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ Û Û ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ ßßÛ Û ßßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßßßßß ---------The Comic Book Net's Weekly Comics Journal---------- ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Vol. 1, Issue #13 Monday, April 17th, 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andromeda Goes Belly-Up: [Source: Antarctic Press] 4/13/95 - Andromeda Distributors has gone out of business. They have locked their doors, shut down their phones and will not be shipping any more comics. Andromeda was the 5th-largest distributor & the largest in Canada, distributing about 1.5% of the overall direct market. Eaton Returns to Primortals: [Source: Larry Bogad] 4/12/95 - Scott Eaton will resume pencilling Leonard Nimoy's Primortals for issues 7 & 8. He previously pencilled the first two issues of the Tekno-Comix comic book. Wayne Manor Diagrams to be Published: [Source: Toronto Hype! Comic Cafe] 4/11/95 - Batman: Designs, a one-shot due out later this year, will feature never-before-seen designs of the new Batman costume, Robin's costume, Wayne Manor and the Batcave. Another Bat-project in production is Batman: GCPD, about the Gotham City Police Dept. This looks to be adapted from the same strain as ABC-TV's NYPD Blue. In related news, the Knightwing/Alfred one-shot will be pencilled by the legendary inker Dick Giordano [Source: Comics News]. Wizard Dispels Rumors: [Source: Marty Stever] 4/9/95 - Wizard Magazine WILL be available through Heroes World Distribution. Wizard will continue to be available through all other distributors who normally carried the mag. Wizard's sister publications Collector's Sportslook and InQuest will not be carried by Heroes' World. Also, Marty (Direct Sales Manager, Wizard Press) denies rumors that anyone is buying Wizard Press. In related news, a quick update on the 1/2 issue situation: Lady Death and Gen13 #1/2's have completed shipping. Ripclaw should be done next week, X-O in two weeks and Bone in three. Marvel and Malibu Get Intimate: [Source: Comics News] 4/15/95 - In another project bringing the Ultraverse and Marvel titles closer together, Marvel will release a title called Dream Team #1 in July. Dream Team will be a 48-pg. pinup book of Marvel/Ultraverse characters encountering one another. Contributors mentioned will be Jim Balent (Catwoman), Joe Quesada (Ash), Liam Sharpe (Hulk), Gary Frank (Hulk), Mike Allred (Madman) and Ben Edlund (The Tick). Darkseid & Galactus Get Hungry: [Source: Hype! Comic Cafe] 4/11/95 - John Byrne's Darkseid/Galactus one-shot crossover will be entitled "Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunker". The story will center around a young Silver Surfer leading his master to Apokolips and the New Gods help fight him off. Edgy Crossover: [Source: Hype! Comic Cafe] 4/11/95 - The Marvel Edge titles - Incredible Hulk, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Punisher and Dr. Strange - will crossover in a story involving Nick Fury and the new Punisher. The story will be called Double Edge and will begin in the bookend Double Edge Alpha and end in Double Edge (guess what!) Omega. Big Hawk-happenings: [Source: Comic News] 4/15/95 - In a future storyline, DC Comics' hero Hawkman will go insane as a result of his experiences in last year's Zero Hour crossover. The storyline will feature the return of the Golden Age Hawkman. Big Super-Happenings: [Source: Dave Van Domelen] 4/10/95 - Alpha Centurion and Lori Lemaris will return to the Superbooks, with the latter returning just in time to screw up Clark's engagement to Lois... Also, the Legion of Superheroes will travel to the 20th Century and back, dragging Superboy with them. In related news, Mark Waid's summer crossover event Underworld will center around the corrupting influence of power. A demon will go around from villains to heroes offering them power in an effort to corrupt them. Lex Luthor will be juiced up enough to regain his former status as one of DC Universe's premiere villains. "Me too!", Cries Entity Comics: [Source: Entity Comics] 4/10/95 - Astor #3 has shipped with two unannounced cover variations. #3a, with a gold-foil enhanced cover image of ASTER with his companions Shaiana and Ghayab, also has a coupon for a free ASTER phone card on the back cover. The card was drawn by Oliver Isabedra. Elfquest Goes Online: [Source: Warp Graphics] 4/15/95 - Warp Graphics has entered the online world with their opening of Elfquest.Com. Elfquest.Com, accessible via the World Wide Web, is an Elfquest resource with previews of upcoming issues, never-before seen artwork, contests, biographies and a store. Access Elfquest.Com through the URL:http://www.elfquest.com/ Lois & Clark Pronounced Victorious: [Sources: Michael Hickerson and Ken Berczik] 4/13/95 - In the April 13th, 1995 issue of USA Today was an article about the competition between L&C and SeaQuest, basically saying that L&C is winning the ratings war - it has gone up while SeaQuest has gone down. It talks about the changes in the shows made for their second season and how they've affected each show respectively. ABC Executive Vice President Preston Beckman is quoted as saying that L&C is a "slam dunk" for renewal. >>>>>SPOILER WARNING: NEXT PARAGRAPH<<<<<< According to the article, L&C will end the season in May with another big cliffhanger. Executive Producer Robert Singer says Clark will propose to Lois and next season "their relationship will change dramatically." Additionally, last Sunday's New York Times featured an article on Lois & Clark in which it projected a rather long run for the show, especially since it seems to have overtaken SeaQuest and is gaining on Murder, She Wrote. __________________________________________________________________________ Legal Stuff: Copyright (c) 1995 Ryan Brewster. Reproduce only in ENTIRETY. --- þ RM 1.3 02322 þ :-( ) you backed your car over my toe __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-7-]--/ FEEDBACK /-------------------------------------------------/ Send feedback to: America Online .... ComicBkNet@aol.com Fidonet ........... ComicBkNet at 1:324/134.0 Comic Book Net .... ComicBkNet at 23:402/2.0 PLEASE NOTE: Your comments may be included in future issues, unless you specifically request to the contrary. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-8-]--/ BULLETIN BOARDS LINKED INTO THE COMICBOOK NETWORK /--------/ +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMICBOOK NETWORK - 5 new systems have linked in since the last issue! F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB F Gananoque System's BBS Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Mike Serson B The Trading Post ][ Windsor ONT 519-974-2976 Gary Ranchuk F Wall Street Pub Houston TX 713-398-9260 C. Lawrence Heath B The Lost Realm Williston VT 802-864-7021 Joe Kanfer F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-535-3055 William Horton F* Longview On-Line! Longview WA 206-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon F House Atreides Garland TX 214-494-3702 Wayne LeMonds B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf B The Dog's House Gaithersburg MD 301-216-0637 Andrew Ohnstad Q Highlander's Inn Brandywine MD 301-579-2776 Eric Moon B Zoneland BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Bob Hair B* The Daily Planet BBS Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Mike Imboden Q Megabyte BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-977-0791 Matt Abrams F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio F The Agency BBS Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Bill Liebbe F Lets PC BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Hyun Nam F* The Black Hole BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Craig Smith F Flamingo Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Genie Bohn Q DJ Dave's Domain Agawam MA 413-789-6533 David Scarpa F The Gravity Guild Etobicoke ONT 416-778-6652 Gord Davis F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood F Rrydean Cottage Grove OR 503-942-4561 Rory Dschaak F* Arkham Asylum Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 Ed Dukeshire F Performance Plus Methuen MA 508-688-5209 Brian Morison B Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F Viper BBS Freetown MA 508-763-2027 Matthew Reynolds F Enigma BBS Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Chris Ferreira B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson F Global Aquatics BBS Worcester MA 508-798-5647 John Murphy F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B U.S.S. Saratoga BBS New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 Justin Campeau F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine F Metropolis BBS New Bedford MA 508-994-4687 Bob Racine F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera B Asgard.TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton Q Medics Meeting House Hinsdale NH 603-256-6931 Doug Munson F Venom's World Rollinsford NH 603-743-4188 Ira Locke F* The Menagerie Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Rick O'Dell B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald F* The RASTER Line Houston TX 713-568-0825 Jeff Watts F Montmorenci Express Montmorenci SC 803-641-9090 Lloyd Vanfossen F Young Blood Killeen TX 817-699-2254 T.J. Gohl Q Oak Street BBS Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer Q Extreme Online Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Eric Cohen F Nature Coast BBS Weeki Watchee FL 904-596-6234 Kim Breckenridge F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun B Gotham City BBS Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 Gerald Schranz F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjan F Crystal Winds Raliegh NC 919-870-9785 Mike Gurkin F* Allied Group Kresgeville PA *MAIL ONLY!* Robert Zellers __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: This electronic magazine may be freely distributed in this current unmodified form only. All articles contained within are written and copyrighted to their authors. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EOF- See ya NEXT week!