__________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " C O M I C B O O K E - M A G " Issue 12 - June 5, 1995 "Brought to you by the fine folks at the COMIC BOOK Network!" Editors: Ed Dukeshire Network Administration: Mike Imboden Mike Imboden Ed Dukeshire David Leblanc Bobb Waller Special Thanks: Ryan Brewster Anthony Palacio Walter Tietjen Chris Oarr David Leblanc William Hughes Nathan Bredfeldt Jeff Watts __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-1-] The 25th Hour ...................... Mike Imboden [-2-] Comicunications .................... Ryan Brewster [-3-] Comicunications Poll ............... Ryan Brewster [-4-] Feedback ........................... Various [-5-] BBSes Linked into CBN .............. CBN Staff __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-1-]--/ THE 25TH HOUR /--------------------------------------------/ The 25th Hour - By Mike Imboden ------------------------------- Well, it wasn't full of glitz - in fact to be honest I'd say it was downright rough in spots, but at last Diamond's "New Dynamics" seminars are underway. While Marvelution came off like a polished and well rehearsed speech, (which it was since by the time it hit Washington, D.C. they had done nearly 30 presentations), Diamond and DC seemed to stumble through their presentation, only finally getting a rhythm at the end. But isn't that what one would expect anyway? Marvel, known for it's flashy bravura versus DC Comics and their "sleeves rolled up" workman-like approach. There were plenty of jabs at Marvel, some thinly veiled others pretty much blatant sucker punches but no low blows or punches at the break. Marvel provided DC with openings and they, along with Diamond, deftly darted in and out scoring high marks with all the retailers in attendance. (judging by the rounds of chuckles, laughter and applause). Most of what comprised DC's editorial presentation was nothing new to those of us "on the net", (be it CBN or otherwise), although a couple things were revealed; þ Detective Comics #700 sees all of the loose sub-plots in the Batman books come to a head. þ The Sandman will end with #75. (I knew it was around then but not certain which issue for sure). þ A Superman cartoon will debut on the Warner Brothers network in the fall of 1996 with 13 episodes to be followed by an additional 52 eps. in 1997. The show will be produced by Batman:TAS wizards Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. þ Warner Brothers has started up it's own toy line, Acme Toys. Acme is being considered to NOT produce toys for the mass market, meaning that their stuff would be geared more towards collectors and fans of the subject matter. DC is currently talking to Acme about some deals involving their characters, though with Lois & Clark and the cartoon and new movie on the horizon a line of Superman toys seems almost a shoe-in. No word was given on the status of any other supplier or publisher but both DC and Diamond said that BOTH were strongly supporting anyone else who wanted Diamond to be their supplier, thus sticking with Diamond's open access claims. Marvel did win out in the lunch section, the variety of foods available at the New Dynamics was rather limited. However, points go to the D & D team for providing quality Pepsi beverages. (as opposed to water.) Plenty of free Batman Forever buttons and posters were available and all retailers recieved a free copy of a special enhanced copy of the first issue of Soverign Seven. Plus, a benefit raffle was held with ALL proceeds being donated to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. There were some good prizes, too; Spinner racks with lots of stock, limited edition comics and trade paperbacks, a silver Batman ring, some posters and limited edition prints. Yours truly didn't win anything, but what the hell. I mentioned Batman Forever didn't I? We got to see a normal trailer and a quaint little "making of" type of preview. Most of it had been seen before although there were more shots of Jim Carrey than I cared for which may be a harbinger of things to come. At one point one of the people involved with the special effects said something about "..this Batmobile is different than the earlier ones. It can do things a normal car can't. Drive places the others couldn't..." I immeadiately said to myself "Please, don't let it be able to --" whereupon I noticed my fears proved true as the Batmobile shot a grappling hook up and then proceeded to winch itself, with the aid of it's rockets, up the side of a building. :( The best part of the preview came from a sound bite from Val Kilmer on being Batman; "When you put that suit on it makes you feel like going out and killing someone." Well put Val. (???) The movie looks ok I guess. There's lots of action, that is cool I guess. As long as the Riddler doesn't get an abnormal amount of screen time I should be alright. All in all it was an interesting day spent in Baltimore. There's still the matter of Dark Horse and Image but at least we know where the "Big Two" sit. M!ke Flame me at COMICBKNET@AOL.COM or on Fido at 1:109/748 or ComicBook Net itself at 23:403/0. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-2-]--/ COMICUNICATIONS /------------------------------------------/ Comicunications by Ryan Brewster Ý Þ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÝ Ûßßßßßß ÞßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÝ Ý Û ÛßßßÛ ÛßÛßÛ ßÛß Ûßßß Û Û ÛÜ Û ßÛß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ßÛß ßÛß ÛßßÛ ÛÜ Û Ûßß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ Û Û ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ ßßÛ Û ßßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßßßßß -------The Comic Book Net's Weekly Comics News Journal-------- ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Vol. 1, Issue #19 Saturday, June 3rd, 1995 ______________________((General Spoiler Warning))_________________________ Christover Reeve Paralyzed: [Source: Various] 6/2/95 - Various reports indicate that Christopher Reeve, actor in the four most recent Superman movies and, more recently, the Village of the Damned movies, has been paralyzed from the neck down as a result of a horse accident. Reeve was thrown from the horse when it refused to leap an obstacle, and landed on his head, suffering fractures at cervical vertebrae 1 and 2. According to Chuck Schwartz, a participant in CompuServe's Comics & Animation Forum who suffered similar injuries, the fractures prevent any instructions from Reeve's brain from reaching his muscles. An area in each cervical vertebrae controls various bodily functions such as arms, leg, diaphragm, etc... Chuck went on in his recent posting to explain a bit about what Reeve faces, if the neck is stabilized, the clot (a severe blood clot located in his lower brain) removed (or if it doesn't pose any threat) and if the spinal cord isn't severed: "When the head/neck is injured, the spinal cord gets slapped around pretty good in the spinal canal.", Chuck said. "This causes swelling of the cord which in itself can do damage. Until that swelling goes down, the amount of that damage is not knowable. What doctors look for is _any kind_ of nerve sensation anywheres in the body. I described that above. If there is any kind of nerve pathway still 'working' some kind of rehabilitation is possible... It all comes down to this: (If the cord has not been severed,) until the swelling goes down, you cannot be sure of anything. A doctor can tell you what is probable, but _that doesn't mean (he) is right_." Chuck knows of at least one case where a person who suffered a C1 (fracture of vertebra 1) survived. Himself, he suffered fractures of vertebraes 5 and 6, with considerable shock to vertebra 4 (which controls breathing). A doctor told his parents to make funeral plans, "just in case". A TV station in New York reported that he was dead. Said Chuck, "...I know of just as many 'miracles' as 'not miracles'. The best assessment of this kind of situation was made by my neurosurgeon to my mother, just after the first operation: 'Prayer never hurts'... If you would, Pray for Christopher Reeve. Pray hard. It's just too soon to tell. And I am an incredible optimist." Spidey Creator Changes: [Source: Mark (Compuserve's Comics/Animation)] 6/1/95 - J. M. DeMatteis is leaving as writer of Amazing Spider-Man with Tom DeFalco taking his place, while John Romita, Jr will take over the pencilling on Spider-Man. Additionally, rumors state that Web of Spider-Man is headed for cancellation to make room for a new Spider-title to be written and - perhaps - drawn by Dan Jurgens. Jurgens has been known for his work on the Justice League of America and Superman titles for DC as well as Valiant's Solar: Man of the Atom. Tekno Takes a Gem: [Source: James Frederick (Tekno)] 6/1/95 - Diamond Comics Distributors, Inc. has awarded Tekno-Comix the 1994 Diamond Comics Gem Award for best New Publisher of the Year. The Diamond Gem awards celebration has been held annually for the past five years. The 3000+ retailers with Diamond accounts vote on the awards. Past winners for the Best New Publisher Award include Bongo Comics and Topps Comics. Earlier this year, Tekno was also given an award for The Marketing Campaign Of 1994 by Capital City Distribution, the nation's second largest comic book distributor. Majel Roddenberry Responds to Tekno-Flame: [Source: Tekno-Comix] 6/1/95 - Majel Roddenberry, wife of the late Gene Roddenberry (creator of the original Star Trek series), responded to the recent (anonymous) inflammatory posting on the Internet's Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.comics.misc (see issue #17 of Comicunications - printed in the Comic Book Net E-Mag, Issue #10 - for the report) with the following press release: ____________________________________________________________________________ It recently has come to my attention that there has been discussion on the internet regarding my relationship with Techno Comix and BIG Entertainment. An anonymous source has asserted that I have "abandoned" and "ceased relations" with Techno due to Techno's "nonpayment of appearance fees." Each of these assertions is false. Techno and BIG always have met all of their contractual obligations to me, and our relationship generally has been an enjoyable one. In fact, I currently am in negotiations with BIG regarding what I hope will be a continued, long-term, and productive relationship. I look forward to continuing my relationship with Techno and BIG. ___________________________________________Majel_Roddenberry________________ Ultraverse: Year Two: [Source: Malibu Comics] 5/24/95 - An upcoming Malibu title to be released this summer, Ultraverse Year Two, will outline the Ultraverse Spine, the linear time line linking together Ultraverse and Marvel Universe events, and will serve as a reference guide to the Ultraverse's second year. A recent Malibu Comics press release revealed the following excerpt from the Ultraverse Spine, summarizing this summer's UV/Marvel events: February 1995 - Godwheel #3: Thor & Loki in the Ultraverse. April 1995 - Rune/Silver Surfer #1: Infinity Gems scattered throughout the Ultraverse. - NecroMantra/Lord Pumpkin #1: Loki crossover. Hunt for Gems begins. May 1995 - Hardcase #23: Loki crossover. Time Gem. - UltraForce #8: Black Knight joins. Countdown to UltraForce/Avengers begins. - Curse Of Rune #1: Rune has control of Adam Warlock's Soul Gem. - Eliminator #1: Quest For The Missing Infinity Gem begins! June 1995 - Mantra #22: Loki crossover. Mind Gem. - UltraForce #9: Countdown to UltraForce/Avengers, part two. - Curse Of Rune #2: Warlock's Soul Gem. July 1995 - The Night Man #22: Loki crossover. Reality Gem. - UltraForce #10: Countdown to UltraForce/Avengers, part three. - UltraForce/Avengers Prelude: Special book designed to establish crossover. - Curse Of Rune #3: Warlock's Soul Gem, the death of Rune. - Eliminator #3: The missing Infinity Gem revealed. - NecroMantra/Lord Pumpkin #4: Lord Pumpkin loses the Power Gem. August 1995 - UltraForce/Avengers crossover: 'nuff said. September 1995 - Black September Batman Serial to Hit AMC: [Source: Tom Galloway] 6/2/95 - The cable movie channel American Movie Classics will be showing the 1948 serial The Adventures of Batman and Robin over the next 15 Saturdays, one episode per week, in a show beginning at 12:30 EDT. S7 Interactive Press Kit Posted on AOL: [Source: America Online] 5/30/95 - DC has posted a Sovereign Seven Interactive Press Kit containing character & creator information and hints about upcoming storylines. There are versions for both Windows & Macintosh, available for all of America Online's users. Dan Jurgens Wins Reuben Award!: [Source: Various] 6/2/95 - Dan Jurgens, famous for his work on DC's Superman, recently won the Reuben Award in the Comic Book category, from the National Cartoonists Society. Alan Moore to Write For Maximum: [Source: Hype! Comic Cafe] 5/31/95 - Alan Moore has agreed to write a story arc on WarChild, from Rob Liefeld's Maximum Press. WarChild was the first title from Liefeld's alternative comics studio. Complete Bone III to Collect Recent Issues: [Source: Diamond's Previews] 6/2/95 - The third volume of Cartoon Books' Complete Bone Adventures will reprint issues 13-18 of Jeff Smith's acclaimed comic book as well as the Wizard and Disney Adventures! stories. Byrne Interviewed in Previews: [Source: Diamond's Previews] 6/2/95 - In a recent interview in Diamond Comics Distributors, Inc. magalog Previews, Byrne revealed several things about his upcoming run on DC's Wonder Woman. First, he announced that he would be toning down the mythological aspects of Wondey to make room for more "punching, hitting, and breaking things."... Diana will leave Paradise Island for the fictional Gateway City, adopt the Diana Prince identity and obtain a morphing jet from some alien visitors. Her principal adversaries will be Darkseid and Morgan Le Fay from the old Demon series. Finally, Diana will be married off by next year. Additionally, Byrne's Darkseid/Galactus crossover is released in August. The crossover is within DC continuity and occurs before Galactus and the Silver Surfer came to earth. The book will contain a fight between the Silver Surfer and Orion of the New Gods as well. Byrne is involved in 2 more tentative intercompany crossovers, and will be doing a JLA one-shot, featuring the original members as they are today. He also mentioned a desire to work on the Doom Patrol title because it reminds him of the Fantastic Four... DC wants to wait at least two years before allowing Byrne to "Start from day one of the day the island blew up", as he has said he would like to. In related news, a NEW New Gods monthly will begin alongside the Darkseid/Galactus crossover. The ongoing title will be written by the writing pair of Tom Peyer and Rachel Pollack. Madman hits SPIN: [Source: Robert E. Samsel] 5/30/95 - The July issue of Spin contains a short piece on Mike Allred's Madman comic (formerly from Tundra, now published by Dark Horse) in the Comix section. The issue had Kim Deal of the Breeders on the cover. Bane Wreaks Vengeance Again: [Source: Diamond's Previews] 6/2/95 - In Vengeance of Bane II: Redemption, by Dixon & Nolan, Bane escapes to track a ring of Venom pushers and meets up with Batman in the process. The first Vengeance of Bane was the sleeper hit of 1993 because of the villain's involvement in the popular Knightfall storyline. ___________________________________________________________________________ Legal Stuff: Copyright (c) 1995 Ryan Brewster. Distribute ONLY IN ENTIRETY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-3-]--/ COMICUNICATIONS POLL /-------------------------------------/ Ý Þ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÝ Ûßßßßßß ÞßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÝ Ý Û ÛßßßÛ ÛßÛßÛ ßÛß Ûßßß Û Û ÛÜ Û ßÛß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ßÛß ßÛß ÛßßÛ ÛÜ Û Ûßß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ Û Û ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û ÛßÛÛ ßßÛ Û ßßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßßßßß -------The Comic Book Net's Weekly Comics News Journal-------- ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ POLL!!! I want your feedback! In order to better serve the Comic Book Net and the various readers of this comics news journal, I offer you all this great chance to custom-fit Comicunications to your liking! Please fill out the following poll in a reply, or e-mail it to me through the internet to: "flash@mv.com", without the quotes of course. Or send it to my CompuServe address: 76624,73. Best, Ryan Brewster, Comicunications Editor & Sole Reporter _________________(Feel Free to Delete Above This Line...)________________ Answer any or all of the following questions: I feel that Comicunications is: [ ] - Neutral [ ] - Opinionated/Slanted I favor: [ ] - Neutral [ ] - Opinionated/Slanted I think that the title (Comicunications) is: [ ] - Cool [ ] - Dumb [ ] - Fine In reference to its current format, I feel Comicunications should: [ ] - Not change (Sources attributed, date before story) [ ] - Just have a Headline (No sources, no date) [ ] - Lose the Sources [ ] - Lose the Date [ ] - Lose the Sources, Date, AND Headline and just tell me news [ ] - Other: (please specify) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ In reference to the story arrangement, I feel Comicunications should: [ ] - Not change (random order) [ ] - Be sorted by length of story [ ] - Be sorted by date [ ] - Be sorted by company [ ] - Other: (please specify) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ In reference to the story content, I feel Comicunications should: [ ] - Not change [ ] - Go into greater detail. Have longer, more detailed stories. [ ] - Go into less detail. Have shorter, somewhat detailed stories. [ ] - Just summarize some of the stories real quick without bothering with much detail [ ] - Other: (please specify) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ If you have any other comments or suggestions about Comicunications, please don't hesitate to pose them: __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-4-]--/ FEEDBACK /-------------------------------------------------/ From: Nathan Bredfeldt Subj: Thoughts on CBEM 10-11 I'll be brutally honest. Argh! Well, I did like Ry's deal on nudity in comics. It's a nice theory, with a new perspective on a topic I generally don't like to think too much about. He forgot the line: "Nekkid men should be banned from comics and replaced with nekkid wimmens." But that's ok. The "Is Tekno Doomed?" debate that the messages from the internet dredged up is not much of a debate. Whoever the coward is that posts anonymous lies, slamming a company that s/he doesn't like really doesn't deserve the energy that it would take to kick them in the head, even. Anyone who believed that wimp should stop now, and if you need more evidence, just contact Steven Grant, who now works for them and is available on a number of free nets. And, a word of advice: if you really don't like a company, just come out and tell us why! Be reasonable, and we won't even flame you. Everyone likes an honest, polite, reasonable fellow! Missed the reviews in these issues! Guess I'll have to post some myself! (even they won't be much fun to read, since I already know what I'm going to say) Keep up the good work, and PLEASE consider going biweekly! Nate (head of the "Go Biweekly, Darnit" campaign) --- [RESPONSE] ::: Hi Nate! It appears the voting is at a stand still, we have 1 for keeping it weekly and yours for going back to bi-weekly. ;) As for reviews, weren't you the guy that was against seeing them? --- Subj: Comments on Recent Reads in CBN E-Mag #7 Date: 95-05-15 09:08:29 EDT From: MCEE@isma.mhs.compuserve.com Please forward to William Hughes (william.hughes@p3.f744.n109.z1.fidonet.org.) Hi Bill, Extreme Justice are the result of what is a personality clash between Captain Atom and Wonder Woman, which came to a head during the Judgment Day story line in the Justice League comics. When the Overmaster sentenced Earth to death, Diana wanted to take the time to find out what they were dealing with and formulate an appropriate plan of attack. Captain Atom was all for storming the Overmaster's base, and the Extreme Justice team is composed primarily of those cohorts who followed Cap in launching a preemptive strike. This schism is similar to that which occurred in the Avengers during the Kree/Shiar war, when a faction of them wanted to kill the Kree Intelligence Supreme for his detonation of the Nega-Bomb which destroyed the Kree Empire. As for Booster's armor, besides providing offensive/defensive combat capabilities, it also provides life support. He has lost his arm, and incurred massive, fatal injuries. He is only still alive due to the armour. He is in need of a lot of transplants before he can hope to live without the armour. With regards to the Flash, it seems to have two major plotlines which are occasionally come into conflict. The first is the ongoing relationship between Wally and Linda and the problems that Linda has coming to terms with someone who when she met him was almost a demigod and has now reached a whole new level of power. The second is Wally's relationship with the Speed Force, which has evolved and is putting him on a collision course with destiny, his trip to the Other Side of Light just being a preview for what's to come. The whole purpose of #102 seemed to be to demonstrate what Wally could do with his improved capability to channel the Speed Force. Of course, if you were paying attention during #101, you could have skipped the lesson. My understanding is that Wally's Speed Force connection is to be the subject of a two-issue Flash prestige mini-series written by Waid. If you want to see speedsters out of costume, make sure you acquire Impulse #3 by hook or by crook, you won't regret it. I have to agree with you on Static #22 and #23, I definitely was not down with the program on these issues. In retrospect, I could have done without those additions to my collection. Thankfully #24 seems to be a return to form, and #25 is getting a big build up from Milestone. You've put your finger on why I've not been satisfied with Breed, despite the art and the interesting themes in the storyline. The clone storyline in the Spider-Man comics gave yet another reason to stay away from them. Like you said, Nonsense! With regards to the darkness in X books. Pivotal storylines where the X books started getting progressively darker I believe are the Claremont/Byrne classics the Dark Phoenix saga and the Days of Future Past. Other storylines followed that increased the level of darkness. X-Men Prime (I won't say too much because I don't know if you've read it) makes the AoX a few shades darker. I'm hoping that Generation X will return to it's pre-AoA status as a lighter, more humorous book that you didn't have to read the rest of the X books to understand. I want Generation X to be the book for those who say no to X-Mania. I enjoy your column, it forces me to take a more critical look at my comics. PS I've tried to mail your direct email address without any success. CompuServe doesn't like Fidonet probably. Anyway I writing this about a week after I wrote the above. I can't remember if it was you who recommended Black Lightning #5, but it is a brilliant, human story on the nature of true heroism. Also the photorealism of the hospital scenes are remarkably memorable & expressive. Has to be one of the comics of the year Regards, Mamading Ceesay (MCEE@ISMA.MHS.COMPUSERVE.COM) --- [RESPONSE] ::: Hi Mamading! I had originally intended to post this and have Bill Hughes respond directly to it. But, it appears Bill is no where to be found. I've tried emailing him and have yet to receive a response. Maybe he'll see it in here? I sure hope so. Bill? You hear that? Our address here is: ComicBkNet@aol.com, show us a sign. ;) --- Send feedback to: Internet .......... ComicBkNet@aol.com Fidonet ........... ComicBkNet at 1:324/134.0 Comic Book Net .... ComicBkNet at 23:402/2.0 PLEASE NOTE: Your comments may be included in future issues, unless you specifically request to the contrary. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /--[-5-]--/ BULLETIN BOARDS LINKED INTO THE COMICBOOK NETWORK /--------/ [EDITOR'S NOTE] ::: We've redesigned the bbs listing and hope it makes it much easier to find a system near you. Check it out and let us know what you think! +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMIC BOOK NETWORK F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB -- ARKANSAS ------------------------------------------------------------- F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood -- CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------------------------------- Q Corner Mailbox BBS Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Joy Manning Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla Q Inland Sports BBS Riverside CA 904-789-2978 Jim Charters Q MSC Computers Riverside CA 909-685-4393 Michael Carpenter -- FLORIDA -------------------------------------------------------------- F Flamingo Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Genie Bohn F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell F Steel Dog Cafe' Destin FL 904-654-9385 Keith Schultz F Programmers Citadel Eustis FL 904-357-0355 Thomas McNeill Q Oak Street BBS Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer Q Extreme Online Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Eric Cohen F Nature Coast BBS Weeki Watchee FL 904-596-6234 Kim Breckenridge -- IOWA ----------------------------------------------------------------- F The Final Destination Davenport IA 319-359-4449 Andy St.Pierre F The Agency BBS Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Bill Liebbe -- MARYLAND ------------------------------------------------------------- Q Highlander's Inn Brandywine MD 301-579-2776 Eric Moon B* The Daily Planet BBS Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Mike Imboden B The Dog's House Gaithersburg MD 301-216-0637 Andrew Ohnstad B Zoneland BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Bob Hair Q Megabyte BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-977-0791 Matt Abrams F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin F Boardwalk BBS Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 James Davis -- MASSACHUSETTS -------------------------------------------------------- Q DJ Dave's Domain Agawam MA 413-789-6533 David Scarpa F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera F Maximum Bandwidth Buzzards Bay MA 508-759-1888 Brian Beaulieu F Viper BBS Freetown MA 508-763-2027 Matthew Reynolds F* Arkham Asylum Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 Ed Dukeshire B U.S.S. Saratoga BBS New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 Justin Campeau F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine F Metropolis BBS New Bedford MA 508-994-4687 Bob Racine F Enigma BBS Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Chris Ferreira B* Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson F Global Aquatics BBS Worcester MA 508-798-5647 John Murphy -- MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------------------------- F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio F* The Menagerie Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Rick O'Dell -- MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------------- F The Oan Citadel Grandview MO 816-767-1488 Brian J. Stewart -- NEW HAMPSHIRE -------------------------------------------------------- Q Medics Meeting House Hinsdale NH 603-256-6931 Doug Munson F Venom's World Rollinsford NH 603-743-4188 Ira Locke -- NEW JERSEY ----------------------------------------------------------- B* Bergen BBS Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 Jacob Greenberg -- NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------- B Asgard.TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton F X-Mansion BBS Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Benny Powell F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun B Gotham City BBS Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 Gerald Schranz -- NORTH CAROLINA ------------------------------------------------------- F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjan F Crystal Winds Raliegh NC 919-870-9785 Mike Gurkin -- OKLAHOMA ------------------------------------------------------------- F Lets PC BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Hyun Nam F* The Black Hole BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Craig Smith F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett -- OREGON --------------------------------------------------------------- F Rocks Latenight Cottage Grove OR 503-942-4561 Rory Dschaak -- PENNSYLVANIA --------------------------------------------------------- F DarkRom BBS Brookhaven PA 610-872-0916 Calvin Reese F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-535-3055 William Horton F Allied Group Kresgeville PA *MAIL ONLY!* Robert Zellers -- TEXAS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Q Way Out There Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Justin Pasher F House Atreides Garland TX 214-494-3702 Wayne LeMonds F The Chess Board Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Ken Givens B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F Wall Street Pub Houston TX 713-398-9260 C. Lawrence Heath F* The RASTER Line Houston TX 713-568-0825 Jeff Watts F Young Blood Killeen TX 817-699-2254 T.J. Gohl F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown -- VERMONT -------------------------------------------------------------- F The Downward Spiral Burlington VT 802-860-2948 Jason Little F Brand X BBS Burlington VT 802-863-1591 Earl Benway B The Lost Realm Williston VT 802-864-7021 Joe Kanfer -- VIRGINIA ------------------------------------------------------------- B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald -- WASHINGTON ----------------------------------------------------------- F* Longview On-Line! Longview WA 206-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon -- ONTARIO, CANADA ------------------------------------------------------ F The Gravity Guild Etobicoke ONT 416-778-6652 Gord Davis F Snake Pit BBS Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mark Godard B* The Trading Post ][ Windsor ONT 519-974-2976 Gary Ranchuk F Gananoque System's BBS Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Mike Serson F Dark Knight BBS St.Catharine ONT 905-938-1670 Michael Cross ------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comic Book E-Mag is published weekly by the members of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. The latest issue is always available from any of the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. Issues may be obtained through several online pay services as well (ie; AOL, CompuServe, GEnie). Submissions are encouraged. Please address submissions to the internet address: ComicBkNet@aol.com or send directly to one of the Network Administration Team members: Mike Imboden, Ed Dukeshire, David Leblanc, Walter Tietjen, Bobb Waller. If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to ed.dukeshire@ecis.haverhill.ma.us to be placed on the subscription list. You are required to at least acknowledge receipt of the issues from time to time. __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - End of Issue .. see ya next week!