__________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " C O M I C B O O K E - M A G " Issue 11 - May 29, 1995 "Brought to you by the fine folks at the COMIC BOOK Network!" Editors: Ed Dukeshire Network Administration: Mike Imboden Mike Imboden Ed Dukeshire David Leblanc Bobb Waller Special Thanks: Ryan Brewster Anthony Palacio Walter Tietjen Chris Oarr David Leblanc William Hughes Nathan Bredfeldt Jeff Watts __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-1-] The Bullpen ........................ Mike Imboden [-2-] The 25th Hour ...................... Mike Imboden [-3-] Comicunications .................... Ryan Brewster [-4-] Splash Page ........................ Various [-5-] Feedback ........................... Various [-6-] BBSes Linked into CBN .............. CBN Staff __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-1-]--/ THE BULLPEN /----------------------------------------------/ The Bullpen By Mike Imboden Well, seeing as I _AM_ co-editor of this thing I guess it's only fair that I share in the duties and actually write one of these Bullpen pages, (wait, isn't that a Marvel term? Can I say that?). So what to talk about? I guess I should make it comics related since if I want to rant or ramble I have another forum to do that in. So what should I talk about? How about CBN since that's where all of us involved in this thing spend most of our time. Have you logged onto a CBN BBS yet? Do you even know how to access a BBS? Trust me when I say you're missing out by NOT stopping by and joining in on some of the conversations we're having. Yes, the quantity of stuff is less than what you are used to on AOL, P* or CI$, but I think what we're talking about here is a "quantity versus quality" thing. So anyway, here we have this wonderful FREE service and yet I know it's not being utilized to it's fullest extent. Why not? Well, I'm wondering if it's due to the fact that a vast majority of folks who are on these large pay services don't know about BBSes. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows? Wait! We CAN find out! Here's a little survey. PLEASE fill it out and send it back to us. You can send it to us at our Internet address of COMICBKNET@AOL.COM or snail mail at COMICBOOK NET POLL c/o Mike Imboden PO BOX 1423 Frederick, MD 21702-0423 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME:______________________________ AGE:______ CITY, STATE:______________________ GENDER:_______ þ I GET THIS E-MAG FROM: AOL______ PRODIGY______ COMPUSERVE_____ GENIE______ OTHER:_______ (please list if OTHER). þ I KNOW HOW TO ACCESS A BBS YES_____ NO____ þ I WOULD CALL BUT THERE ISN'T A MEMBER BBS IN MY AREA YES______ NO______ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it! With some feedback to these couple questions we can try to get CBN more accessable to more of you. Thanks for your time. M!ke (co-editor and all around swell guy). __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-2-]--/ THE 25TH HOUR /--------------------------------------------/ The 25th Hour - by Mike Imboden I'm back from my little mini-vacation so I figured I'd share some of the highlights with you. I'm sorta cheating with this week's column since I normally just sit and write during the 25th hour of one of the days right before deadline. This time I have some notes and such. Friday 10:30pm: We're somewhere in-between Breezewood, Pa and Pittsburgh and I'm feeling sorta sick. If you've never been on the Pennsylvania turnpike I'll tell you that the service centers, (pumped up rest stops with gas stations and so forth), are anywhere from 20 to 40 some odd miles apart. When one has an upset stomach this is NOT the place to be, trust me here. Saturday around 3am: I'm feeling better after visiting my friend John about three hours earlier. We're in Ohio now, about an hour and a half from Michigan. There is no one else on the Ohio turnpike and I start thinking that by listening to tapes I missed some radio announcement that the western half of Ohio has been blown to kingdom come. Saturday around 10am: ZZZzzzzzzZZzzzzzZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz Saturday Night: Somehow I get wrangled into grilling hamburgers. My grandfather, for some reason, wants me to use the charcoal that's already in the grill. I ask him how old it is but he doesn't know. They don't light. I go and buy some pizza. Sunday AM: We head into Ann Arbor, birthplace of some guy named Mike Imboden. The Wife and I decide to name our mini-van "Whitey" even though it currently looks for like a light cream color with a light layer of dust and dirt on it. Sunday night: Dinner at my uncle's place. We watch Die Hard on USA and laugh at the editing of all the BAD WORDS. Then we spend about three hours playing Donkey Kong Country. Those monkeys are too cool. Monday morning: Into Ann Arbor again. We eat lunch at this great place called the Mongolian Barbeque. The novelty is that you pile a bowl full of a meat of your choosing, (beef, chicken, lamb, etc) and all sorts of other stuff like veggies and different oils and then take it to this big grill-thing in the center of the restaurant where these guys stir fry it for you with these big wooden sticks. Very cool. Monday afternoon: I decide to look for some comic stores but we never find the street I saw one listed on in the phone book. We DO find a little store that has some comics, though. Too bad it's just a newsstand. Then we head for the mall and I finally get to visit a Warner Brothers store, (we don't have one close to us in the part of Maryland where I live), and I drop close to, well, let's say I spent too much money. Got some cool shirts, a hat and some other knick-knacks. Monday night: Back to Uncle's for dinner. We wind up watching The Lion King. Tuesday afternoon: We get ready to leave for home. I decide it's time to find my biological father, (my mom divorced him when I was a tot, and I hadn't seen or heard from him in over 15 years). He's not listed in the phone book and has an unlisted number. I'm almost ready to give up when I come up with a plan... I call the offices of the Ann Arbor News and prepare myself; "Hello, circulation." "Yes, this is Bob Bradley (not his real name). I haven't gotten any bills since I renewed a few months ago. Can you tell me what address you have for me on file? I think maybe when I renewed the address got entered wrong. My wife says it's my sloppy handwriting." " Sure Mr. Bradley. One second...." The lady on the other end comes back and reads me the address. "Hmmm, that's it alright. Maybe I'm not due for a bill yet. While you have my info handy, can you tell me what number I have listed? I got it changed a couple weeks ago after some kids started calling and leaving messages on the machine. I asked my wife to call and let you know but I don't know if she did." "Sure. It's 555-1212." "Great, that's it. Thanks a heap for your time. Try and get outside and enjoy the weather today, it's too nice to be inside." Well, that wasn't hard. NOW I have to get someone to call him..... Tuesday night: On the road again. As we leave the Ohio turnpike I ask the guy in the booth to hold an empty McDonalds bag while I root around for toll fare. I hand him his $3.50 and drive off, leaving him with the remains of a Happy Meal that The Son didn't finish. Wednesday about 4am: Back into Maryland. Along the PA turnpike there must have been over 200 hundred tractor trailers parked on the shoulders. This was a very odd sight. We pull into the driveway about 5am. Now I know how Dorothy Gale felt. There is no placed like home. Even if the farm across the street just spread manure the day before and the air smells like the bathroom I visited my friend John in a few days earlier. ****************** Next week well get back into comics with a full blown report on Diamond's NEW Dynamics. Will Diamond buy Cap City? Will Cap City go exclusive with Image, Dark Horse or Acclaim? We'll find out soon enough I hope. Send your feedback, fan mail and flames to me at COMICBKNET@AOL.COM or by Fido netmail at 1:109/748 or on ComicBook Net at 23:403/0. Until then, I remain M!ke __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-3-]--/ COMICUNICATIONS /------------------------------------------/ Comicunications by Ryan Brewster Ý Þ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÝ Ûßßßßßß ÞßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÝ Ý Û ÛßßßÛ ÛßÛßÛ ßÛß Ûßßß Û Û ÛÜ Û ßÛß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ßÛß ßÛß ÛßßÛ ÛÜ Û Ûßß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ Û Û ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ ßßÛ Û ßßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßßßßß ---------The Comic Book Net's Weekly Comics Journal---------- ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Volume 1, Issue #18 Monday, May 29th, 1995 ------------------------------------------------- Capital Buys Friendly Frank's: [Source: Paul Grant] 5/23/95 - Capital City Distribution, Inc. has acquired Friendly Frank's Distribution, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, Capital will assume responsibility for all FFD purchase orders and outstanding retailer orders. Capital will begin servicing the accounts immediately. Capital will also help liquidate over 1 million comics, graphic novels, trading cards and related items in Friendly Frank's inventory. Capital's customers will recieve a catalog with an upcoming Orderpak. Ultraverse and MarvelVerse experience Cosmic Flux: [Source: Malibu Comics] 5/20/95 - In an event dubbed Black September (the aftershock of the UltraForce/Avengers crossover), all Ultraverse titles shipping in September will be Infinity issues. Black September: Infinity is the bookend to the storyline and the "first look at the future of the new Ultraverse"... It will be written by Dan Danko & Roland Mann and drawn by Steven Butler and MC Wyman. Exiles: Infinity, to be written by Terry Kavanagh, will feature a turning point in X-Men continuity as The Good Prof's brother, the Juggernaut, leads a team of eXiled mutants into the Ultraverse. Eden Blake and Lucasz will lose the Mantra identity, leaving a 100%-female Mantra behind in Mantra: Infinity, by Mike W. Barr, Dave Roberts & Jim Amash. The Night Man will be transported to the MarvelVerse with no way home, leaving his evil alternative in the Ultraverse in The Night Man: Infinity by Steve Englehart and Dean Zachary. Spider-Man teams up with Prime against the Spideyvillain, The Lizard, in Prime: Infinity, by Gerard Jones, Len Strazewski and John Statema. The comic will also feature Kevin's transformation into... Spider-Prime??!! Adam Warlock shacks up in the Ultraverse for good, as Rune battle Annihilus in the Negative Zone, in Rune: Infinity, by Len Kaminski and Kyle Hotz. What universe clash would be complete without a Bad Girl(tm)?? Hank Kanalz, Kevin Wes & Bob Almond will bring Siren: Infinity, as UltraForce bad girl Siren is assigned to assassinate Iron Man. Warren Ellis will write UltraForce: Infinity, with John Royle and Jeff Whiting drawin' pictures for the issue that features the new Fantastic UltraForce Four...??!! Exit Enters Calibur: [Source: Calibur Press] 5/25/95 - Exit, an award-winning self-published title from Britain, will move to Calibur in September. The book will feature all new stories, and will ship bi-monthly. Angel Medina Follows Sharpe on Hulk: [Source: Peter A David] 5/25/95 - Angel Medina will be taking over the art chores on The Incredible Hulk after Liam Sharpe's last issue. Sharpe's last issue will ship next month. JBNM: The Novel?: [Source: Various Postings on rec.arts.comics.misc] 5/27/95 - John Byrne is now supposedly considering writing a prose novel as the next storyline of his Next Men superhero series. When I can get a response directly from him, I'll follow up on this one... WCG Comics Wins Xeric Grant: [Source: Lead Balloons] 5/25/95 - The Xeric Foundation has awarded a grant to WCG Comics, in support of its publication of the Adventure Strip Digest action-adventure comic book series. The series features Rob Hanes, and is written & drawn by Randy Reynaldo, who has been self-publishing since 1990. Peter A. Laird, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, founded the Xeric Foundation for the purpose of assisting comic book creators with some of the costs in self-publishing their work. Grants are awarded for up to $5000. Reynaldo will use most of the funds to generate awareness for the series among readers & retailers. ROB HANES is set in the modern day and follows the adventures of a private investigator who works for Justice International, a private detective agency with branch offices worldwide. The comic has been compared to such properties as Indiana Jones, Bone, Jonny Quest, Wolff & Byrd, Tintin, Terry & the Pirates and The Spirit. More information about WCG Comics can be had by writing 3765 Motor Avenue, Suite 1121, Los Angeles, CA 90034, calling 310-558-3611, or sending e-mail to RREYNALDO@exec.csun.edu. Superman is Reborn!: [Source: Cinescape June '95] 5/20/95 - 17 years after the first Superman film, an article in the June issue of Cinescape magazine announces that in the summer of '96, "you'll believe once again that a man can fly". The movie, currently under production under the producer Jon Peters, will not follow the Braniac/Proposal-to-Lois plot proposed for the Superman: The New Movie, which never got off the ground. Jonathan Lemkin (Demolition Man, Under Siege 2: Devil's Advocate, Lethal Weapon 4), the screenwriter for the film, mentioned that the comic book scenario featureing the death and rebirth of Superman is a good "stepping- off point" for Superman Reborn. The villain in the film will NOT, however, be Doomsday, but the fate of the whole world should be at stake. From: Kathy Pernisek Lois & Clark Breaks the Top 20!: [Source: Kathy Pernisek/Reuters] 5/23/95 - Lois & Clark reached the 20th rank in Prime Time TV Programs for the first time since its pilot episode last Sunday as it tied ABC's news magazine 20/20. The complete listing follows: NEW YORK (Reuter) - The top 20 prime time TV shows for the week of May 15, as compiled by the A.C. Nielsen Co. ABC had five of the top 10 and 11 of the top 20; CBS had none in the top 10 and 2 in the top 20; NBC had five in the top 10 and 8 in the top 20; Fox had two in the top 40. Each rating point represents an estimated 954,000 households, or 1% of the nation's TV homes. The share is the percentage of households watching a program of those households in which TV is being watched during the timeslot. Shown are rank/season rank, (x denotes one-time showing, program and rating/share. 1/2 E.R (NBC) 23.4/37 2/7 Friends (NBC) 21.3/32 3/1 Seinfeld (NBC) 20.7/32 4/x (ABC Monday Night Movie) 20.4/31 5/x (NBC Monday Night Movies) 17.6/27 6/x (ABC Sunday Night Movie) 16.0/26 7/4 Grace Under Fire (ABC) 15.3/24 8/x Home Improvement Special (ABC) 15.2/23 9/11 Mad About You (NBC) 15.2/26 10/8 NYPD Blue (ABC) 14.9/24 11/3 Home Improvement (ABC) 14.2/22 12/14 Frasier (NBC) 13.5/21 12/x Friends Special (NBC) 13.5/20 14/43 Coach (ABC) 13.4/21 14/x (NBC Sunday Night Movie) 13.4/22 16/13 Ellen (ABC) 13.2/21 17/6 60 Minutes (CBS) 13.1/25 18/28 PrimeTime Live (ABC) 12.9/22 19/48 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (CBS) 12.7/25 20/16 20/20 (ABC) 12.0/22 >>> 20/54 Lois & Clark 12.0/21 Teri Hatcher featured in Starburst & Entertainment Weekly: [Source: Starburst, Entertainment Weekly] 5/24/95 - In the May '95 issue of the UK Sci-Fi mag Starburst, Teri Hatcher, the actress who plays Lois Lane in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, was featured with a full page photo and a feature article. In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Teri graces the cover for the Entertainment Weekly "TV's Winners & Losers" article. Lois & Clark recieves a 2-page article, which basically relates how L&C sunk SeaQuest and includes some quotes from Teri Hatcher, Dean Cain and Bob Singer. Christopher Reeve Hospitalized: [Source: Amy Roos] 5/28/95 - Christopher Reeve has been hospitalized in Alexandria, Virginia. The actor who played Superman in four feature-length movies in the late-70's early-80's reportedly fell off of his horse, and is in stable condition. (I am ROTFLMAO as I write this! Read that sentence again...) Baker Street Returns: [Source: Calibur Press] 5/25/95 - Guy Davis will return to Baker Street this year, with a special short in the 2nd anniversary issue of Negative Burn. A Baker Street one- shot will be released later this year. Baker Street is the series that catapulted him to fame, and he is currently the artist of the DC Vertigo comic Sandman Mystery Theatre. He plans to develop a mini-series for 1996 if the one-shot does well. Tekno-Comix Gets Mysterious: [Source: Cedrick Chan] 5/24/95 - BIG Entertainment, Tekno's Parent company, has acquired controlling interest in Fedora Inc., the owner & publisher of Mystery Scene Magazine. The magazine is one of the leading publications of the mystery genre. BIG and Tekno Comix plan to bring the magazine online in the near future. The On-Line forum will feature first-run publications of original short stories, reviews & columns and excerpts from upcoming mystery novels. Prime and Spidey team up in September: [Source: Hank Kanalz] 5/24/95 - Spider-Man and Prime will team up in September as part of the Black September event. Kevin Green will be sent to the Marvel Universe, where he will meet the famous web-slinger. Spawn PowerCardz Card Game: [Source: Calibur Press] 5/25/95 - The upcoming Spawn PowerCardz game, to be released in August, will be a complete game in & of itself, but will also tie in to the PowerCardz so that the complete playability will be over 480 cards. Many other universes will be included in the card game, including Big Bang, AmeriComics, UN Force, Stormquest and more. Simonson and... Zeerus? [Source: Cedric Chan] 5/26/95 - Walt Simonson (Thor, Star Slammers) has signed to draw two covers for Tekno-Comix's Leanord Nimoy's Primortals, with other projects in negotiation. Renfield Cancelled/Released..?: [Source: Calibur Press] 5/25/95 - The 4th and 5th issues of Renfield from Calibur Press have been cancelled, citing scheduling problems. The two issues as well as the unsolicited issue #6 will be released as a special graphic novel. The 160- page, $7.95 graphic novel will collect issues 1-3 as well as the unpublished 4-6, and a gallery of artists interpreting Dracula and Renfield. Kabuki Color Special: [Source: Calibur Press] 5/25/95 - Kabuki, star of the popular Kabuki title, will be the focus of a special full-color book featuring various artists' interperetations of Kabuki. Mantra #24 to Feature "Catfight of the Year": [Source: Malibu Comics] 5/17/95 - Mantra and Topaz will meet in Mantra #24 in a story entitled "Doom of the Duplicate Swords". The stand-alone issue will be written and drawn by the regular creative team of Mike W. Barr, Dave Roberts and Jim Amash. The issue will feature guest appearances by Prime and Ghoul, and will focus on Topaz's quest for the Sword of Fangs. Comic Stamps Debut: [Source: Michael Kelly] 5/19/95 - Twenty 32› stamps featuring various comic strip designs will be issued on Oct. 1st 1995 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the comic strip. Characters featured are: The Yellow Kid, Krazy Kat (and Ignatz), Barney Google (and Spark Plug), Dick Tracy, Li'l Abner, Katzenjammer Kids, Rube Goldberg's inventions, Little Orphan Annie, Alley Oop, Terry and the Pirates, Little Nemo in Slumberland, Toonerville folks, Popeye (Thimble Theatre), Nancy, Prince Valiant, Bringing up Father, Gasoline Alley, Blondie, Flash Gordon, and Brenda Star. The sheet is labelled "Comic Strip Classics" and has a "bonus" sketch of Dagwood at the top. The stamps will have a small amount of text on the back of them before the gum is applied. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-4-]--/ SPLASH PAGE /----------------------------------------------/ Relayed by Matt High of Antarctic Press: NEWS: Capital City buys Friendly Frank's From: Matthew High Date: 24 May 1995 01:42:54 GMT I haven't seen anyone break the news here yet, so I might as well. The following message was posted to Compuserve by Paul Grant earlier this afternoon. ------------- Madison, Wis. -- Capital City Distribution, Inc., a leading worldwide distributor of comic books, trading cards, games, videos, and media and pop culture items, has acquired Friendly Frank's Distribution, Inc. (FFD). Capital will begin servicing the hundreds of FFD accounts immediately. Under the terms of the agreement, Capital will assume responsibility for all FFD purchase orders and outstanding retailer orders. It will also assist in helping collect the company's accounts receivable. FFD stockholders Frank and Carol Mangiaracina will remain in close contact with retailers to maintain a smooth transition. "In the short run, retailers will be assured to receive all their books, including DC titles, with no interruption in service. In the long run, retailers need to ally themselves with a distributor who is agile and visionary -- perhaps the two most necessary factors for success in the forthcoming new world order," said Carol, FFD operations director. "Capital has always had the largest product line in the business, supported by the most regarded magalog, and they've been taking market share from their largest competitor." "We are taking aggressive steps to favorably position Capital in a period of rapid and extreme change in the comic book industry," said Milton Griepp, Capital's president. "This is another way of tying us to the growth of the market." He emphasized that Capital is not buying most of FFD's assets or liabilities, although the ongoing service of customers would be Capital's responsibility. The agreement with FFD also calls for Capital to help liquidate more than one million comic books, graphic novels, trading cards, and related items currently in the company's inventory. Capital's 3,500 customers will receive a catalog of this merchandise with an upcoming Orderpak. "We intend to provide service to FFD customers in Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, and Kansas City with minimal disruption," said Griepp. Capital will keep the Kansas City and Dallas operations open to fully evaluate the business opportunities, while Detroit and Chicago eventually will be closed and merged into Capital locations already in those cities. --------------- Friendly Frank's is (was) the third largest distributor in the US, with 1-2% of the overall direct market. With the subsumption of FFD, the remaining "original" distributors are: Diamond, Capital City, Comics Hawaii, Multi Books, and Styx. The comic direct market has effectively become a biopoly. Best, - mlh úúúúÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍ*David LeBlanc> ComicBkNet@AOL.COM david.leblanc@gaquatic.iii.net RIME->5179 FIDO 1:322/518 __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-5-]--/ FEEDBACK /-------------------------------------------------/ We received a couple responses lately. Wow! There is life out there! We had originally planned to run a letter addressed to Bill Hughes this issue, but seems Bill is MIA, so we'll hold off till we can find him. --- Send feedback to: Internet .......... ComicBkNet@aol.com Fidonet ........... ComicBkNet at 1:324/134.0 Comic Book Net .... ComicBkNet at 23:402/2.0 PLEASE NOTE: Your comments may be included in future issues, unless you specifically request to the contrary. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-6-]--/ BULLETIN BOARDS LINKED INTO THE COMICBOOK NETWORK /--------/ +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMICBOOK NETWORK - 4 new systems have linked in since the last issue! F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB F The Final Destination Davenport IA 319-359-4449 Andy St.Pierre F Programmers Citadel Eustis FL 904-357-0355 Thomas McNeill Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla F Boardwalk BBS Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 James Davis F* Longview On-Line! Longview WA 206-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon F House Atreides Garland TX 214-494-3702 Wayne LeMonds F The Chess Board Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Ken Givens Q Way Out There Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Justin Pasher B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-535-3055 William Horton B The Dog's House Gaithersburg MD 301-216-0637 Andrew Ohnstad Q Highlander's Inn Brandywine MD 301-579-2776 Eric Moon B Zoneland BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Bob Hair F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin B* The Daily Planet BBS Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Mike Imboden Q Megabyte BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-977-0791 Matt Abrams F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio F The Agency BBS Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Bill Liebbe F Lets PC BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Hyun Nam F* The Black Hole BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Craig Smith F Flamingo Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Genie Bohn F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell Q DJ Dave's Domain Agawam MA 413-789-6533 David Scarpa F The Gravity Guild Etobicoke ONT 416-778-6652 Gord Davis F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood F Rocks Latenight Cottage Grove OR 503-942-4561 Rory Dschaak F* Arkham Asylum Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 Ed Dukeshire B Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F Viper BBS Freetown MA 508-763-2027 Matthew Reynolds F Enigma BBS Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Chris Ferreira B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson F Global Aquatics BBS Worcester MA 508-798-5647 John Murphy F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B U.S.S. Saratoga BBS New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 Justin Campeau F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine F Metropolis BBS New Bedford MA 508-994-4687 Bob Racine F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera B Asgard.TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton B The Trading Post ][ Windsor ONT 519-974-2976 Gary Ranchuk Q Medics Meeting House Hinsdale NH 603-256-6931 Doug Munson F Venom's World Rollinsford NH 603-743-4188 Ira Locke F Gananoque System's BBS Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Mike Serson F* The Menagerie Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Rick O'Dell Q Corner Mailbox BBS Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Joy Manning B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald F Wall Street Pub Houston TX 713-398-9260 C. Lawrence Heath F* The RASTER Line Houston TX 713-568-0825 Jeff Watts F X-Mansion BBS Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Benny Powell F The Downward Spiral Burlington VT 802-860-2948 Jason Little F Brand X BBS Burlington VT 802-863-1591 Earl Benway B The Lost Realm Williston VT 802-864-7021 Joe Kanfer F Montmorenci Express Montmorenci SC 803-641-9090 Lloyd Vanfossen F Young Blood Killeen TX 817-699-2254 T.J. Gohl Q Oak Street BBS Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer Q Extreme Online Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Eric Cohen F Nature Coast BBS Weeki Watchee FL 904-596-6234 Kim Breckenridge F Steel Dog Cafe' Destin FL 904-654-9385 Keith Schultz F Dark Knight BBS St.Catharine ONT 905-938-1670 Michael Cross Q MSC Computers Riverside CA 909-685-4393 Michael Carpenter F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun B Gotham City BBS Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 Gerald Schranz F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjan F Crystal Winds Raliegh NC 919-870-9785 Mike Gurkin F Allied Group Kresgeville PA *MAIL ONLY!* Robert Zellers __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comic Book E-Mag is published weekly by the members of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. The latest issue is always available from any of the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. Issues may be obtained through several online pay services as well (ie; AOL, CompuServe, GEnie). Submissions are encouraged. Please address submissions to the internet address: ComicBkNet@aol.com or send directly to one of the Network Administration Team members: Mike Imboden, Ed Dukeshire, David Leblanc, Walter Tietjen, Bobb Waller. If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to ed.dukeshire@ecis.haverhill.ma.us to be placed on the subscription list. You are required to at least acknowledge receipt of the issues from time to time. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - End of Issue .. see ya next week!