ShareDebate International Abstracts & FTP Pointers to Individual Issues

((Shift-Click--or however you do in your Web browser--on individual filenames to ftp-obtain the full, zipped, magazine.)

ShareDebate International is an international quarterly forum, started in 1990, concerned about the present & the future, carrying non-fiction & fiction, original & reprints. It is edited by Roleigh Martin & distributed by SDN which feeds Fidonet's 22,000 BBS systems worldwide. It can be downloaded free of charge. (Orders include a list of local BBS's that should carry it.)

The contributors for ShareDebate International include: Doug Bandow, Ben Bova, Warren Brookes, Stuart Butler, George Gilder, Milton Friedman, David Kelley, Leonard Peikoff, Jerry Pournelle, Sheldon Richman, Murray Rothbard, Steven Schlossstein, Joseph Sobran, Joseph Stumph, Masanobu Taniguchi, William Tucker, Sam Wells, Republican Liberty Caucus, Japan Economic Institute, League for Programming Freedom, 3 Prometheus winning SF authors & many others.

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Order form for those who do not want to take the time to ftp 7mb worth of back issue material of ShareDebate International and Imprimis Online.

Last updated July 19, 1995