ShareDebate International 1995 Abstracts & FTP Pointers to Individual Issues

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Volume 5, Issue 1, Release 18, Spring 1995

This issue of ShareDebate International features 3 great reprints from the Competitive Enterprise Institute and The Freeman. The rest of this issue is devoted to a great international game, Korean Chess.

Korean and Chinese Chess are the best game there is! I got bored 20 years ago with Western Chess -- Korean and Chinese Chess with it's Cannons & rules limiting the King to a 3x3 grid (the fortress) on a larger board (90 locations) makes it a quicker, more unpredictable, more challenging, and more fun game. I've included my documentation of the rules along with references to other source(s) plus a freeware MS-DOS version of Korean Chess. Korean Chess is wilder than Chinese Chess but not as quick as a game to play. Still a lot of fun and much more fun than Western Chess. A Gift from the Editor of ShareDebate International, Roleigh Martin.

An ASCII version form with a very small freeware MSDOS file viewer and print program is available. This ASCII version is formatted for all computer platforms. Besides the ASCII textfiles, there are MSDOS binary programs to enable Korean Chess to be played. The filename is: SI/DBATE018.ZIP.

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Last updated July 19, 1995